by BQnita
Isolated_Patriot 19 points ago +19 / -0

Not to mention that "localism" would be the only actual cure for "climate change" if they actually cared about solutions to problems that don't exist.

Isolated_Patriot 16 points ago +16 / -0

The people we commonly call "sheep" today would be the goats in the analogy. Shepheard's always had both sheep and goats, and the heritage breeds of biblical times were nearly identical, not clearly defined animal breeds like we have today.

The difference was most evident in their behavior.

Sheep learn the voice of a single Shepheard, they cannot be fooled into following someone else. They will follow only their Shepheard, and they will go wherever the Shepheard leads them. Even the sound of his voice can calm them when they are afraid.

Goats on the other hand, could care less about the Shepheard's voice. Instead they will choose among themselves a leader, whichever goat is the most popular, and they will stubbornly follow that leader to their own destruction.

Separating the sheep and the goats was an easy matter. The Shepheard calls the sheep, and the goats stay behind with their "leader."

So when Jesus spoke of a Shepheard's voice and his sheep, and explicitly left out mention of the goats, people of the time knew exactly why the goats were not worth mentioning.

Isolated_Patriot 2 points ago +4 / -2

Wait, did you mistakenly think the office of President has some kind of power?

Might want to reevaluate that one.

Isolated_Patriot 18 points ago +18 / -0

Drugs, more drugs, induced the baby early, started it on soy formula immediately so that her breasts would stop producing milk and her body stopped storing fat for the milk. Likely took some hormones to speed that along. Then works out with a personal trainer while someone else takes care of the child.

When you see a skinny new mom, don't think "Awe, she's so lucky!" Think, "she's raising her baby from a bottle for her own vanity." And when they are rich "someone else is raising the baby from a bottle."

Isolated_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I particularly like this paragraph:

Antibodies are probably rather unimportant in host protection against this virus. There have been a few ‘natural experiments’, people who unfortunately cannot make antibodies, yet are able quite successfully to repel this virus. They definitely are better off with antibodies than without. I mention these rare patients because they show that antibodies are not essential to host immunity, so some contrived test in a lab of antibodies and engineered variant viruses do NOT justify need for top up vaccines.

Once again, everything "medical science" has sold us has been a lie and they know it.

Isolated_Patriot 10 points ago +10 / -0

My interpretation is he is asking if we remember something that DIDNT HAPPEN,

Huh? He described the plot of the movie. Scar killed the king, then lied about it so he could be in line of succession. Lied, cheated, stole the title.

How is he describing something that "didn't happen?"

Isolated_Patriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Scar does not win, the hyenas do not take over...

Did you see the movie? Because Scar became king, the hyenas DID take over, and it was several YEARS before Simba came back to start a revolution against the communist empire.

Isolated_Patriot 19 points ago +19 / -0

Not compromised I don't think, but overloaded.

The site is over ten times what it used to be on reddit, and triple what it was before the election. They've also stated the discord ban messed them up because it was their primary tool for communicating with each other.

They probably spend 90% of their time dealing with /new, they certainly don't have enough time to figure out who is a shill and who is just pissed and dooming.

It's not just overloaded with shills, the shills used to be really, really obvious. Now they are much more nefarious since all the sleepers were activated at once.

Isolated_Patriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

Tip number one: No one on thedonald has a single clue what Q or Q stuff even is. They might as well be parroting CNN.

This Book of Q proofs answered a lot of questions for me a month or two ago.

Isolated_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Strapped to their chests, watch it again.

Isolated_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

He has like eight magazines strapped to his chest. They aren't currently shooting anyone, the guns don't need to be loaded. It would take five seconds for them to be ready if something happens.

Isolated_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not about the data, it's about data points.

The less data points they have, the less they know about you. I don't care about telegram or parler or twitter knowing my phone number, I care about them connecting my browsing/reading/following habits with my phone number and tying those behavioral patterns to my physical address and identification.

Isolated_Patriot 16 points ago +16 / -0

The California officials know this and want to stop their precious children from seeing the blood spatter.

This part doesn't fit. They would love nothing more than to show the children a live assassination of the nice old grandpa figure who is going to save america from the mean orange man being assassinated by the evil terrorists carrying the flag of oppression.

Isolated_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is not being entrenched in the location of DC, the problem is the Bureaucracy being entrenched. Moving the capitol every year or every term would do little but cause disorderly confusion, the Bureaucracy would simply move along with it.

DC needs to be splintered into a minimum of 50 different locations, one in each state. There is no reason for the bureaucracy to be in any one location.

Isolated_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

So have BLM and Antifa.

But I think this is ref to the 6th and the MSM blasting that picture of the Confederate flag all over the web.

The lib brains are 100% compromised and will see this as a dig against Trump supporters, and never once question the events of the summer.

Hell, half of them believe Trump supporters dressed up as BLM and looted the cities.

Isolated_Patriot 63 points ago +63 / -0

There is a difference, those were volunteers who needed "official" jurisdiction because they were not from DC.

These are active NG, not volunteers with no authority.

Isolated_Patriot 3 points ago +4 / -1

Only ten people know the whole plan, never said there was only ten.

Isolated_Patriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

What if the particles were magic particles?

Didn't think of that, didja? /s

Isolated_Patriot 10 points ago +10 / -0

Memes are an alt-right

There is no alt-right...

Isolated_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Heart Attack Gun" == "Crazy conspiracy scifi bullshit!"

"Poison Darts" == "Been used since ancient times."


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