Did the media want the whole world to see something they would not be able to show if delayed?
Things do not add up. If this type of security is allowed by the Q team then the Q team is gone.
If the Q team is depending on the Biden Admin to provide security then the Q team is gone.
I don't believe that. I also don't believe that the Q team would take a shot at Trumps ear. Or as you pointed out have collateral damage.
I am not convinced that what we are seeing on tv is real. I can't prove any of this.
I am going to do what Q told us to do. Trust yourself and don't fear. I don't buy what I am seeing (I am trusting myself) and while I admit I was shaken I am going to trust the plan and not live in fear.
This had nothing to do with a lack of extra security. That's just BS. If the SS did not have enough men to cover that rooftop President Trump should have be nowhere near that stage.
You are completely right. This has all the hallmarks of an inside job.
All the extra security in the world is not going to help if you have someone on the inside making sure certain areas are not covered.
I have to admit, I am not liking some parts of this movie
At that point President Trump will be in charge. Burning our cities will no longer be allowed
I listened to the first 10 minutes for the entertament value. Cenk Uygur sounds like a genius compared to the clown he is talking too,
All he has to do is stop giving the illegals free federal funds. They will leave on their own.
Pass the popcorn please
If that happened, no she did not. That does not mean that we should become like her. She has to pay for her crimes. If that crime is real then her life should be forfeit. We can have compassion and still deliver the justice required. We can still forgive because forgivness heals and protects our hearts. That forgivness has nothing to do with anyone paying for the crimes they have commited. That forgivness only has to do with us not becoming like them. Full of hatred and malice
We woke up before the many. That means we have to wait longer than most with the limited understanding that we have right now.
They have been getting away with evil for centuries we are just aware of a little of what was happening.
From what I can put together, this evil was/is total. I don't think any of us are really willing to believe just how evil it all really is. Also how much are we willing to accept how much evil we allowed into our lives. We trusted those we should never have trusted.
There is a reckoning coming for all of us. A reckoning that we will be compelled to apply to ourselves. We know God is real but we have been taught to treat him as a religion and treat their worldview as real.. We have chosen to accept that even though God told us not to.
That reckoning will reveal to us the truth. That truth will hurt but it will set us free.
We are about to enter a world that will change everything we know. I believe that world will be one that we knew in our hearts existed all along. We just choose to believe the lies.
I hear what you are saying about being tired. Sometimes it is hard. Still there is an awakening within us that is letting us know it is happening.
Hang in there my friend. Know that you are not alone.
We are living in bibical times.
Remember the aposties. They were walking with Jesus. They got to hear Him first hand. They knew he was God.
Than Good Friday happened.
The following day (Saturady) they were destroyed.
It looked like they lost everything.
Evil was in complete control.
Than Sunday came...
You can forgive someone but that does not mean they walk away from the consequences of their actions.
If we don't forgive we are no better then their are.
Forgiveness is dealing with the actions of another without the malace eating away at our own hearts.
If someone gets the death penalty for what they have done we can treat that person with compassion until the sentence is carried out.
Maybe from that treatment they will see the compassion they were so lacking. That would give them a chance to seek God. Most likely something they did not allow their victims.
If we fix our country (USA) we will not have to fix other countries. Once the rest of the world sees what happens here their eyes will be opened. At that point their leaders will have lost the ability to control the narritive.
WWG1WGA --- That's not just the USA. that is the whole world.
The answer...Just another loser.
I just added a reply talking a little about that
I think the best part was at the 2:00 minute mark. As far as I know it was the first public hint about Q. When they military guys stepped behind President Trump people did not know what to make of it. If anyone dug a little deeper they could have look at the capbands of the officers. The officer standing behind President Trump's right arm wore a capband of Army Military Intelligence The officer standing directly behind President Trump's left arm wore the capband of the Army Judge Advocate General (JAG)
I guess they are trying to say that someone with a degree is smarter than someone without a degree.
I have news for them. Most of the self made millionares that I know have no degree. Many refuse to spend 100s of thousands to get a degree that they really don't need.What they have is a ton of common sense. Those people see right through the BS that the left vomits up.
Not so much for the people with degrees. They get a degree so that they can get a good corporate job. They feel safe in their jobs. They will not risk their jobs to push forward and challange the pack.
