They won’t ever show it. The choice to know will be yours. We need to erase generational massive traumas and there’s too many idiotic lefties and even right wing who will just claim it’s fake video anyways.
I’m 100% convinced a lot of the stuff we think will come out never actually will for fear of damaging the public permanently. (The ending won’t be for everyone, those who know can’t sleep, the choice to know will be yours, 60 private 40% public, etc…) Q said countless small things that hint towards the fact we will likely never know a lot of the full picture.
A wise man once told me “eatin ain’t cheatin”
… but on a serious note it’s probably a fake staged marriage. If she can change her name and pretend to be super conservative then why not fake her marriage too for clout. I’m convinced almost none of them except Trump and a handful of others have real marriages and relationships. Most of them are either fake or gay.
Normies still aren’t all ready for this. Just keep dropping pills. They will sit on one and take it as a suppository one day. Law of averages or something like that.
Yeah this has been my point for a long time. Obama, michelle, Hillary, bill, some of the big actors and media personalities, Colbert, these guys were EVERYWHERE. Books, speeches, campaign trails, commercials, you name it.
Where the fuck are they?!?! Remember it’s an election year!
Yeah I’ve already decided when I build next time I’m going metal roof so that I’m dead before I ever have to worry about it. Roofs are so stupid and the repair prices are insane.
I’m starting to think we just build boxes with flat roofs like corporate buildings. About the size of a small dollar general but it’s a house instead. Probably much simpler too without the extra stuff. I think this is why barndominiums are taking off.
I’ve had the same happen but not quite as extreme. Check these things: 1: is it just your home insurance or your escrow which also includes your taxes and insurance? 2: typically it’s smart to switch companies every 3 years or so and bundle with car, etc. 3: sometimes paying in full will save 10% too.
It sucks but I would definitely shop rates at least 2 or 3 places.
Jury is still out for me on almost everyone. He has been doing great things lately and I hope he is a white hat but he also went dead silent when his old buddy hunter bidens sketchy stuff came out. There’s been a few big moments that make me question but I’ll always forgive if we go in the right direction.
Asking the tough questions.
Swift is the antichrist. People just don't realize it because they think she is female and don’t know that she’s a man.That’s my hot take of the weekend. I’ll rest now. Kek.
Racine - UN model city origin of US problems with a lot of weird shit. Switzerland - CERN portal and head of a lot of shady shit (WHO, etc.)
“Every politician red or blue has been blackmailed by a Jew, and this is how they Jew ya” - to the tune of hallelujah
Also let’s not forget Epstein and his dad were Israel. And the guy that owned the twin towers. And pelosi. And Schumer, and Bernanke, and RBG, Kagan, Breyer, Spielberg. Soros, greenspan, adelson, Zuckerberg, Ellison, sanders, Lewinsky, launder, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Dell. It goes on forever …
If you haven’t heard Owen Benjamin’s song “How they Jew Ya” then you are missing out. He nails it. I was not anti Jew for a long time but the past few years it has become apparent how evil they are and keep in mind in the Bible it discusses watching out for those who call themselves Jews but are the synagogue of satan. We will see how it plays out.
Also if you are skeptical look how many of our current sitting politicians and major political players have duel citizenship. You will be shocked.
I have yet to find one big name influencer who wasn’t a grifter or disingenuous. At least Alex jones had his own personality and got fired up, this new wave of “journalists” are dull and force fed it seems. They also are constantly “exposing people” and have yet to ever release anything noteworthy that we didn’t know.
This is the shit that will really blow your mind: it changes your hormones enough that you can quite literally be attracted to a partner you would not normally like. Now apply that to whatever percent of population was on BC and then go look at divorce rates. Catastrophic results. We have tens of millions of people likely married or divorced because their hormones were off balance on BC.
So this has always been my problem with the plan. Let’s pretend he is right and they are going to lockdown for a couple weeks and clean house…how will you know it’s the white hats or the globohomos.
People don’t understand the level of sheer panic and chaos there would be if the internet was even down for a week. No payment processing, no bank transfers, no friends, no shows, no news. That solution would dissolve into chaos so rapidly it would make people’s heads spin. Most people aren’t even ready for 2 days.
I also believe strategically that is impossible unless it’s just a few major cities. Do you understand the logistics involved for 24 countries to simultaneously quell rebellions and round up bad actors? Not in a million years would that be possible unless it’s slow and ongoing. It’s like whackamole with these faggots popping up everywhere and their cronies. You wouldn’t be able to do it all at once
So my thought on this is that debt won’t be absolved but will be much more realistic. Example: 24% credit card interest rates would be like 8 or 10%, home mortgages would be like 2 or 3%, etc. I don’t know think it’s a debt free world but I think the goal is cutting out middle men and predatory practices like 25% interest rates on used cars and CC debt and student loans.
Former navy here. It’s terrible, join Air Force or coast guard if you are going into service or just don’t at all. Kek.
I think it’s not so much about the conspiracy as the content of the post. Last I checked rods was a real admitted program or at least test program but if you claim it was used to wipe out WTC or something like that without proof then yeah you are probably getting too far out there.
Yeah dragons is an interesting rabbit hole. Also while we here don’t dabble much with lizard people and things like that it is incredibly strange that almost every religion and ancient culture depicts very similar mutant crossovers like lizard people, dragons, sphinx, etc.
Even flat earth which I’m not saying is real would shatter 90% of the world’s view. It would mean not only have we been lied to, nearly everything we believe about space and the sun and moon and stars and gravity, etc. is fake too. Again I’m not saying I believe flat earth because I’m open minded to anything at this point but I am saying it’s got to be massive levels of deception that even statistically 1/2 of people on this board couldn’t handle which leaves me things like religious beliefs, FE, inner earth, and other ground shaking options.
Always accept apologies and forgive but it doesn’t mean you have to forget or accept them back into your life.
short semi-spiritual rant: your entire well-being will be better off if you forgive. Resentment and anger quite literally builds up and causes health and other issues physically not just mentally. We are the few and proud who were immune to brainwashing and called to help awaken others. Remember not everyone has the IQ, fortitude, or background to understand deep multi dimensional AND generational propaganda. They’ve faced lifelong conditioning and being awakened is a hard process that often takes years while the whole vax decision was maybe 1-2 years total.
I have to believe that if the plan plays out we will have solutions to heal the vaccinated. Let’s be honest if there aren’t any plans the population and human race as we know it is basically doomed long term if it’s even half as bad as we think.
Them asking for forgiveness is a huge door open to listen to other ideas and info we give them in the future when they need guidance and if you say “screw you for hating me and believing the news” you are basically slamming a door in their face and unintentionally conditioning them not to listen next time because they will be treated like idiots. You have to be stern but understanding.
Hey anon is this readily available software or is this because you are in a tech niche? I’m curious because with deep fakes and the world we live in this is a super handy tool you have.
Voter id didn’t help with mail ins…
I don’t like most of this guys posts because there is a lot of fluff but his community note trolling is brilliant.
I have said since the bombing that something went down. Also people forget but there were reports of brief gunfire. Also black hats wouldn’t put an alarm out telling everyone to clear the area.
People forget that Nashville used to be the bellsouth hub which was the monopoly telecoms before they were broken up so my suspicion is that it’s a central hub for comms and they blew up a tap that the deep state was using to steal data, spy, communicate, etc. We will likely never know kind of like Vegas. Especially if it houses critical infrastructure. But it’s the only logical explanation.