I get that, but at the same time, if I knew your whole family had to die for me to complete my objective, and you were part of my plan, and I didn't tell you about it because I knew I wouldn't complete my objective without you, would you be ok with that?
If they knew the vax would bad, and let people take it, they are just as bad. It's like he classic story where the hero goes too far to save everyone.
This tells me three things.
Trump and Q are bad guys, and this is part of the evil.
Trump and Q are the good guys, and they already have a counter to this.
There is no plan, Trump doesn't know shit.
I don't get the strategy of letting people take it, potentially making the situation worse with a mega mutation that kills everyone anyway.
Then again, maybe this forces people to look deeper into vaccines and we get rid of all of them. So you let a few people die now, to save more lives in the future.
If that is the plan, I don't think it's a good one, I would have rather had a civil war than this... If my love ones die because they took a vax, they have lost an ally.
Some things make sense. Like everyone stay home for two weeks to slow the spread. Logically that makes sense so you don't overwhelm the health system.
Masks can make sense, as long as they are clean and replaced before they get wet from breathing. It does reduce transmission, but the number is small it's insignificant, but is still technically true, same with social distancing.
I told my wife to get an antibody test first.
If you already have the antibodies, and you barley got sick, why even get the vaccine?
Since a doctor has to order the test she just got the vaccine.
Nothing happened to her... Yet.
People make their choices, we can help advise, but you still have to let them choose.
Don't feel bad for homeless people, MOST of them are homeless by choice, and make more money than you begging for change.
I've seen this first hand. They are lazy people who don't want a job. NEVER give a homeless person cash. Give them food if anything.
You don't feed wild animals, because they won't go find food.
I think it comes down to the victim mentality.
Sadly now-a-days everyone is taught to be a victim.