JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is, she's probably the most relatable candidate possible given the IQ of most Dems these days. She's what they imagine a smart person sounds like.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

And the polls in 2020 showed Biden with a slight edge when we know it was a landslide victory for DJT.

It's not just that the polls are fake, it's that they are THE key precursor to fraudulent elections. That's the rub and it's how I try to explain it to normies. It's not just about conditioning your perception, it's about laying the groundwork to steal elections.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

May it be a complete shit show.

I suspect the string pullers of the Dem party are expecting to be considering the lack of advertising for the Dem convention. Can any of you recall a Democrat national convention with less build up?

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh bullshit. There are minimum wage (or slightly better) jobs EVERYWHERE.

This dipshit just doesn't want to work a job that he thinks is below him.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm voting for all these things, but I'm also voting AGAINST oblivion.

JackieDaytona74 9 points ago +9 / -0

I would tend to agree with your scenario, though I suspect there would be a substantial gap between Harris' election and the intervention. An even more obvious election steal followed by economic collapse under the umbrella of full fledged revolt by those who recognize the obvious steal would certainly qualify as "Pushed to the brink".

But in general, I would agree with you. I have never been able to envision DJT simply winning this election. I'm not entirely sure we will have an election.

And I would implore my fellow GAW members to prepare themselves for what I view as a very strong possibility that DJT will not win this election.

January 20th, 2021 is burned into my mind and I have little doubt that is true for all of you. But think of the lessons we've learned since that dark day. We MUST be prepared for the strong possibility that this election either won't happen or that it will be stolen. Remember again: Pushed to the brink.

Things are very bad right now. Millions of families are indeed pushed to the brink. Many patriots on this very board are pushed to the brink. This is why my stomach churns whenever I see a "comfy" post around here. But regardless, the country has NOT been collectively pushed to the brink.

Prepare yourselves, remember the lessons from the past.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would not call this "news". This is unsubstantiated rumor at best and should be treated as such.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great research, BD. Your post is an example of this board at its best.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

Another post from binary Q that implies that he/she has been read in.

It's an interesting account, one I pay attention to but one that I'm still undecided about.

That being said, I do understand why this is being dragged out. If Mom and Dad swoop in and fix the problem, the spoiled, ignorant brat children learn nothing.

But for the good, mature kids (all of you), it really, really sucks.

JackieDaytona74 9 points ago +9 / -0

"I don't think trump will go far enough"

I think that responsibility lies with us. How many conservative/independent people do you know that truly understand the affront that federal income taxes truly are?

Most of these well-meaning folks are just happy whenever a Republican President cuts their taxes by 2-3%. They do not understand that they shouldn't exist at all and that the founding fathers always intended the federal government to be solely funded via tariffs, primarily to keep it under control and to only feed itself at the benefit of the American citizens.

We have to educate our fellow citizens on this issue before a massive change like that could be made. I view it through the same lens as DJT's mandate now versus what he had in 2016. Yes, people knew that HRC was a criminal. But most didn't realize the depth and breadth of corruption and outright evil. DJT didn't have the mandate to clean it up the way he does now.

It takes time to change hearts and minds. But more importantly, it takes patriots to share that message.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

At least in my Minneapolis precinct, that's exactly how things are done.

We DO get paper ballots. However, that ballot is read by a machine that you feed your ballot into. Your only confirmation is that the ballot reader screen says either "Problem reading ballot (rare)" or "Ballot successfully read". You have zero idea if your ballot was read CORRECTLY.

JackieDaytona74 12 points ago +12 / -0

As a (sadly) lifelong Minnesotan, I've always viewed "Minnesota Nice" as a code phrase for "Passive-aggressive blonde people".

For those of you who ever visit Minnesota, most Minnesotans are only smiling at you because they're trying to figure out what they hate most about you.

JackieDaytona74 31 points ago +31 / -0

A bunch of thoughts on this from a local:

I'm in Minneapolis, or as I call it "Little Chicago". I wish people understood how voter fraud in the twin cities has been an intrinsic part of Minnesota politics for decades.

And when you think about it, it's not surprising. The entire state is red save for two areas: Minneapolis/St. Paul & Duluth. This allows those with the means to only need to focus on one single population center to control the entire state.

The problem also perpetuates itself because in Minneapolis especially, you have far Leftists installed throughout the city government which gives the fraud operations cover.

Another thing to remember from the above numbers: Turnout for the primaries this year in Minnesota was extremely low. Now, part of that was that this is a non-gubernatorial year. But turnout was far lower than it was in 2020 as well. There were VERY few votes to count.

My Minneapolis precinct was DEAD all day because my wife and I made a point of one of us walking by every 60-90 minutes, and we made sure we walked the dogs at 5:30 so we could observe the after work "rush". I spoke with 3 other election judges at 3 other precincts who I know and trust and their precincts were dead as well. There was zero reason for these votes to come in so late.

Another element to be aware of: Support for Ilhan in this town is far lower than someone from outside the TC's would think. The local Somali community (imported by the State Department and the Leftist Minnesota government) does not like her because they detest her embrace of LGBTQ+$%^@@5 nonsense.

For context: I have two large, athletic dogs that require a 90 minute walk every night. We vary our route every evening and consequently, I see an enormous amount of my area of Minneapolis over the course of a few weeks. I did not see one single Ilhan Omar sign in a yard for the entire summer. Driving through other areas of Minneapolis, I never saw a single one (and I was looking).

Now, back to the original question posted in the tweet: "Are they seriously not going to look into this?" The answer is almost for certain they won't look into this. Primarily because of two reasons: 1) There are a ton of some of the dumbest Leftists you'll ever meet living in Minneapolis. They never question the machine. 2) Every political position in the city is filled by a Leftist.

In St. Paul, it's a different story. But make no mistake, political power resides in Minneapolis and not the state capital. The voter fraud here will never be investigated without an outside force driving it.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, not really.

Layoffs occurring across the tech industry all year. Friends and relatives I'd be happy to never see again. Millions of Americans struggling to get by each month.

Evil politicians and media members that appear to be far too comfortable.

Suffice it to say, I'm ready for the 3rd act.

JackieDaytona74 12 points ago +12 / -0

Two of the most important drops Q ever gave us.

God's glory extends far beyond our little mudball. And this "beautiful brave new world" is what I pray for every single night. A world of peace, individual liberty and TRUTH.

Real truth would result in this planet entering a golden age.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mental illness does not aid one in their perception of the world.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is indeed an open primary in the hellhole of a state that is Minnesota.

Her main challenger is another leftwing nutjob (Don Samuels), albeit a nutjob that wants to implement term limits, ban foreign campaign donations, and ban politicians from becoming lobbyists for ten years from leaving office.

Plus he's probably not a foreign asset like Omar. Needless to say, my vote this morning was for Samuels.

And for any other Minnesotans on this board, support Royce White for senate!

JackieDaytona74 10 points ago +10 / -0

This touches on one of the most important facades the Cabal has propped up for years:

-Convincing you that you're in the minority -Convincing Leftists that they're the majority.

This ties into everything: -Fake polls -Fraudulent elections -Instinctual tribal tendencies that most humans share

They promote this façade through social media censorship and botting as well as the language used by members of the media and politicians. If patriots knew how great their numbers truly are, the game would be over.

I am positive we outnumber the communists by at least 2 to 1. So no surprise that the entire media complex would have a collective hissy fit over evidence that support for Camel Whore is far lower in reality.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

They should be scared.

That being said, getting very tired of Bongino leading the "incompetency/DEI" charge on the SS' failure to protect the President.

I'm becoming very suspicious of those who exclusively push the incompetency angle.

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