HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

https://muhc.ca/sites/default/files/users/user136/The%20Nuremberg%20Code.pdf in case the British journal isn't enough for some lurkers.

Thanks for your post, came here to post the code & you already had it up. You are the hero we need.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are just jealous that it wasn't 76 😁

Glad to see you still around fren!

HonestBobbin 6 points ago +6 / -0

Playing devil's advocate here, just to try and clarify.

What happens when the equity has decreased significantly in NC (from a legal standpoint)?

If a house is wiped away, then the property value should decrease (tax enforcers in this scenario seem like they are refusing to acknowledge the loss of equity from a lost building). Wouldn't that equity be gone until the home is rebuilt?

There are some lots in our area that are listed/valued between $50k-$85k, but once a house is on it those values/listing prices immediately shoot up to $500k-$750k (side note, all of these homes are WAY overpriced IMO & it is crazy that my house is worth almost double what it was 5-8ish year ago. I thought it was 25-30% too high even then. So having a building on the property can clearly double the value according to banks, and sometimes increase it over 10 fold. How does the equity work then when the building is removed?

Next point that civil war era agreement is great for you guys now. I had a friend who told a city council & mayor he was going to shut off their water supply because they were being bullies towards some guys up by his place. The mayor demanded that he stop threatening because he had now power. The city attorney screamed, "Sir you are well within your rights to shut off 40% of the cities water supply because of your grandfather clause. Now Mr. Mayor & council members, can we please start a real negotiation because this gentleman only needs to give the city 24 hours notice & I don't think I need to remind everyone it is a Friday afternoon." This buddy of mine said that the mayor hated him after that point & the city attorney called at least once a month to apologize on behalf of the city & were grateful that he continued to allow the water for the city. Apparently it had to do with some old farmer agreement that diverted a large portion of the water from his fields into the center of the city so it could grow more quickly, help get a culinary water system set up more quickly for the entire town at that time & help with public health regarding sanitary potable water. That farmer & the owner of the property retained all rights to take all the water back if ever they felt the need to do so & the city was obligated to acquire another source, which it did but never enough for the the whole town to keep maintained. The guy just raised the water price to the city by 10% and said if any citizen told him their water bill went up, that he would just stop supplying & let the citizens know why it was shut off. IIRC the mayor & council cut funds to a couple of pet programs & decreased their own salaries to pay for the increase in water price, once they were elected out of office ~8 years later this guy dropped the price again because it was never a out the money. He just hated how the city was run & the blatant favoritism & nepotism going on at the time. The city trying to take property up around him from lifelong friends finally gave him a reason to raise his rates (that had not been raised for something like 80 years).

Grandfather clauses can be entertaining & government officials seem oblivious to how they really work.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well I am amazed how often months or a year later they were just ahead of the story.

If it was only once per year, it would be entertaining. Though I think it is much more often than that. I would need to check.

HonestBobbin 4 points ago +4 / -0

What is AFG?

HonestBobbin 5 points ago +5 / -0

u/blacksmith21 I would be interested in those stories too.

HonestBobbin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. Borric Acid. There are claims it is more absorbable than the boron supplements you can take.

It helps plants grow really well too.

HonestBobbin 6 points ago +6 / -0

I did 6 of the triple boron capsules daily for a couple moths & it has helped with hand stiffness & significantly decreased back pain, it did take about 2 weeks before I noticed any difference.

Many people take a single capsule... I am a big horsey. Though these capsules combined with cordyceps has me moving enough that I am hoping to get this weight off again for good. Exercise & goofing off physically is always what dropped it for me in the past & now I am starting to get to the moving for fun stage again.

My dad had arthritis in his back. I was never diagnosed with it, but was amazed at how much these two products helped.

HonestBobbin 4 points ago +4 / -0

My father had arthritis. I have not been diagnosed with it (never checked) but ended up with his back issues.

It has cleared up stiffness in my hands with a triple boron supplement & I am moving to borax to see if it works too. Much cheaper if it keeps working.

I used to drop things way too often from hands not responding the way I needed. 2 months on boron capsules I have dropped something once in the past month an a half, it used to be 4-5 times per week.

That said, I also added cordyceps to help get more oxygen to my muscles. It was banned in the Olympics she Chinese runners dominated the Olympics in the 70s IIRC.

HonestBobbin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks for this information. I will try adding this on a regular basis to see if it helps with energy. I take it once every couple of weeks to help balance out zinc.

