I was surprised too about issue 1. I talked to my mom this morning and she said she voted for it. My parents are believers but got caught up on someone being raped or incest. Blew my mind she said that. I wanted to argue with her but it would accomplish nothing at that point t. I would imagine a lot of conservatives actually voted for issue 1. I never would have guessed it. It seems like roe v wade was a trap to usher in and solidify the abortion industry in a state constitution. To think that the Republican Party was actually getting a foothold was a lie. Still the uniparty. The whole rage over that girl booking it to Indiana for an abortion feels like the perfect set up imo there is a lot of sinister things that get to be set up along with issue 1 and people are still sleeping on the job
Building seven is was an awakening for me. I didn’t look into it until around 2018 and couldn’t believe I didn’t even think about it or notice it for so long. I love asking people about building 7 and listening to their thoughts as they wrestle with three building going down from two planes.
No need to worry anyone. If the brokers go belly up and their bank can’t eat the loss, our government will bail the banks out. I don’t know a lot about the stock market but things could get spicy from the sounds of the CAT system going up. Light may get shown on the high risk investments huge hedge funds have been involved in and could trigger margin calls. Could be a storm for short squeezes that trigger more margin calls. Suicide weekend sounds plausible for a scenario like that.
I would suggest be a good listener. Try to be empathetic towards them. They are confused and who know why they are the way they are. It could be attached to something traumatic. But if they start speaking as if their opinion is science be ready to use logical facts to express why you cannot agree with them. And if it gets heated I would state that things are heated and our time is better spent working on the project. Hopefully that is some helpful advice. I’m a believer so I would also be praying for wisdom and a chance to show Christs love towards them.
Don’t be a jerk but don’t compromise your logic. This could be a great opportunity to show this guy why he will never be a girl. You can do all that while showing him you love him as a human and not giving into the lies and delusions he might have about gender.
Ivermectin has been shown to help with prostate cancer. I don’t have time to look up studies but they are out there. I can say from my experience my dad had it (ended with prostate removal) and I started noticing prostate swelling in myself. I took ivermectin during COvID and the swelling has not come back since. I don’t know if I had the beginning of cancer or not but I did have noticeable pressure on my prostate that went away after taking ivermectin.
I wouldn’t doubt that. There are definitely patents with different numbers that deal with AI computing along those lines of the one the bot mentioned. I’m at work so I can’t dig at all. Just wanted to bring up that a internet search pulls something different than what the bot claims to know.
Last one is not the correct patent. It’s for control of a combustion engine or something. If you search the description the bot used it pulls up more AI type stuff. I wondered if Q was an AI program launched. Quantum computing was mentioned to us years back and we all know the lag of being discovered and the public benefiting from it. So it seems legit there are fully functioning massive computers. Idk how all that stuff works but if you can compute calculations multiple times faster and on larger scales it seems very plausible that a quantum computer could take inputs the size of consciousness and predict outcomes in an instant.
Musk is funding lab grown babies, nuralink, and has more government contracts than any person I know of. He is a tourniquet for the deep state and will not take us as far as we know we need to go. Ride his wave as long as it lasts but if anyone thinks he’ll take us to shore I believe you will be extremely let down.
If it’s true the Bible looks closer to being irrefutably historical to non believers. This is a battle for our souls. Just think how long they peddled the Big Bang theory. The narrative is we have been evolved over millions of years. That narrative collapses if anything else is proven true. Satan doesn’t need to get people to believe in him. He just needs people to not believe in Christ.
Oh man would have ever thought that with everything our government did during COvID and then what the fed has done on top of all the government spending lol we were warned a long time ago. I do t think we have hit the precipice yet