Of course there are exceptions for sure.
It seems that many with degrees are good at being followers. They get their corporate jobs and are focused at keeping their jobs. They get very upset when things do not go the way they have been taught to believe they should. Many cannot think outside of the box. Hense they tend to easily get TDS Once again anyone thinking that someone is smarter than someone else just because of the degree has no idea how to measure intelligence.
I think the draft for both male and female is part of the plan. There won't be a war but that generation is going to need a reality check. Going to basic training will open the eyes of a generation that thinks everything is free and their feelings are the only things that matter.
I think this may be part of the plan. This generation is messed up. Having a draft of all young people can go a long way to getting that generation back on tract if it is done right. I don't believe for a mintue that President Trump will be getting us into any wars.
Even though it won't be announced that draft will be used to remove all the woke crap these people grew up with all their lives. At least that is the way I see it.
If there is no election Biden will not be President when his term expires in January 2025. The constitution will have to be followed. Each states Legislatures will send the Electoral college representatives of their choice without the benifit of a popular vote. Those representatives will elect the next president
The bible suggests other dimensions. 2 examples
The disciples were in a locked room. Suddenly, Jesus appeared in the middle of the group.
John 20:19-19
In another verse
Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the locked cell He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up" he said and the chains fell off Peter's wrists.
Acts 12:7
The Bible suggests that there is someway to travel that is outside our 3 dimensions. That travel allows for someone to just appear in a 3 dimensional world in a locked room which should be impossible.
There is a highly likely possibility that our 3 dimensions might only be a very minor part of all creation.
Some scientist have suggested that there could be 11 or more dimensions. What we understand as all things is just the fringe of reality. That is of course just a theory but it is worth considering.
My point is this. People hear the word, "God" and assume religion. I understand God as Spirit. That is outside of our 3 dimensions.
We can know him by touching other dimensions. Evil is also within our ability to know. The bible shows the path to know God. Or if you will the path to touch other dimensions. We can seek Him or not, that is our choice.
That is not seeking some magic guy in the sky. This nonsense about granting wishes is just that, religious nonsense.
Jesus was quite clear that if we follow Him we will face persecution. All we are promised is that if we seek Him we will find Him.
Seeking the truth is something the world does not want. So the world will persecute anyone that sets his heart on seeking truth.
This persecution weeds out those that do not really want to find God. They want their wishes granted as you have so rightly pointed out. They will seek religion and then claim that religion is all there is.
Consider evil, do we believe that evil exist? If there is no God there is no evil. There is only self interest. Humans are no different than any other animal.
It is your choice and my choice to seek God. He has promised that if we do with all our hearts we will find Him. He has also let us know that it will cost everything that we have. God offers Himself freely to any that seek Him. Still that free gift will cost you everything you are. The Ultimate reward is to know God. That is what we were create for. That is were we find life.
Religion has twisted that truth. That does not invalidate the truth.
Okay, so we are talking about some kind of extra dimensional travel. That is exactly what I was talking about.
Just because I believe there is a God does not mean I believe in religion. Religion is just a box that has been created to control the idea of God. If God is real as I believe and Jesus is the son of God I have no choice but to believe there is a way to instantly travel from one point to another.
That is just false reasoning. More empty space does not equal more chances of there being other life forms. Plus at some point the vastness of space would mean it no longer matters if there is life out there. There would be no way to make contact. Unless there was some sort of extra dimensional travel. Then we are right back to Haven and Hell.
We really have known for years that income tax would be gone.
We are not questioning if there is other life. We are only questioning where that life is coming from. I am not sure where you are getting the "mental gymnastics" from. Q has NEVER said there was life in "other space".
There is no way that "Consider the vastness of space" could logically lead to a greater likelyhood of finding life out there.
Q drop 4739 is not vague. https://qagg.news/?q=%23%234739&q2=
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/20/2020 13:29:37 ID: e4ee64 8kun/qresearch: 10722036 Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in your righteousness. Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen.
I know someone who has to deal with opening phones for Federal Law enforcement. He also has a hard time breaking into phones. He also told me dopn't kind yourself. The government can easily break into any phone or anything else for that matter. He had a high profile case. He needed to get the phone open. No matter what he did he got no help. Turns out that the people in power would rather mass murder would occur than proof that that can break into anything