I hate it here. Can't leave.
I heard there may be an upcoming cure/treatment for his vocal cord condition known as spasmodic dysphonia. Wouldn't that be a breakthrough!
RSBN all the time.
I often think about IRS Lois Lerner who killed the Tea Party. I hope she is not forgotten.
I love his answer to separating families: "Easy - deport them together"
In Oregon our 2 senators are dems. I figured it was a waste of time but messaged them anyway.
Haha I remember a comedian asking which kind, "teepee, or Slurpee?"
Even better. Thanks.
I have read fluoride has always been a hazmat, difficult and expensive to dispose of. It is primarily a byproduct of aluminum production. Why not sell it to toothpaste mfrs to get rid of it.
My hygienist always offers fluoride application. I politely decline.
I can confirm here in Portland area.
I am exhausted too, but I am reminded of Kim Clement prophecies starting 2005 and later. He predicted DJT running, winning and having two terms - although not contiguous. Also TWO presidents at the same time (fake Biden). Something larger is happening. I do not think we will have a typical election this time. DJT keeps saying history changes on November 5th. Not Jan 6 (certification) or Jan 20 (inauguration). I think more is happening than we have the privilege to know, but I thinks it is going to be good :-)
Surely you can't be serious.
I voted early in Oregon, but we are pure vote by mail. I wonder if it gives them more time to destroy my ballot.
That's all the proof I need! I am voting for KommaAllah!
OMG she speaks too much already.
My lib friends have gone silent and don't keep in touch anymore. That's a good sign sign I guess. Hope they come around in a couple years after they realize DJT was right.
Mitch McGlitch? https://www.google.com/search?q=Mitch+McConnell+glitch&gs_ivs=1#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c1ac871e,vid:6ing_Ibuw6s,st:0