Godknowstheheart 13 points ago +13 / -0

sadly it seems time is going so slow waiting for things to happen, but these 2-3 years of constant jabs has gone by too fast for me because i have loved ones that got them. and i'm not looking forward to what is going to happen to them.

Godknowstheheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

because 'they' live there. didn't you see how fast 'they' threw out those illegals that DeSantis sent to Martha's Vineyard?

Godknowstheheart 5 points ago +5 / -0

it's really, really time to pray. i remember when Trump was running the first time there were all kinds of witches and satanists conjuring up all kinds of nasty dark spells at that time. i'm sure those witches be real.

Godknowstheheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

i'm gonna say that it wouldn't shock me if 50% of the KKK were faggots. the history of the cabal and their satanic antics goes way further back than the KKK.

Godknowstheheart 5 points ago +5 / -0

hmm....when the left causes physical violence, nothing happens. when the right just speaks something the left doesn't like, they go to jail. how much more commie shit can the world handle?

Godknowstheheart 5 points ago +5 / -0

people are afraid to speak out for fear of ramifications. wow, this is AMERICA, this is our right and 'they've' succeeded in silencing people when their lives are in danger. how truly sad our nation has declined.

but yet the true criminals are not afraid to do or say anything, murder, rape, rob, right out video taping themselves saying they need to eat and they are going to steal whatever the hell they want, without being arrested. this really, really needs to end.

Godknowstheheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

a friend of mine just called me the other day saying her daughter is looking for a little pickup truck and wanted to know if i knew of a good reliable one. she said her daughter is selling her Tesla, she is finding out that the EV's aren't all they are hyped up to be.

Godknowstheheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

everyone that is listed here that will be destroyed in this bullshit needs to ban together with the farmers and tell these demons to go screw themselves. if you're going after the farmer, you going after us. let's go!

Godknowstheheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

he really, really does! hope he takes this to the streets as well.

Godknowstheheart 24 points ago +24 / -0

at this point with the normies, we have to use dem vs rep. they don't understand yet.

Godknowstheheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

i love how they make Trump supporters sound so poor. he said, this trial is what made Trump supporters send in $5, $10, $25, whatever. well guess what red shoes pedo, if he raised millions and millions of dollars from his poor supporters only sending in tiny amounts of $$, then that shows how many millions of people had to send in a petty $5 to Trump that out raised FJB and his mega rich donors.

doesn't matter the amount of $$ each supporter sends, it's the number of supporters that will be at the ballot box. and this is why they HAVE to cheat.

Godknowstheheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

idk, 'they' really are this dumb. they will go with whatever makes the most sense in the moment, then the next will say, they never said it, if it comes back to bite them in the ass.

Godknowstheheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

Renegade made a speech on this (losing belief in the justice system) was one of the ways to tear apart America. that video was just on here the other day, i'm sorry i don't have it. does anyone else know the video i'm talking about?

this is all by design, to allow Antifags, and BLM to riot and destroy and not have them pay for their crimes. but a law abiding citizens will have false claims made against them and do major time for no crime. all in their 16 year plan.

Godknowstheheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

never said the farmer was stupid. i'm the stupid one because i've always heard that gold/silver go up and down on a daily basis and the price of an ounce would differ. how would I and the farmer know the value of it on the day of trade was what i was asking.

and how do you know the gold/silver you are holding in your hand is even real?

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