Hopiumaddict 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably fucking ray epps or something. Now, I know it’s not, but just my crazy mind doing crazy things.

Hopiumaddict 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes, they want you angry.

Hopiumaddict 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree! This is a lot more digestible to the normie mind then some decode video created by an autist. Not to ever discredit the autist, but that kind of stuff is not entry level for your average normie.

I actually sent this to a few family members, with the preface: “I don’t usually listen to Fox News garbage, but Jesse Watters and Tucker are finally talking about things well known in my community for years.”

Hopiumaddict 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel you there, my 401k accounts are hurting. Well, I may be the least qualified person to explain this, but I will do my best in the time I have. But I know there are way better resources and players who will do this better justice.

I was told to not buy GME from the brokers, and instead buy direct through ComputerShare. It’s a DRS, which is I believe like buying stock directly, and not through a 3rd party (fuckery can ensue when using apps like Robinhood, TDA, etc..). When I did this, it took almost a week to actually clear.

So the whole gist of GME is it will bring the hedgies down because they manipulate the market immensely, and GME was the major target of concentrated shorts. Because the Ape army has been super motivated, they have created a position, through the purchase of mass GME shares, that the hedgies will never be able to cover their shorts.

When this occurs (MOASS - mother of all short sales), supposedly, the share price for GME will rocket “to the moon.”

Once again, I reiterate, I’m nothing but a simple pede who took a few hours to do some research. I would certainly never give any investment advice. As with any stock, you never spend what you are uncomfortable with losing. If I lose a few hundred, it was worth the entertainment.


First you have to register for an account, which takes a few days of waiting. Then once your account is active, you can purchase stocks. Like I said, it does take time once you purchase the stocks for you to actually own the stocks - time delay due to the fact that it’s DRS. So you may purchase at $35, for example, and by the time it clears, it could be $30 or alternatively $50. Just a chance you take.

Once again, I know nothing, haha.

Best of luck GaMErs.

Hopiumaddict 4 points ago +4 / -0

Haha I’m absolutely ignorant to this too, but I dropped a few hundred to follow along and maybe even get lucky. If I lose, won’t be the first time and certainly not the last. Best of luck to all the GaMErs!

Hopiumaddict 2 points ago +2 / -0

Burn it the F down. All of it - we do need to build back better, but we know Democrats and the establishment usually do the opposite of what they say. Everything is broken and has been for decades. Some of us are just waking up to it.

Hopiumaddict 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ok Vlad, we need you to hold her like you’re not actually a giant flaming fag. Ok great, that’ll do.

Hopiumaddict 7 points ago +7 / -0

Come on.. you should know that the names of these bills barely ever have anything to do with.. well, their names.

Hopiumaddict 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve learned to not hold my breath with date fagging. You all should do the same - if you’ve been around a long time, you definitely know.

Hopiumaddict 6 points ago +6 / -0

Duh.. moms out there exploiting their children for likes. Fucking disgusting.

Hopiumaddict 10 points ago +10 / -0

I showed my wife and she was like, that’s not Biden! And then I showed her it came from his Twitter. She’s was dumbfounded. I’ve never dropped any of the “fake” Biden stuff, because she already thinks I’m crazy enough lol. I’d prefer her eyes and ears to tell her the truth - that’s the way.

Hopiumaddict 5 points ago +5 / -0

Haha don’t get my hopes up!! Whenever it does happen, I’ll be one happy man.

Hopiumaddict 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they were America first, they would crucify them. We are beyond republican and democrat at this point. It’s America vs foreign AND domestic enemies.

Hopiumaddict 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is a whore?

To compromise one's principles for personal gain.

Hopiumaddict 10 points ago +10 / -0

Maybe the drug dealers he is really referring to is big pharma and company

Hopiumaddict 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is amazing!!! This is tangible folks. She raised the money now they have to do a recount. It will absolutely go to court because evil griswold definitely doesn’t want a hand recount. Good thing there’s already a lawsuit regarding their rigged and uncertified machines.

Hopiumaddict 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is correct. Right there in the video. The election machines aren’t even legally certified to be used in Colorado and there is a current lawsuit regarding this. The fact that she wants a hand recount means it will absolutely go to court, because corrupt and evil Jenna griswold (Soros implant) will fight it allllll the way.

Hopiumaddict 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did Owen Benjamin write this? Lol I could definitely see him drawing this up in one of his videos. Good stuff.

Hopiumaddict 8 points ago +8 / -0

So burnt out.. this kind of analysis really gets me going though.

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