To think I pay 50% of what I make a year so someone who never worked a day in their life can get all of the same things I have.
Serves the liberals right. Shouldn't it be the best person keeps the job!
But when will people be held accountable?
And there are still people who don't see it.
Something liberals won't ever understand.
Please before I get to old.
Good then let's make it easy for them!!! We can give them two alternatives die or leave.
She's running around Georgia spewing her bullshit. They need to take the gloves off and do this the right way. There should be no hiding what happens to traitors and corrupt politicians.
And she will be confirmed because of the color of her skin. Our country is doomed.
Has anyone exposed her. She should not be around kids.
This country needs to cull its population.
There needs to be public hangings in Washington , DC.
Liberals, BLM and Antifa are the polar opposite. They ruin everyone's lives.
If Biden is unable to appoint a successor than cheers. If he appoints a Harris or other radical it's actually worse.
This is like watching paint dry! And the popcorn taste like shit.
I agree. There is a large group of us tired of waiting.
Without "white females and cucks" none of this shit would happen. They've been programmed. Just watch every commercial. When was the last time you saw a normal couple?
I completely agree. It's ridiculous.
They make the rules. We have to play by them. It will go on until we take the ball away from them.
With then2 million illegals they've shipped there this month they'll find the voters they need.
She said the quiet part out loud.