Dude 60% of the world's jews already live in America. Idk why we can't kick them all out and let them stay in Argentina or something
Isreal bc Iran Ukraine vs Russia All we need is China vs somone else and the world war can kick off properly. Idk why people can't see these false flags as a plot to thicken with the climax of turning the world into glass.
Looks like the reincarnation of Hitler is at work again . Ha
I remember this. Def brings a whole new meaning to " the lizard people"
I hope Iran nukes the shit out if Isreal
A fascists theocracy like Iran is the only way to wipe the degenerates that support zog and zog itself.
Fascism is only people realizing that the only way to make the left stop is to force them .
Uhhhggg, I strongly dislike this zionist jew. This guy is totally fully encapsulated in the military industrial complex. I cant believe he's had a radio show for as long as he has.
No not really. I just never see it and once 1 month isn't really enough when educating the veiwes of knowing your enemy. Granted, this page serves a different purpose than jew pilling everyone.
I'm honestly surprised that this group is getting jew pilled . Welcome to the understanding of communism and liberalism. Can't wait till you figure out that communism is a failed attempt for jewish supremacy and that now they hide in democratic countries that support free markets. Also fun fact: 60% of the jews around the world live in America, not Isreal.
Massive blow to the deep state. It'll take a while until the freeware adjusts to it. The larger corporations will still have to bend the knee to diversity and inclusion bc off the social credit Corp scores that affect advertising and ppp loans.
People say the libs don't know what nazis are but they kinda do. They fear the nazism bc it would take current day wokism and smashed it like a infant against the rocks. Nazism was the unity against corruption, Jewish supremacy, and debauchery.
There are of course many examples though out history that doesn't depict a cleaning of these things ( not counting jews) ,but nazis serve a great cover for guilt. This is why they use it.
I think the smart cities won't happen until nohide laws or some other draconian take over happens. It's to much of a segregationist idea to be plausible right now. The suburbs won't change the rural won't change, the only thing that will change is all the subhuman will stay in the old cities while the complicit law abiding idiots go to the smart cities . I'm assuming they will be consistently within the area of large older cities. Thoughts?
Its the one thing I dislike about this page. If the deep state was abolished and tribunals happened, the majority would be jews. If they weren't, the deep state would never really be defeated To many Christians protect them bc of theological moral false obligations. It's super annoying lol
The took the only 3 white dudes out of 580 people and broadcasted them. Anyone that's ever looked at criminal statistics knows. I hate the fucking msm so bad...
Its the jews. Not China. Wtf
Well they def aren't doing a good job by making cities look sellable. As far as I'm concerned, cities are the shit holes of poverty crime and the lack of community worth. Def not looking into moving somewhere that allows homeless cretins shit on the sidewalk while masterbating all while I eat dinner with my daughter at a restaurant. Hard pass
They perm banned me for telling a groomer only fans prostitute a bitch for saying conservative children aren't good enough to be in the lgbtq faggot community. 🤷♂️ I'm caulking it up to the new ceo and all the times I call out jews for their jewery
I hate how he can be so based but then become a foreign agent and sign laws in Isreal to rip the 1st amendment away.
You sound like some dickless trans dude that cut his dick off and is now complaining about the tomatoe sauce he sticks up his ass to be have a fake period. Eat some apple sauce and take a nap poppy, before your blood pressure gets to high.
Lmao your generation was handed it all, and yall fucked the whole country up. Just own it and you'll grow from it.
Yeah, but you trusted your news sources. It's not your fault, it was all that was avaliable, thus the conditioning im talking about. I mean California was like 90% white back in your hay day, life and culture was vibrant and there wasn't children being groomed to put their privates in blenders. In comparison, you're generation lived in some of the best times bc of the blood your fathers sacrificed during world War 2. If anything your fathers generation lived in a dystopia if you add federal income tax being added ( bc of the federal reserve creation) 2 world wars and the great depression.
We still need to burn that company to the ground financially speaking
Dong ding ding. Right on the money
1 can worth 7 billion. Fucking idiots
Well, considering the department of education hasn't risen 1 academic standard since it's inception in 1984, I would say, yes.