IcePedeCometh 2 points ago +2 / -0

The type of bomb that was utilizes was built by someone with extensive knowledge and experience on the subject. Any Normie can make a bomb, a thermobaric bomb that detonated after a countdown is a completely different story and is highly unlikely/ nearly impossible for a Normy to do with this level of precision. Quinn was already dead when the bomb detonated. This is CIA,/maybe FBI-ATF doings.

IcePedeCometh 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was evidence of data manipulation since the roll out of the jabs. There's an assigned number to all vaers entries, they've been recycling the numbers and replacing any serious cases such as death with a more miniscule case.

IcePedeCometh 3 points ago +3 / -0

They literally already have less than 6 months ago, if I remember correctly they were blaming the dirt tho.....

IcePedeCometh 4 points ago +4 / -0

First off not a kid, second did you actually read my first comment? To me it seems you're hung up on on a certain subject and you're just hellbent on being correct. I consider myself a practicing Christian and I have a drink every once in awhile. If you want to be an old testament practitioner that preaches fire and brimstone, everyone is damned to hell, everyone is unworthy of gods salvation then go for it, but don't expect everyone to abide to your lecturing. You don't eat apples do you? Those are evil too right? That would be sinful to indulge in the eating of any apple whether if granny Smith Macintosh or red delicious.

IcePedeCometh 5 points ago +5 / -0

Alcohol isn't the problem, revisit what I said. Its existed for thousands of years. Society is the problem, your elected Republicans and democrats can be blamed for the systematic problems were facing today. That's literally no different than blaming pussy for a man cheating, tell me I'm wrong. The problem doesn't lie in the item, it stems from our bull shit environment. By the way if Jesus, a descendant of god wanted people to drink water I suppose he word have just poured them a glass of water.

IcePedeCometh 5 points ago +6 / -1

So we're combining suicides with the VAX deaths to dilute actual cases of died suddenly now? That's misleading AF. This is clear deception to muddy the waters in my opinion.

IcePedeCometh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly!!! Thank you for being one of the few to spot this!!!!!

IcePedeCometh 8 points ago +8 / -0

Jesus turned water into wine did he not? For people to drink right? Alcohol isn't the cause of our problems especially when used responsibly. Being a drunk is a completely different story and is often a symptom of our toxic society. Today people feel the need to self medicate more than ever, that need is derived from the unnatural state that we've been living in for many many years and the noose of control further constricting us more and more. I'm sure my comment will probably go unnoticed due to length and rationality, but the drug and alcohol abuse would be nearly non existent if we lived in a truly free and just society where we weren't treated as involuntary consumers for a product no one wants. We are no different than the mice in the heroin experiments, if you're unfamiliar look it up. As for the trans crap, sexual immortality, the 2 parent work culture, etc. You can thank your politicians for that. They sold us down the river years ago.

IcePedeCometh 1 point ago +1 / -0

This video isn't new and has been available and if you performed the slightest dig you would have already known the CIA was responsible before Cucker spoke of it. Thank god that talking box told us the partial truth to try and distract us wile still redacting a large amount of information.

IcePedeCometh 1 point ago +1 / -0

No this is a preview to what's coming to the USA. This is what happens when your government wants to eliminate you the natural born citizens and steal your wealth while creating a class of literal slaves.

IcePedeCometh 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is the OG money laundering before convid 19 and Ukraine entered the picture. This is just their Christmas bonus from here on out.

IcePedeCometh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone wants to focus their hatred towards celebrities using their brands/names to influence a group of people,but a newscaster's job is to sell you on the newest propaganda on the fly. Believe it or not these people are better actors than some a-list celebrities, they have to sell you the story live while faking emotions and pretending to care while getting you emotionally involved in whichever story. At one point not that long ago there were laws in place preventing foreign(non local) entities and individuals from owning news stations, news papers and radio stations to prevent a monopoly which is demonstrated in videos like these. That law was reversed by our loving and caring politicians. Non the less, these people are fully aware of what they're doing and they deserve to be charged with treason along with the politicians.

IcePedeCometh 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fear of losing a job or not being able to participate in certain aspects of society are not reasons for going along with the plan.

IcePedeCometh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Argumentatively there hasn't been a legitimate war since WW2 and even that's up for debate for anyone capable of basic research and self thought. I'm sorry that you were duped into the perpetuation of the continuation of the industrial war complex. You have proven yourself to be a useful pawn, congratulations fren! You personally led to the slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians, which are typically the primary victims of war. Good job!!!!!

IcePedeCometh -2 points ago +2 / -4

Go back to the Donald fag

deleted -2 points ago +3 / -5
IcePedeCometh 2 points ago +7 / -5

I don't give a shit what you used to be. I know all I need to about you at this point. You might be good at blindly follow orders, but you lack critical thinking abilities. You're the perfect tool for the machine and I don't have time to argue with a wall. Have a great day fren!

IcePedeCometh 2 points ago +5 / -3

If you're a regular user of this site, hopefully you've learned that the us government has been hijacked for a long time now. You still think the people designated as terrorist and enemies by politicians and media are terrorist and enemies? It would seem you're still brainwashed. Do some more researching, soul searching and detach from the government nut sack.

IcePedeCometh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Means if I'm a lawful owner I can carry a firearm without having to pay money to ask permission for my right to carry a firearm. I've heard this enough though and I'm not holding my breath anymore.

IcePedeCometh -1 points ago +2 / -3

He's got ties to Gitmo aiding in figuring out which torture practices were the most effective.

IcePedeCometh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Elon isn't the savior and he sure as fuck isn't a white hat. Maybe, just maybe he's controlled opposition, maybe he's got ulterior motives and is playing a certain demographic. I suggests anyone who believes he's on our side do some more digging, there's a lot that you're missing. Just like social media accounts, there's public and private personas. Don't be blind sided by a little showmanship.

IcePedeCometh 1 point ago +2 / -1

Computer generated spam number, message wasn't even received

IcePedeCometh 1 point ago +3 / -2

You guys do realize there's an automatic response generated for these right? This is basic AI algorithm shit. If you typed anything else it would give you the same response other than if you typed stop. You're not talking to live people and your response isn't being viewed. You're wasting text and wasting other peoples time with this stuff. No offense, but thank you for not making a difference at all, hope your ego feels more inflated tho......

IcePedeCometh 3 points ago +3 / -0

I guess I'll be the one to point out how retarded you are if your post is true.

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