Hodar 8 points ago +8 / -0

Apply. Take the interview, negotiate with HR, make them put together a package. Set a start date; then decline the offer

Repeat as desired. Waste their time, money and clog the process. Paybacks are a bitch

Just my suggestion

Hodar 1 point ago +1 / -0

And if this were to be challenged, there will be a document trail that the police were contacted and involved

Hodar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apply. Take their time to interview, negotiate with HR. Make them put together a package. Renegotiate and waste time and money

Then exercise your right to say “No”

Repeat at will

Hodar 21 points ago +21 / -0

Passing obscene material to children is a sex Crime. Don’t talk to teachers. Charge them. Have the cops come, seize evidence and arrest them

If I were on a playground passing pornography out, is there any question as to what would happen to me? Why are teachers exempt?

Hodar 4 points ago +4 / -0

So why bother with a jury?

Just let Little Hitler invent a charge, and find him guilty

This is why we need rope. Lots and lots of environmentally sustainable, reusable, American made Hemp rope. 24 hours as a wind chime; then another 24 hours as a bird feeder.

Hodar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Whites made Zimbabwe the RICHEST nation on the African continent. El numero uno. Then Apareitide and the people hunted and slaughtered whites, they killed herds of cattle and burned fields of crops as well as the farms. Still not satisfied, they then robbed the copper from the power lines

Now they want whites to come back. You know who they are, they not only told you - they showed you

Hodar 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they behaved this way before, voluntarily; is there any question as to if they would do it again

A smart MD will have made mitigation so that can never happen again

Hodar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Much of our semiconductor industry depends upon Taiwan. This industry is extremely delicate. It doesn’t handle explosives well

Without this gem intact, Taiwan has little appeal

Hodar 1 point ago +1 / -0

First (and only the first) time; I wonder if parasites I have acquired over my 63 yrs (growing up on a pig/cattle farm) etc; and that gut feeling is parasites in their death throes.

Just an idea

Hodar 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can buy Fenbendazole in a big syringe of bland white paste at your local veterinarian supply store. It’s like $15 for 2200lb worth of treatment. The syringe is labels in lbs with a washer so you roll it (like a nut on a bolt) to the target weight, and dispense

I use a tablespoon with the ivermectin in front and the fen-ben in back. So if you weigh 200 dial on 220-240lbs to do 10-20% more

Like eating unflavored toothpaste. Not delicious. Not horrible. Gulp and done. Wash down with water, soda or whatever you like

Hodar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Us Engineers are an odd lot. Possibly on the autistic scale; but we are stubborn and cannot turn off the thought process. Nor are we intimidated by loud idiots who don’t bother to inform themselves

God has blessed you. You inspire more than you know, and many are too ashamed to admit they wish they had your backbone. So cheers, and carry on; brother from another mother

Hodar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bet they “run out of ballots” at the polls on Election Day. And people are turned away.

Quite a shame, because the people who legitimately show up to vote would overwhelmingly overturn the illegitimate votes they already printed

Calling it 22 May 2024

Hodar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those who are in power when the current system collapses; will DICTATE what the next power structure will be.

This is why they are doing everything in their power to destroy America

Hodar 4 points ago +4 / -0

The JURY was rigged, before the Show Trial began.

It doesn't matter that the star witness stole from Trump. It doesn't matter that the woman who is claimed to have had sex with Trump made to affidavits that she never had sex with Trump.

The JURY has already been paid, the Judge's daugher has already cashed in ~$90 Million in "Donations" from the Democratic Congress critters.

Hodar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Funny thing; If i steal far less than that, i go to jail for a very long time.

But, I am a Conservative; and i guess there are different tiers of justice.

Hodar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Poor kids and doggies.

If the kids or dogs get Monkey Pox; put the owners/parents to sleep.

Hodar 3 points ago +3 / -0

According to the "Pride Calendar", is there any month that doesn't have some LGBTQLMNOP day in it?

You would t think they cured cancer, liberated someone, or mowed the lawn or something.

Hodar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Which frankly surprises me. I would bet the farm that GME was going to follow BlockBuster Video, record stores, and other companies to the "Killed by Tech" graveyard.

I would have lost the farm.

Hodar 8 points ago +8 / -0

How doe one bribe a self-made multi-Billionaire, who loves this country, and loves fellow patriots? A man who can afford the absolute BEST security team this country has to offer (and I am specifically NOT referring to the Secret Service). I would think that Musk and Pres. Trump would be among the best tier of customers a private personal security team, could hope for.

Hodar 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the SAME MEDIA that stated with 95% confidence that Hillary would win the 2000 election.

2024 saw such obvious vote fraud, only the most smooth-brained among the human race, actually believes it. These individuals are more easily baffled than my dog.

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