HBalzanya69 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's a good point. That would put individual property ownership at an equal level to the federal gov or any other entity. If implemented properly that would solve all those problems as any law that went against that right could be squashed on a constitute basis rather than case law or other law fare bs.

HBalzanya69 10 points ago +10 / -0

Technically speaking, unless you have an allodial title you own absolute equitable interest in land, but not the land itself. Regardless of whether you pay taxes or not, you don't own your land in a fee simple system like we currently have in the US.

In other words, in a fee simple you own the right to do what you want with "your" land...except for rules, regulations, laws, taxes, liens, and eminent domain (when .gov decides they need it more than you do). So, our current ownership system is a joke, it's literally a carry over from the feudal era when a king let people "own" land. In this case the municipality your land is in generally owns it, the county owns the municipality, the states owns the county, and the federal government owns all of it (through the US corporation).

An allodial title, on the other hand, is absolute ownership beholden to no one except God himself. That is true ownership, everything else is partial as it's ultimately beholden to someone else.

You fix the title situation, everything else follows. Property taxes obviously need to go but they are simply the most egregious aspect of the fee simple system.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's worse than that, apparently there is satanic ritual around that specific type of dance done prior to a mass sacrifice. I forgot the exact name of it but the actual ritual as portrayed is eerily similar to those covid nurse dances.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, like a cat with a laser pointer They just can't help themselves.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly right but I can't imagine the people financing that movie would be okay with how the ending was supposed to be. Be a little too powerful in terms of programming.

HBalzanya69 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the article it would appear that she was written a misdemeanor ticket out front and let go. Every single person up there needs to lose their position and be banned from government for life. I'm tired of this blatant violation of our basic liberties.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Redbull was early to the party on this current platform but it seems two things happened. Everyone else caught up in terms of car development and Redbull had a less than legal advantage that had to be removed mid-season.

Lando certainly had the talent before, but RB had their tricky brake vectoring device which they had to remove for Miama if I recall correctly. That device made the rear axle brake bias dynamic (which was against the rules except for one minor loophole) and that allowed the car to rotate while braking. Now that they don't have it, the car is a pushy dog, especially in the slow corners.

Since McLaren has a great power unit mixed with a great chassis it really allowed Lando to show his talent. This statement coming from a Max/RB fan but hey, credit where it's due. Keep up the good work mate.

HBalzanya69 49 points ago +49 / -0

Link To The Twitter/X Post

Not seeming to be that much of a conspiracy theory anymore, now it's looking like a regular ole conspiracy of the elite trying to kill us as usual.

HBalzanya69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mandate all things EV (cars, cooking appliances, fridge, etc) make sure there isn't enough power for everyone, ration power through social credit (merit) system, cause droughts, ration food based on aforementioned score, create camps for people who can't make it in the new system, get them sick, and ration the health care.

Sounds like Agenda 2030 to me. These assholes have always been about creating artificial scarcity in order to control the masses. There final move is to make power all "renewables" and then ration who gets power. Simple yet very effective.

HBalzanya69 14 points ago +14 / -0

Well, I think the whole "think mirror" is starting to come into focus.

Part 1: The first Trump admin was (publicly anyway) to operate in the DS system and set up the framework needed for the future.

Part 2: The Biden show (which is really an extension of Trump admin part 1) is tasked with all the dirty work. Played dutifully by the democrat party (with the side benefit of completely destroying the party itself in the process). That way, all the bad stuff that couldn't be done under a public Trump admin is done under a controlled puppet Biden/Harris admin.

Part 3: The second official Trump admin steps into the "finish" what the first one started. Difference is, this time "we the people" are a united system and the DS gets to play by our rules which, effectively dismantles their entire remaining network.

This takes us through to the 2025 date Q referred to at which point we start building our new future. From that point forward, my personal belief is that the next 5 years leading to 2030 will be period of world changing ideas/thoughts/beliefs/concepts one after the other. By 2030, we will be solidly in the "new world" and that the trajectory of our future will be set.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Part of the reason illegals have more "rights" than American citizens is because an SSN is literally your corporate asset ID number. Illegals don't have one so they are not "owned" by the state, they are guests.

That is part of the underlying issue with this illegal immigration thing. The government doesn't have to treat them the way they treat us because they are not technically under the rule of our government. Because of that, the government can do what they like with illegals including giving them free stuff us actual "citizens" don't qualify for.

That's the game, and that's how it's played. It also allows the rich and connected to buy their way out of crimes (aka violations of the criminal statute) using their knowledge of the system.

HBalzanya69 3 points ago +3 / -0

In a general sense, yes. Some newer cars have mufflers more towards the center and just have piping coming to the rear. With EVs the designers always make it a point that there is no piping at the rear of the car nor a space where piping could be. Makes that "zero emissions" statement stronger.

HBalzanya69 4 points ago +4 / -0

You can tell because it look even more stupid than the typical modern car. The other way to tell is really large rims and brakes to stop the thing because batteries are really heavy.

All jokes aside, the easiest way to tell is that, from the front they won't really jave any apparent grille with mess or slats because they don't need as much cooling and from the rear, no tail pipes.

HBalzanya69 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem with the programming is that is absolute, you have to believe all of it or it doesn't work. It's like a sweater with loose threads, it doesn't matter which one you start to pull at the end result is that whole thing comes unraveled.

