HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whippies real me is caren...

For real...can’t make this shit up...

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Real beef has gristle and fat in it. Tenderized store sold beef has chemical tenderizing chemicals and processes to make it ‘tender’.

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

There’s already ICE and CBP funds in the budget.

And GEOTUS said $5 bil pays for the entire wall.

WTF is an additional $15 bil for?

Grift, bribes, etc. Freaking criminal.

HenryBowman1984 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe so it’s more difficult to run?

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

But...they need to pay their student loans...


Never mind ...

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now.....? Now....??

How bout now....?

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s difficult for Dindo Nuffin to hide a rifle in his knee height pants...

And shoot sideways...

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Already empty heads...

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

And when are they all being charged arrested tried and convicted...and executed for crimes against humanity?

HenryBowman1984 4 points ago +4 / -0

Need a flag. And stickers. And bring it to Colorado. Need the same conviction of will.

HenryBowman1984 3 points ago +4 / -1

Lyrics of Eric Church’s song The Snake.

It’s a great tune as well. Look it up. And ohhh so damn accurate.

The Snake Eric Church EXPLICIT Rattlesnake said to the copperhead "You give us vipers a real bad name" You prey on the weakest, you fight for no reason No wonder we get blamed

Copperhead laughed, said "Kiss my ass You can bark but there ain't much bite You rattle that tail, but it's fear I smell I think you're shaking out of fright"

Rattlesnake, Copperhead Either one of them'll kill you dead We stay hungry, they get fed And don't pass the plate around Lie by lie, cheat by cheat Venom in smiling teeth They just run those forked tongues And the whole world's burning down

Copperhead said to the rattlesnake "If you ever wanna make it rain We could team up, be twice as tough Fear will be our game"

Rattlesnake said to the copperhead "You know, we were the original sin And I bet you my rattle against your copper That the bitch takes the apple again"

Rattlesnake, Copperhead Either one of them'll kill you dead We stay hungry, they get fed And don't pass the plate around Lie by lie, cheat by cheat Venom in smiling teeth They just run those forked tongues And the whole world's burning down

Rattlesnake said to the copperhead "Ain't no way they'd win 'Cause the mice are sheep and the shepherd's asleep And the copperhead said, "Amen"

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