Physical length of the wall doesn't really answer much though either. Hundreds of mile of wall could have been put up over intense mountain terrain, with 5 mile patches left wide open in So Cal and Texas where you'd still have most of the percentage as before pouring in. I imagine the areas that the wall was able to be put up without much struggle or pushback weren't the areas that needed it the most.
Assange is the keystone. More specifically, Hillary's server is the keystone. Q confirmed this as well. And like Q mentions in this post above, Assange is the key to the keystone. The one who was in possession of the server.
But anything can happen. Just ask Epstein, McAfee, Robert David Steele, etc. Is it possible some of them are in wit pro? Sure. But its just as possible they were wet worked as well. Still a little concerned why Trump didn't pardon Assange before leaving office. Its a huge risk to play.
Its definitely grade A hopium for people who are being introduced to a lot of the big picture concepts for the first time, but after awhile it becomes more emotionally draining than it is helpful.
Funnily enough at this stage of the game I've had more peace of mind detaching from everything political for a couple weeks here or there, and try not follow so closely and interpret every single thing in life through the lens of the Q vs cabal operation. If they make their move it'll happen when it happens, and if they don't then I got bigger problems anyway lol
Been followin all this stuff pretty relentlessly since FBI & Senate Anon posts in July 2016. I listened to X22 for a couple years before the steal happened, and even back then nothing made me feel more like this whole thing was actually a trap for crazies than a few months of his episodes. I don't consider him a bad faith actor at all, and he does a lot of solid interviews which are better than most of his analyst videos. But its just exhausting trying to spin every weekly loss into some kind of secret win that just gets further and further away from ever happening. After awhile it just made me feel like a liberal who watches msm, where bad news we don't want to acknowledge is dismissed and empty promises are celebrated as earth shattering victories. Post covid and the steal, holy shit I cant even imagine lol. At this point X22 is for sadists man
Also does he still pronounce anons as Anne-nons? holy smokes lmao
The scary thing is it was the military industrial complex in the first place that even allowed Trump to get elected in 2016. They figured he'd be better for business than Hillary's nuclear holocaust with Russia, and with a little luck maybe they could use his populist personality and fiery energy to scale back the Bush/Clinton wing of the deep state that had gotten too out of control for them since 9/11.
Beyond stopping the steal for him in 2016, they sure as shit didn't offer up much else for support along the way. They took their shot, clearly underestimated their rivals, and then were fine letting Trump and the working class take the fall for it. They got their cease-fire and stalemate with the cabal for another decade and now are back to building bombs and business as usual.
Feels like the right has been on permanent defense since the moment Trump got elected. The morning covid dropped in perfect corporate unison on the world I knew the white hats still had absolutely zero counter against the media. And clearly no balls to just occupy the broadcast stations. But that was a functioning economy and a million destroyed marriages and dead family members ago, so I digress.
Its funny how the things that get even a little momentum on our side just get railroaded and forgotten after 3 weeks. Anyone remember when the trucker strikes was going to be the end of the cabal? Yeah me neither.
But this is usually the part where someone will CTL C + CTL V "military is the only way". I fuckin hope so but so far they've been too busy force inoculating all their own troops with the death jab and still haven't made their move.
Fuck that. So many people in this west have developed severe narcissism. Don't waste your time, they have literally ZERO ability for self-reflection and EVEN LESS for accountability.
Post is a solid analogy but much better fitted for toddlers that draw on walls, not nihilists that draw on their bodies.
Every conspiracy personality going all the way back to Bill Cooper, Jordan Maxwell to Kerry Cassidy to Alex Jones, etc etc etc have always had beef with their contemporaries. Its how the white hats and black hats, y'know those wizards and warlocks that Q mentions, have always seeded out disclosure.
They'll provide insider sources to these conspiracy analysts and build up a relation of trust over time by providing 80% truth with say 20% disinfo mixed in. Now the analysts always end up trusting these sources over everyone else because they've seen the huge amount of disclosures provided to them that turned out to be true. Plus these sources let the analysts break the story and be at the forefront for much of it. The rub is that the wizards and warlocks purposely make that 20% of disinfo directly contradict all the other analyst's sources out there, and vice versa. Pretty standard operating procedure for op sec and plausible deniability.
Social media has sadly made this dick swinging contest even more tribal, with online onlookers blindly jumping head first off the cliff into a permanent "NO TRUE SCOTTSMAN" fallacy. This board can get caught up in it just as bad as reddit at times. It's a nasty side effect of the upvote/downvote system that really promotes the mob mentality and momentary idiocracy often without any room for nuance, only groupthink. Alex Jones aside, it's pretty sad when Q followers get so tribal when the team spent literally years explaining this concept of purposeful disinfo and double, triple, reverse uno actors. But how many people online were actually reading and studying those drops all throughout Trump's presidency? Most were busy updootin memes on the_donald, and then when the steal was solidified a small amount who couldn't cope finally opened their minds up long enough to jump on the bandwagon. And that's great I'm not here to gatekeep. we're all on our own timelines. But anyone on this board in particular claiming with certainty that they know who is, and who isn't a white/black hat doesn't have the slightest clue of the scope of the game they're now so devoutly following.
And the white hats thought they could actually cut off the money supply to these goblins LOL Every time all they have to do is stage some horror show that the media amplifies and the working class west literally pours over an endless money supply to the cabal through these shitty charities.
Motherfuckers still have literally zero counter against the media. Shit's pretty pathetic. If they're still counting on westerners to wake up in order to take out the cabal they might as well just pack it up and go home. Hell, looks like most of them did last Jan.