I don't have a farm but I live in a house with a nice yard in a small peaceful town, with good neighbors an friends. Soon it will be nice enough to sleep with the windows open and the birds singing in the morning. It is my own little slice of heaven and I love it!
Good, those protesters were filthy and awful. They tried drowned a deer in the lake to eat it, I don't know what else they did but that was on video. Where they were camping they left so much filth and garbage behind it took forever to clean it up. ND is a VERYYY clean state, and where they camped was a disgusting eyesore they left pets behind, all their belongings. They had to clear out when the lake started to melt. Even the leader of the tribe there was trying to tell them to leave but they wouldn't listen. We knew they were being paid to protest.
Just an fyi the whole reason the protest even started was that the tribe wanted more money from the oil company to go through their land, it never was about the lake. The company refused and then the protests started and then the oil company decided to go around the tribal lands. The news will tell you otherwise but those of us here in ND knew this from the get go.
According to Biden he was doing this job, and that job and every other job and doing it perfectly all the while growing up in this type of neighbor hood and that type of neighbord hell he lived with everybody and did everything lol!
I was listening wdw pro last night and yes the autopen has been in use a long time not just since Biden. Good interview https://youtu.be/zszruROJduA?si=jg9iOkJAWgO3Aigx
My state recently had a vote put to the people if we wanted to eliminate property tax and we voted to keep it, because eliminating it would have a huge effect on our infrastructure. The federal government can eliminate federal property tax but doesn't each state have a say on their own lands?
Thank goodness we have a lot of lignite coal in my state and it generated so much energy we would sell it to states like California, and then they started putting in those godawful wind turbines. Even though it's all rolling plains here they look so ugly against our big beautiful sky.
Hey Houthis, Get a load of this!
Do not touch our boats!
I repeat
Lol I got a downdoot, someone doesn't like operation Preying Mantis or Mandatory funday guy.
That looks pretty real to me and it was on youtube, the planes were used in conjunction with the explosives in the basement put there by GW. Read the comments go find those people saying they saw this and what they've been through and then tell them it was fake. I won't ever forget that day, and regardless of whether you believe the planes were real or not, PEOPLE DIED.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6VWmo8kDM8 do you see that shadow falling, that's really some incredible detail if they were able to fake it. I don't think that was a person, but people were diving off the towers so they wouldn't die in the fire from the planes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPjhbt_pTnU More footage from people on the streets, tell me did they digitally edit in the sound too?
I haven't noticed anything for a while on here. Another one that used to happen a lot was we would get over run by handshake trolls coming in during a major event happening, like the last time there was a Q post or the election, but they've put a lot of safeguards in place that help that.
I've never heard it before either, but Devory's channel on youtube is pretty good, I listen to him once in a while.