IveHadAllsICanStand 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even the word “gender” is “their” word. “Sex” always applied to humans, while “gender” was reserved for language concepts (as in many foreign languages). This conflation was done on purpose to instigate today’s confusion.

IveHadAllsICanStand 7 points ago +7 / -0

That was just the cover story for the steal. Just how many teachers do you think there are compared to the general population? Besides that, only a percentage of teachers have barain-damage, not all.

IveHadAllsICanStand 2 points ago +2 / -0

The word doctor should become synonymous with “little bitch”. Or at least “chickenshit liar”.

Of course some should just be rightly called “murderer”.

IveHadAllsICanStand 1 point ago +1 / -0

Beat me to it. Man was a genius in cereal varnishes.

IveHadAllsICanStand 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem is that “gender” isn’t meant to apply to humans, it’s meant to apply to things like the gendering of nouns in foreign languages. It’s useless in English. It’s use today is leftist propaganda. We already have a word to denote humans into the appropriate categories - the word is “sex”. The phrase that describes who you like to “do the nasty” with is “sexual preference”.

We must stop using the word “gender”. The left simply uses it as a weapon to further their nonsense. We must take back the word “sex” and the phrase “sexual preference” and stop ceding the language advantage to the enemy.

As for those that “identify” with a sex that doesn’t align with their genitalia, that’s simply called “mental illness”.

IveHadAllsICanStand 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes. Lie down. Be quiet. Hide. Be the little bitch you are. That's what the founding fathers did, right?

IveHadAllsICanStand 1 point ago +2 / -1

I agree. Either they’re wrong about the Epstein/Maxwell arrests being the “first” arrests referred to by Q (which I think they ARE wrong), or Q’s prediction of their effect was WAY off.

IveHadAllsICanStand 11 points ago +11 / -0

He didn't know how to fly yet performed incredible aerial stunts before killing himself. Speculation at the time was that it was an attempt to shine light on nefarious activities that had been occurring at that location.

IveHadAllsICanStand 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is closer to reality than most people know.

IveHadAllsICanStand 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seeing patriots sporting the Punisher logo must be really shaking them up.

IveHadAllsICanStand 15 points ago +15 / -0

"How do you introduce evidence legally?" - Q drop 3850 And "Trust Wray". He's a sleeper.

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