HonestBobbin 13 points ago +13 / -0

Just ran out of the supplement & started the borax today, hoping it works even better after reading this. I have been excited to get up & move around as much as I have for the past few months. Coupled with cordyceps mushroom to help get oxygen to muscles that need it, in have been walking 4-5 times longer than I have in years without pain. Still have a long way to go, but I have real hope at this point.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fair enough, oratory is a a skill that works well if you know how to use it. While I didn't like Obama, I consistently gave my liberal friends credit that he was well spoken & my biggest concern was what wasn't being said, though he really could make a point. Reagan way this way too.

My father focused on figuring out if accounting was just not done correctly by a book keeper, & simply not reported correctly to help many stay out of prison from IRS claims. He had a deep understanding of how successful businesses were run & how to show honest mistakes vs hidden fraud. Growing up watching how payrolls were increased & how lower taxes allowed price drops for goods & services in multiple companies during & after those "trickle down" years is something I don't know that we will agree on.

That said, I also agree with u/alphaliberal that Clinton did well to keep the economy moving upward working with the Republicans that were in power during that time.

Though I think we can agree that almost every president has been selected & groomed for the position for decades.

While I agree there are many things Reagan left wanting, I would need to really dig to see if he was a "kept" president before the assassination attempt on his life, or if most of those things happened after. Though it seems that president's who are looking to remove power from corrupt members of DC get removed either via impeachment, or via death.

I appreciate the links. I will need to dig into these. I don't think Reagan was great on everything, I really didn't like the Iran issue or the wars it seemed he helped GW line up & roll right into. Though I would need to look at all of that again, I was not of age to vote when all those things happened & have seen some stuff in my 20s that made me question if he really was the "great one" that so many were saying.

That said, he certainly could get a message across 😁

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was a post with a Tucker Carlson post about the "Thank You Dr Fauci" movie a few days ago. It was done by a professed democrat & did some digging. In the film, they discuss how upper class white Democrat areas have signs thanking Fauci.

A republican can't tell these guys how bad Fauci is. They need it to come from one of their own & even then, he implores the left to stick with the film for at least 20 min IIRC. If they do, they will know how bad Fauci has been for a very long time & is part of the system traditional Dems have fought against for decades.

I didn't have the original post opened, but Hese is the link https://tuckercarlson.com/thank-you-dr-fauci

I buddy of mine sent this link to many affluent liberal friends. With a message, "I know, I am the worst friend ever. Really I know there should be no forgiveness for me sharing a link like this. Though could I get your opinion on the guy who is being interviewed. He seems articulate enough & is the kind of liberal friend I really enjoy having, kinda like you. Do you think he is right?"

Pitched with deference, he got some good response & many of those friends had never heard of some of the stuff this documentary guy laid out.

The changes should come roaring back after the deep states last ditch efforts fail.

HonestBobbin 18 points ago +18 / -0

πŸ˜… Didn't expect a sticky. Just wanted to share the wisdom and laughs.

Enjoy the show frens!

edit: typo

HonestBobbin 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thank you. I mean we should have no "Sacred Cows" among allies, but this X Post, from this Ariel account, just feels off. Much truth may be in there, but mingling truth with some lies is how the adversary tricks us.

HonestBobbin 9 points ago +10 / -1

My flair just seems appropriate given the content 🀣🀣🀣

HonestBobbin 6 points ago +6 / -0

What other sites have you found to be really accurate about cutting through BS & looking for truth?

Glad you were able to keep that search up & are back with us here.

HonestBobbin 5 points ago +6 / -1

Agreed. I would have loved to see evidence & the response in court by these accused individuals.

The "Rape is Sexy" author that accused Trump comes to mind.

That said, we know that it does happen & is how elected officials are controlled.

I can see Reagan possibly having some dirt similar to this on him because of how I recall him changing post assassination that gave more power to the federal government with various military programs. Though I need to study timeliness on when he approved things that just didn't line up with shrinking the federal government that he always said was a problem when running.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I lurked on VOAT, but didn't post there. r/The_Donald refugee that found posts to the chans & info on things that kept happening. Been following ever since.

We have an amazing community that is focused on Truth & specifically changes for the better in removing evil from governments (which helps with many day to day life choices for everyone).

It has been a wild ride & keeps me excited for what comes next.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could this be a Comm for the worst presidential policies being dead as of now?

Anything trying to move a carter style destruction of America is dead?

Just guesses.

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