I must have missed the Dad's comments. Oh right, the baby mama doesn't know who the baby daddy was.
That guy looked like a soymilk drinking retard.
What a bunch of fucking retards.
The only people that watched her show were the ones getting free gibs.
King looks like he'd be one of the prevalent members on the Epstein list.
Woodchipper Repellent. I like that one.
Chuck, I would rather bang your ugly, fat cousin Amy than to listen to one damned thing you have to say about anything.
Still waiting for the public trials and then executions.
Retired military here. I don't care what the face of the woke agenda people in the military, like GEN Milley say. There are more of us in the military that backed Trump than the pedo Biden, evil Hillary, and heels-up Harris. I personally think the military intelligence community is a big part of this. They could do back door surveillance of the corruption. Just my take on it.
Little Adam Schitt is a tool.
Yeah, if you could just come in on Saturday, that would be great.
That Loo-eee-gee dude showed that no one is safe.
Last time I heard of someone using a flame thrower was in the Vietnam War.
So glad I wasn't drinking coffee when I watched this. I would have spit it out on my monitor.
Correction to the Obama being the first black president. He is the first multi-racial/bi-racial president. Remember, his mama was a white woman named Stanley Ann Dunham.
Did he say "I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?"
Two more weeks.
Whenever I hear "there isn't anything we can do to combat these gangs", I always say "Yes there is. Declare that all gangs are terrorist organizations and send the military after them. Fully empower the military to neutralize the threat, with all force necessary."
ICE do your job. Surround the area, check citizenship status, and deport the illegals.
It's a little late now to tell us.
Why don't they just shoot them down?
How can you pardon someone who hasn't been charged and convicted yet?
His shirt, Occupy Mars, should not be confused with the tranny loving liberal t-shirt that says Occupy Uranus.
Mr. Chairman, I will scratch your eyes out and pull your hair if you call that tranny fag a "mister" again.