Treason, must execute, don’t give prison time.
Start arresting the prosecutors for not doing their job resulting in crimes. They are complicit to murder. This will make prosecutors and prison wardens think twice.
They could have put ICE officers’ lives in jeopardy. If so, they should be charged with accessory to murder. Their position and beliefs does not give them the right to act independently.
The CEO’s of hospitals who forced the shot on patients and staff, need to be prosecuted. Anyone who gives the shots or any medication, including vaccines without parental consent, patient consent or POA consent needs to be prosecuted for irreparable harm. Irreparable harm for the future is what happens to those receiving the Covid shot and other MRNA vaccines, or demands it be given to our food supply. Poisons in the fertilizers, soil, animals, water and air. Anyone who participates in any of these must be prosecuted.
Give the final warning, any Chinese company in the U.S. or holding land in the U.S. will have those possessions confiscated, if evidence exists of aiding or abetting drug cartels.
The SC ruled that Biden could not excuse student loans, he did it anyhow, ignoring the Supreme Court’s ruling.
As a U.S.citizen, has he registered as a foreign agent?
Tell us something we didn’t already know.
I heard some of it may have been very top secret.
The Democrats lamebrains don’t realize that once chickens are destroyed, it takes a while for a chick to grow and develop into a laying hen.
This was a starter Supreme Court.
Okay, so are they paying the health care, school bills, college education, housing and clothing too?
Send him to the front lines.
Let countries decide if they want to invest in vaccines, some of which saw a down surge in medical conditions prior to all out vaccinations began. Hygiene in many cases was the key to spread of disease.
Hard to hear, but I gather it was a threat to file articles of impeachment. Their disruptions were all planned in advance, no matter what the speech entailed. Next time pass out pacifiers for these cry babies. Did you see the Republicans being so disrespectful during Obama and Biden’s addresses to Congress? Respectful the officer, the location and the young people who suffered so much, but were rewarded or recognized. The Zdems behavior is more than shameful.
Only those who were vetted properly and aided the U.S. should be helped. We have to stop being a welfare state for everyone, including ABLE BODIED citizens.
Who approved his visit?
There are so many in Congress who need to be booted out, prosecuted, tried and convicted.
Above everyone else, I want to see Fauci obliterated along with his wife. He has committed crimes against humanity, knowingly. He is one sick man.
Don’t even attend in the first place. The Dems are so disrespectful when their power and money gets cut. Maybe give them all pacifiers, since they act like babies.
Who are “they” that are refusing. The request should go to the head of the FBI to see that it happens.
Let him stew a bit,so he doesn’t pull this crap again.
Saved you the trouble of hiring her and finding out about her lack of work ethic when you failed to meet her demands before proving her worth. Lol.
I heard he was off the ventilator today.