HenryBowman1984 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is this part of the 6 state’s AGs colluding against President Trump to trump up charges and be PITAs as he campaigns?

HenryBowman1984 3 points ago +3 / -0

Look it up. There could be a match near you. Usually monthly. International Defensive Pistol Association.

You can’t be reckless at a match. The safety officers are serious.

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those stats are incredibly alarming!!! Damn. Thanks for the details I never wanted to know.

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s encouraging to see you’re recovering and understanding well now. And will be prepared for the next one.

Adding to it all, my dad had severe dementia/Alzheimer’s for a few years. In early ‘20 mom was having a difficult time caring for him and decided to find an assisted living facility to put him in. I helped look at places and he was placed a short time later. Then on my birthday mom calls saying dad is having issues and they’re taking him to the hospital. We’re a 24 hr drive from them. I packed and was out the door in an hour.

Got to the hospital. My brother, sister in law (useless now ex SIL) and mom were there. Only one person allowed in the room to visit at a time. Al the beginning BS protocol crap. Dad was unresponsive, on O2, they weren’t really doing anything to hep him recover.

I stayed with him overnight that night. In the morning his breathing became irregular. I called my brother and told him and mom to get the gel upstairs. Regardless of the one visitor ‘rules’. Dad passed about 30 min after they arrived.

Then the ridiculousness of no large gatherings, etc etc. planning the wake and funeral this was in NYS. Fuck cuomo. Affirmations he goes to prison for his accessory to murders.

That night they were administering a few things to dad. He was hospitalized because he had Hypernatremia. A severe high level of sodium in the blood. He and mom never hydrated properly. And once in assisted living it was obviously even worse.

I’m sure the hospital was voting him other things, remdesiver, Midazolam, etc. Midazolam side effects include slowing the respiratory response.

I haven’t asked mom for dads hospital records to confirm any of this. Mom is weak and is still starting to understand ‘authorities’ aren’t always acting in the best interest of the citizens of the USA. She never questioned any medical advice previously. I’ve been in fire/EMS for 10 years but ‘I’m not a doctor’ so she discounts much of what I tell her. I’m the ‘sensitive’ brother conspiracy theorist (therapist actually). She’d blow up if I told her why I want to read them.

Dad wasn’t well cared for in his last few months. Though I sometimes think it’s better than having to have gone through the bulk of the fauxdemic, and had sick patients placed in assisted living with him, etc.

We’ve all learned a lot these last few years. We must use this information to grow our wisdom and fight to not allow them to perpetrate anything like this ever again. And allow ourselves to heal so we can move forward and teach others.

HenryBowman1984 9 points ago +9 / -0

Many parts of Colorado are conservative, but the control centers of denver and a few others are overrun with dominion using mail in ballot cabal patsys. It may never come back. At least not in our lifetime.

We’re actively looking to escape. It’s a horrible shithole.

HenryBowman1984 4 points ago +4 / -0

And the ‘President Trump, Mr. Trump’ crack...bitch slap needed...literally.

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

And then add the fact that ~50% of those that ‘transition’ end up attempting or accomplishing suicide within a few years of their surgeries.

It’s a horrible horrible mental and societal issue.

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

No need for insurance...yet.

Just wait till insurance companies catch up to the li ion fires burning homes and businesses...then listen for the sucking sound heading for your wallet.

HenryBowman1984 4 points ago +4 / -0

Beyond range time join USCCA or any of the other competition groups. The practice at a match is amazing. Most ranges don’t allow draw from concealment and shooting while moving. Which is real life. Matches allow this, amazing practice and makes you understand the shortfalls of your gear and abilities.

And it’s a big crapload of fun. And the likeminded people are inspirational.

HenryBowman1984 6 points ago +6 / -0

A very relevant cause of this ‘fog’ and feelings that something was off is due to the incessant media drone about the ‘pandemic’, constant news of people dying, statistics, wear masks, 6 ft, obey the arrows, grocery store shelves bare, doomsday announcements all day every day. It was enough to make the strongest willed of us question whether we we simply in denial or actually valid in our refusal to accept what was allegedly happening.

I was the only one in our fire department to not submit to the clot shots. There were clinics in our county where our firefighter EMTs administered parking lot shots. My wife who works for a large energy company was almost ‘mandated’ to submit or be fired since they are a ‘government contractor’...supplying electric to gov buildings. A serious crock of shit

Her stress level during that time was significant.

The mental anguish and stress caused by the cabal and government is criminal.

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