Now if he'd only bite the bucket!
We should all sign up to Bluesky just to comment on his posts! Is Bluesky still even in operation?
Mark Elias left X months ago.
Thete are rumors that she is a man
And I bet they've been raped every day since they got them.
Forcibly? They made him file his retirement papers. We will be paying this guy for 20-30 more years!
He put it in a tweet. I don't remember the day. It was like the day after, maybe 2, that they said he changed locations.
Jack Posobic says this is not true. They went to their original destination.
Thank you Jesus!
Well how special is she? Maybe she should park her phoney ass in front of the Atlanta jail where Jeremy Brown is still being held, despite a presidential pardon. Fuck Julie Kelly!
Justice is coming after him. I KNOW he is going to rot in hell.
Remember when you'd get banned for typing "two more weeks?"
September 11th?
She's so right! I worked for the State of AZ fo 6 years and the mentality was the same.
He's doing so much coke now, he's psychotic!
CIA terrorist attack. There, I fixed it.
It's part of the,"plan". Lol
The allegations are 10 years old. FBI, DOJ previously investigated and refused to file charges. The allegations did not just "appear."
Maybe the missing nuke theory is true.
It's a tranny, of course it's woke!
His fist is closed, the blood could be on the inside. It looks to me like yhere is some on his knuckles.
I kind of believed her until she had to bring up Trump. She totally lost me at that moment.