He's doing so much coke now, he's psychotic!
CIA terrorist attack. There, I fixed it.
It's part of the,"plan". Lol
The allegations are 10 years old. FBI, DOJ previously investigated and refused to file charges. The allegations did not just "appear."
Maybe the missing nuke theory is true.
It's a tranny, of course it's woke!
His fist is closed, the blood could be on the inside. It looks to me like yhere is some on his knuckles.
I kind of believed her until she had to bring up Trump. She totally lost me at that moment.
SCOTUS just ruled in favor of Younkin!
A new Diddy photo came out the other day. Leo is the star.
I think it's dead. I haven't seen anything new lately.
Did you see this?
None of this explains the multiple passports in multiple names.
I still wanna know why he had "multiple passports in multiple names" in his car.
Oh please! She's not important enough to waste the time and money trying her for treason!!!
13 cats? She's crazy.
No Bill Gates?
Lol! I remember those days.
Vaccine czar
Did he die in Vegas?