HenryBowman1984 4 points ago +4 / -0

He’s my namesake. Mom was preg with me when he was murdered.

My parents didn’t tell me until a few years ago...I’m still amazed. They saved the newspaper from that day and gave it to me when dad told me.

HenryBowman1984 5 points ago +5 / -0

A quickie question...who cares what happens in the Middle East? The USA has resources to support ourselves. Let the others sort themselves out. They are essentially a lost cause after 2000+ years of the same thing. We’re not going to solve it with a few trillion here or there.

HenryBowman1984 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ooorrrrrr...my decades old plan:

Round em up Chain gang em to the border picking up trash as they go. Work for their daily bread and water. When they get to the border they work on the wall/fence. Ending with them on the south side.

Simple Cost effective. Deterrent.

HenryBowman1984 7 points ago +7 / -0

Let’s not forget seeing the aliens all carrying USAID bags years ago...a group paid for by Soros.

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

AND calirado...first all mail in voting year was the last any rep had a chance. The rep incumbent gov was leading well into the evening...when ‘trunkfulls of ballots from Boulder county’ were ‘found’...putting the dim challenger over the top...and it’s been a shit hole slide ever since. This was 27 or so yrs ago.

HenryBowman1984 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’ll sell back all the firearms the government wants to buy back ...but they didn’t sell any to me...so...

Fuck off.

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

There’s tonnes of construction going on at DIA...and there’s a PBS TV infomercial they play between programs detailing the artists that created the murals...dissing the ‘conspiracy theories’ that have been pushed about the occult and war and evil shown in the murals, saying how they’re positive beneficial history story telling artworks.

They’ll be back..

HenryBowman1984 4 points ago +4 / -0

Time for Crusades 2.0? Most people don’t know Crusades 1.0 were defensive and not offensive.

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Targets? Whenever happened to the tunnel complex under the power plant way back near the start of the conflict? With the bio lab crap in it?

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

Robbie Beta...just a small correction...

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

I sent the GAW link to the calirado governor poleass...

With this message since obviously he doesn’t read his own email:

It’s time for your boss to step up and do something useful...for once.

Tell him the CO citizens, his bosses, since he is a public servant, demand he do so.

[email protected] For any CO pedes interested in piling on.

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Chemtrails are thick on the Colorado Front Range today. They’re coalescing and obscuring the sky here approx 12:15 pm. All the way from Colorado Springs to north of Denver. Seriously thickening.

With a forecast of mostly cloudy and chance of light snow through the night.

It’s horrible. Was completely clear at 6 am.

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

The key phrase is, “...subject to jurisdiction of...”. If a person is a citizen of or has a loyalty to another nation, they are subject to jurisdiction of that nation. Therefore ineligible to hold presidential office.

My great grandfather signed his immigration document at Ellis Island where he denounced his allegiance to the Kaiser. Thus giving up his German citizenship and becoming eligible to become a USA citizen.

There’s much written on the subject to jurisdiction of statement in the Federalist Papers and other places.

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Choices have consequences...bad choices many times = bad consequences.


But not baffling...

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