This is part of the plan from my observation, to increase the speed at which all the DS was going to do is done to the point of waking up more and more people. At some point the people that can be woken up without the big red pill are going to figure out something doesn't make sense. Once that happens, they are open to other aspects of life not making sense and that's it, the DS has lost that person. As time goes on, and life gets crazier this realization gets more and more obvious.

The people that aren't awake yet are likely to go down with the ship in terms of conscious realization of whats going on. For those people, they get a full near death experience which, though it won't immediately red pill them, they'll be so upset with these DS people they'll want them gone regardless of what they've done otherwise.

That's the super simply summary of the plan in my belief. If she's being that combative about your questioning of the official narrative, it's likely because she's feel the strain of keeping the narrative going in her world view. That's likely to be a good thing in that she'll be more likely to part with that world view once SHTF. For my wife and I, we've given up on waking our relatives and friends up, we still put out tactical little red pills here and there so they will understand that we knew before the SHTF and talk to us about things afterward. That's the best we can do at this point I think.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. At this point, if people haven't woken up the only viable delivery mechanism will be via suppository.

My wife and I literally use this exact example, it's just sad that so many people, both that we know and in general, are going get the red pill like this. Most of us here have had years to absorb it at our own pace but for a large number of people it's going to be like drinking from a fire hose.

HBalzanya69 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe the show was predominantly white hat. All the negative human characters were always very representative of the deep state and the Stargate team often did heroic acts that put them in major jeopardy with the establishment.

From a broader perspective, SG1 was always about establishing relationships with ETs and interacting with them in an ethical way. Technology acquisition was always a secondary goal to the chagrin of their superiors.

Also, there were a few episodes that were blatant about the need for disclosure which, at that time, was still a fringe element of white hat side. Even now, ET disclosure is not coming for at least 3-5 years after the deep state is defeated. People will need a reasonable period of prosperity and restoration of self-worth before they can get hit with the whole ET element.

HBalzanya69 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'd be very wary about anything like this. For those who haven't watched the Stargate SG1 series, the show creators and writers are read in on our actual reality. So much so that the Airforce effectively sponsored the show with ideas, concepts, and cameo appearances.

They have a lot declass in that show, one episode in which a seemly benevolent ET comes to Earth to share tech with us. One of those pieces of tech is a miracle drug that cures all diseases and extend life span. Turns out that it does do all those things with one little side effect, sterility. Within two years birthrates plummet 91% and humans are well on their way to extinction.

Needless to say, be very wary of "miracle" drugs that extend life span.


Stargate S05E10

HBalzanya69 4 points ago +4 / -0

We don't have "laws" in this country at this time. We have codes and statutes based on corporate policy.

Police are not law enforcement, they are policy enforcement for USA, inc. which is why they have no duty to protect you.

Our whole system is built to be unfair in terms of justice which is the reason these kinds of crimes get ignored in the first place.

HBalzanya69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not so much evidence on that WH side of things but plenty of evidence on the DS side of things when it comes to putting people in "witness protection" after certain events happen.

A perfect example is the Challenger shuttle which, it would seem, wasn't supposed to blow up but ended up doing so. Every person that was supposedly on that shuttle had new identities created (since they weren't actual on it and didn't actually blow up). Identical twin siblings appeared, last names were changed but they maintained the same first name, etc. Those people couldn't be alive anymore but they were dutiful participants in the DS so they gave them new lives, some more thinly veiled than others.

I'm sure the WH have done this, I mean most of this plan is flipping the playbook and using it against the enemy, why would "witness protection" not be one of those things? In fact, I'd be willing to bet that many people we thought were "dead" reappear after it's safe to do so in a way very similar to Broadway show when the full cast comes out on stage to take a bow. This will allow previously "famous" people to help explain the reality of how things were to the grief stricken normies.

When it comes to Janet, if she was afforded that opportunity, it's highly likely her friends and family wouldn't know that had occurred. It just seems weird that the DS would wait so long to take her out given everything she had very effectively put out there for the world to see. Like I said prior, no proof or evidence to suggest that she was rescued but if there was anyone who deserved it, she would certainly be one of those people.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Getting indoctrinated into normie life takes time, you have to be willing to learn the world for how it's spoon feed to you. If you are in sync with your intuition you either have to dull that to go along with it or you start to reject it.

The whole point of this great awakening is that everyone realizes the matrix is fake at some point, some earlier than others.

For me, I was, as it turns out in retrospect, pretty intuitive but I turned that off and stopped listening to it when I was young. I was raised in a republican normie household but was taught a skewed version of reality that was very idealistic. All the Obama years made my realize that actual "reality" I was taught was garbage. I started seeing through all the BS like domino's from that point forward.

My intuition was there the whole time but it was turned off. Sounds like yours was too strong to be ignored. And being that way, free thinking, can certainly make you an outcast in a hurry if you don't know when to temper it.

HBalzanya69 7 points ago +7 / -0

She isn't/wasn't that type. She either got put into witness protection or taken out by the DS. In all fairness, she made a lot of enemies with those documentaries so they were a lot of people who had an interest in getting rid of her.

I really hope that she was put into witness protection but there no evidence I've seen to indicate that is the case.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of the posts made reference to the time frame on that delta. Talked about note the past two years and the next 6 years.

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