Dr. Ardis gives great info. My husband and I listened to Nino’s interview with Ardis. He says nicotine isn’t addictive, it’s the additives in cigarettes that addictive. He also says nicotine is not a chemical but something that is in lots of food we eat such as tomatoes and potatoes.
Wouldn’t it by great if it was Trump as the instructor?
His wife did recently die and he thought they did it. However, after he did more research, he said he didn’t think it was “them” who did it. It was just a very sad and unfortunate thing that happened.
This guy should be the first to be charged for lies and stupidity
I’ve heard that there probably will be chaos and cyber attacks on day of and so vote early. Don’t mail in the ballot but deliver it to the elections office.
I have been following her for awhile now. She’s good!
Oh my, I want one!! Lol
Interesting….really Big Mike?
I sure wish I knew back when my kids were young what I know now. If I did, I would never had them get a single vaccine.
Actually, I bet this was planned so they can blame Trump supporters.
I watch X22 through his actual website x22report.com.
I’m still voting for the felon!
Yes, I bought a box of N95 masks but only for my husband who has allergies. Exerted them when mowing or cutting firewood.
I often make the sound of a sheep when I go by people with a mask. My daughter hates it when I do this but I do it anyway. I can’t believe how stupid people can be, especially after recent throw it once at the last election.
Good! Maybe they will wake up and just do sports! We didn’t watch any of the Olympics this year…none!
They are running scared!
Or our own black hats.
Reminder - If you live in California then #19 doesn’t apply if your shoplifting total is under $1K.
Oh, okay. I was mistaken. Thanks for keeping me straight!
I’m not sure but he was found guilty (fake of course). So therefore, I think he can appeal the guilty verdict regardless of the sentence.
He better be one of the first to be arrested for treason!
Not only the man who did this to her, but his parents AND the administrators who allowed him to play should all be held accountable!
It’s possible he could be cya’ing himself so he can be on th good side when all this goes down.