If JESUS rules the world at the end, its a Mormon Jesus who is LESS THAN the other, higher Mormon God that populated this Earth.
So I said "Mormon Church" rules at the end times. Oh, hurry up and pretend to instruct me by insisting "No its (the Mormon) Jesus" that rules. Distinction without a difference.
Did I say it wrong?
That's why I asked the question the way I did.
And why all the subterfuge? "Our 'Jesus' rules, NOT the Mormon Church." Then on to the word games about who God is and who Jesus is, right?
Word games out the arse...To confuse Christians who would object to the (Morman) Jesus' inferior status to (Mormon) God the Father.
Christians/Mormans: Our Gods are not the same.
BTW--None of the clarity that IS possible is made available by the Mormon Church teachings/materials because they focus so heavily on recruiting Christians.
Mormon theology really seems to fit comfortably with Globalism, IMO.
Ultimately, they believe in a 1 world government (in their eschatology) based in the US and administered by the Mormon Church....therefore if Mittens IS in fact a Mormon True Believer, THAT would explain his obvious Globalist/RINO leanings.
Being a Mormon "True Believer" would explain why he always ends up pretending to be more Conservative than he actually governs and why he seems to always come down on the side of the Globalists and RINOs.
Wait'll the teens and pre-teens that were "transitioned" figure out that their parents and school/medical folks were pursuing a short-lived woke fashion as a means of virtue-signaling...the trannies are violent as hell...as evidenced by their massive suicide "success" numbers.
"Transition regret" is starting to take hold for some...Mom, Dad and the lady in the school nurse's office better tighten up security.
One answer to these types of messages from the Left:
Yes, illegal labor reduces prices...but slave labor would reduce them more. Perhaps we should allow economic migrants, if they're desperate enough, to sell themselves into slavery for 5-10 years, to get that green card and access to our welfare system.
Yes. That's 15,000 fewer NPCs, spouting DEI crap and demanding pronouns.
NO WAY you could take on the DEI culture w/o removing the trannies. And good to tell them the policy first, before Trump Administration starts...like illegal migrants, they can start to self-deport now.
BTW...Smart move by Trump transition to establish this policy now...
Hegseth's life just got a little easier...he won't have to defend removing trannies as much in the confirmation process...it's already Trump policy before Hegseth even gets his office.
Trump Campaign should ask publicly:
- "Will it cost more than adding 50% of your population in unskilled 3rd world refugees?"
- "Isn't the city awash in big new tax dollars, as big apartment-rental investors like yourself rake in exploding rents on existing properties?"
This month is when Trump is able to start selling his shares...making him $4 Billion richer and giving him liquidity after the ridiculous bond he had to buy and the costs of fending off DS assassins and years of lawfare.
This was billed as "The 2024 Presidential Debate"
Yet Team Kamala, who didn't seem to want a second debate, wants another now? THEY don't think they won, but now believe that she can face Trump, straight up...so, BOTTOM LINE: Trump won, but Kamala didn't self destruct.
Trump should demand a FAIR (won't give questions to Kamala beforehand) venue.
How about getting a pro-Trump and a pro-Kamala moderator?
Trump's moderator can ask Kamala questions and Kamala's moderator can ask Trump questions.
Trump should also carry a jamming device in his pocket that destroys bluetooth/etc w/in 10 feet of him.
Really good topic for discussion.
The US military has been THE groundbreaker for advancement based on merit--racially, especially.
Yet the blind spot (I hadn't ever thought of it either) is definitely their BIAS against leadership for the less-formally-educated...regardless of their performance and merit.
A worthy agenda item for the next Trump Administration.
But did you see all the dumbassed Dem posts of the kid crying, w/ comments like "No Republican candidate kids love THEIR Daddys this much..." I wonder if they'd say "REALLY REALLY loves his Dad" if he shit himself.
Fricking idiots. AND they like to combine strange homages to Walz' weird kid w/ slaps @ Trump's youngest.
He looks very relaxed for a patsy that was made to feel important by Fed handlers, then blasted by the REAL government assassins seconds after they got their real shots off at DJT.
Say... I bet they didn't tell him that he was the patsy. He prolly thought they were really going to take him out for beer and video games @ Dave & Busters after.
Yep. The Temple was destroyed in 70 AD and Israel dispersed for almost 1900 years. That's not how I'd envision Jesus would showcase His 1000 yr reign.
The heretical doctrine of Postmillennialism assumes not a victory by Jesus, but a long, slow "Christianization" of the world. The view that we're IN that period is what most of them believe...and that its not limited to an actual 1,000 years, but could be longer.
Why? Because actual events and the evils done by Man have never abated, but have gotten worse...So, they dismiss almost any literal interpretations of the Bible. Taken to this extreme, the Bible doesn't actually have any value at all.
Worse, the over-optimistic "we're winning the world for Christ" footing actually preconditions the fools to accept the false Messiah.
This is a false doctrine called "Preterism".
Israel became a nation again in around 700 years before Christ.
Then Nero 37-68 AD.
Then Israel technically destroyed as a nation in 138 AD by Hadrian and renamed Palestine. (Though generally, AD 70 is used as the Temple was destroyed.)
Then Israel becomes a nation again in 1948.
Too many prophecies are impossible to have been fulfilled during Nero's reign (54AD-68AD), therefore, none of it counts.
Matthew 24:29-31 Jesus says His return (and rapture) will be IMMEDIATELY AFTER the tribulation.
Interesting to note, Matthew 24:37, Jesus says "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."
What does that mean?
It means the condition of man on the Earth will be as bad at the second coming as it was when God destroyed the Earth with the flood.
And what evil was present in Noah's time that wasn't present until now?
Homosexual marriage. Mankind's condition is only recently as bad as it was at the time of Noah.
This is Preterism.
I don't blame Russia one bit. Remember when we DENIED that there were biolabs in Ukraine...then had to admit there were biolabs...then had to admit ultimately that our military was operating bio-labs in Ukraine? We lied until Russia presented evidence from biolabs they destroyed in Ukraine.
What would WE do if we found that the Russian military was operating bio-labs in Northern Mexico?