Greatheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know the vote was a massive fraud. From what I understand the EC can vote for anybody they want. The election does not even matter. According to the constitution we don't even have to have a popular vote. So it just seems that if they voted for Joe that is all that is needed. As far as I am concerned anyone that was part of this fraud should be removed from this earth. But who the hell cares what I think.

Greatheart 3 points ago +4 / -1

I think that even though the election was stolen Biden is still President. The election does not pick the president. The Electoral College does. They voted for him even though they knew the election was stolen.

Greatheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

The way I see it. Evil tells no truth.It uses true words to convey false ideas. In the bible what lie did the serpent say when speaking to Eve? The words were true the intention was false. Honest truth is not complicated. "Truth" designed to deceive is very complicated.

Greatheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

That really isn't the question. As I christian I wonder why the church does not accept that Jesus died and paid the price for sin. Therefore sin is no longer counted against us. We live by faith alone not by any works that we do. The world is in a world of hurt because the church rejects that Jesus atoned for all sin and wickedness. The church demands that Jesus does something else. That something else will happen when he returns. We seem to reject that God is Spirit and we are called to worship is spirit and truth. We want to see him in the flesh. Isn't that the same idea as looking at a graven image? We want to see something to have faith in it. Look at Daniel 9:24 the church rejects the idea that Jesus fulfilled that verse. Because of that rejection we have all these crazy ideas that He will come back to finish the rest. That somehow we will live forver and never "sin". That somehow we will not want to sin because we will be so pure. Instead of the real reason there will be no more sin which is this, Jesus nailed sin to the cross. It is no longer counted against us. By faith alone we walk with Him

Greatheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

A statue on it's own is not a graven image as the bible considers a graven image. .If it becomes an object of worship it becomes a graven image. How we treat the object is the problem not the object itself.

Greatheart 6 points ago +6 / -0

The difference this time. They lost the ability to control the narritive.

Greatheart 3 points ago +4 / -1

Plus no where in scripture does evil make a cove nant with anybody

Greatheart 1 point ago +4 / -3

Daniel chapter 9 has been twisted by the church to fill their zionist teaching. that's the chapter that talks about the 70x7s that the jews were given to complete their purpose. According to the church The last 7 is claimed to be in the future. The church also claims that the last 7 is talking about the antichrist. That somehow a new temple that rejects God's plan for mankind will be defiled. The very idea of a new temple is an abomination before God. So how in the world will it be defiled? If you pay attentioin you can see that the last 7 years is Jesus preaching the gospel. In the middle of that 7 he is cut off. Then for the next 3 /12 years the gospel only goes to the jews. FIinally Peter sees a sheet with all kinds of unclean animals and from that he learns the gospel is for everybody.

The church trys to claim that the last 7 is the antichrist.

In the middle of the 7 Jesus is "cut off" At that point the sacrifice and offering are ended. The abomination that causes desolation is the Jews continuings to sacrifice because they rejected Gods plan.

The church cannot accept that Jesus dying on the cross and his Resurrection fulfilled Daniel 9:24 Jesus put an end to sin. Sin no longer seperates us from God. We still do evil but our sin is as far as the east is from the west.

Greatheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

The tariff's will not be passed on to consumers. Just like China did not pass the cost on to the consumers. If they tried to pass the cost on they would lose massive market share. They would just make it easier for America manufactoring to come roaring back. Then those countries would be finished. They depend on the American consumer. We won't depend on them if our manufactoring comes back.

Greatheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

It looks like these clowns will be an object lesson. They are no longer protected by "family". Now we all get to see what happens when a new sherrif comes to town intent on cleaning the town up.

Greatheart 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is an emergency event. If the county has a problem with people living in "unsafe" housing than the county has a responability to give them safe housing. If there is not enough funds then start with the paychecks from the morons that are creating this problem.

Greatheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

It dosen't have to be .xxx It could just be something else that is not being used. Allow any porn site that has a .com (or whatever) to which over to the new domain using whatever name they already have as a .com. The problem of minors and porn sites could be fixed in a few days if the people running things wanted them fixed.

Greatheart 9 points ago +9 / -0

A simple solution would be to have websites end in .xxx instead of .com. Then any .xxx site can be blocked with ease.
Any media sites that end with anything else would be subject to the same rules as everyone

Greatheart 12 points ago +12 / -0

They want to screw everything up for incoming President Trump.

Greatheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

Q cannot tell you that. To do so would be to become as our enemies. You know what is happening. You know more than most. Trust yourself and go with that.

Greatheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am beginning to see what he was talking about when he said are you going to get tired of winning. LOL

Greatheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am beginning to think that President Trump has already done his job. He is going to start to let others take front and center. He of course will still be president and he will do all that stuff. He is going to start the process of a Post Trump America FIrst. I am not taking anything away from him. He deserves a lot more then I can even begin to say. Still the America First agenda needs to have new faces that we can learn to trust. This movement needs to last for many years to come.

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