My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Christians believe in invisible evil spirits. They have a hard time believing real devils wear shoes. It's about seedlines. The wolf is in the hen house. Protocols of the learned elders of zion, was debunked a long time ago. But it was debunked by the FBI that tells you it must be true.
Those galatians were israel in the flesh. The gentiles referred to in the epistles, Roman's, Hebrews were all the lost tribes. Israel in the flesh. I'm glad you woke up to dispensationalism and the cryus Schofield Bible. Both are products of the counter reformation.
Mike Johnson said we must support Israel because the Bible says "God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse israel" . Well we have been blessing Israel for 75 years now. Have we received blessings? No we have not. We have been supporting those who claim to be Jewish but are not. They are the synagogue of Satan. We are cursed wen we support the enemies of God. Christians are God's chosen people, yet where is their honor?
I don't think we need a church. Trump rallies give the taste and flavor of revival. A true spiritual leader focused on bringing the nation to honor the laws of God would be fire. Our government passes laws to protect sinners, they do not pass laws to uphold righteousness. The church has been neutered. Everything they are supposed to stand for is now outlawed as hate crimes. Most churches don't want to teach truth anyway and the pastors are hirlings. The churches have been corrupted but they cannot see it. Only God can cause the blind too see. They do not love righteousness. It is heart breaking.
#Obama treason