JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Clearly blackhats have no fucking idea who is really in charge right now, so they are just thrashing about "doing shit" and "criming" toward a general objective, making themselves look like they are in complete disarray and engaged in criminal coverups."

I wish I had your level of confidence. There's nothing that I'd rather know more than how much agency the Cabal has right now.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

If this information is correct, it should be something that can be confirmed by decompiling the Crowdstrike update and comparing it to the previous version. This has already been done to determine what was bricking laptops/servers, but the people doing the research were exclusively looking for what was causing them to not boot.

It's a fascinating info drop as it's more of an implied bit of insider knowledge rather than a theory. But it's something that software engineers should be able to corroborate.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

This sounds like more than a theory. It's too specific to be a "theory". It's either bullshit or this person has some level of knowledge. Fascinating if it's the latter.

I work in cyber security. I do have a theory, though it is based purely on publicly available data and to be clear, I have no access to information on the machinations of the cabal in this regard.

That being said, I assumed that the Crowdstrike "bug" was related to the assassination attempt given the close proximity in time.

I've seen the decompiled code for the Crowdstrike update. No way in hell that could pass QA. The problem is too prolific and obvious. So regardless of the reason, I'm positive the update was knowingly pushed out.

Let's say you just tried to assassinate the real POTUS and you have a number of people involved with this plot. The Crowdstrike update is a wonderful way to destroy evidence because now anyone with a bricked laptop or server has complete cover to reimage that laptop/server. Easy rationale for data destruction for specific bad actors hidden behind a worldwide disruption.

But again, purely a theory.

JackieDaytona74 17 points ago +18 / -1

Indeed, HS. And my gut tells me the insanity is only beginning.

I suspect it's going to get very, very rough. Far worse than it is now. But when we come out the other side, it will be glorious.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

I realize that the words, especially words based on nothing more than a gut feeling are probably not worth much.

But I trust my gut. My gut has guided me well for many years, despite being a very cognitive-focused man.

I talked to my extremely based son almost two years ago and I told him:

-2024 will be the year of black swan events. We've had 2 already in the assassination attempt on DJT and Biden stepping down. 3 if you want to count the Baltimore ship crash, which I would argue is a black swan event given its long-term impact.

-I told him that things will get much, much, much worse.

-I told him that when we come through the horrifically bad times, things will be better than they've ever been before.

I still trust my gut. My gut tells me all of these items continue to be true. It will be a wild ride. It will get much worse. But it will be glorious when we pull through.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm the last person on earth you need to convince that the Constitution matters.

But I would posit that it does not to most Leftists.

My argument about us not caring about it in this specific (and ONLY) instance is that I'm very doubtful Kamala will get the nomination. No sense preparing for a battle that we most likely won't need to fight, especially with so many other battles on the horizon.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Won't matter to the Dems as their voters have no understanding why a natural born citizen is a requirement.

And quite frankly, I'm not sure it should matter to us. Difficult for me to believe that Kamala will indeed be the nominee in November. And that's assuming we actually have an election and I'm far from 100% confident we will.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Folks, please don't think the "hard part" is coming to an end. The hard part hasn't started yet.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not enough. She needs to be investigated and charged if there is evidence she committed a crime.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree OP, there is something here and I don't think it's something obvious or simple. Rather intriguing.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am concerned about the tone of Bongino's criticism in the past week.

Now, perhaps I've missed an appearance from him where he's been more critical, but I've caught the majority of his TV appearances. So if someone has seen/heard something to the contrary here, let me know.

But all of the criticism I've heard from Bongino, including this tweet, all revolves around the SS lacking competency and collapsing under the weight of DEI-obsessed leadership. And I doubt anyone would disagree that's a major concern.

But the level of incompetence from start to finish last Saturday is so severe, it beggars belief that malice did not play a role. I have yet to hear Bongino "go there".

And that concerns me because the people behind this assassination attempt want NOTHING more than for this whole event to get whitewashed as simple incompetence. And you can just see how that could easily play out. Congressional hearings with Cheatle testifying and getting asked a few tough questions. Lots of great clips for tv and social media. Maybe she eventually gets demoted or even fired. A few reforms occur to make the general public happy, and then the whole thing just goes away.

Fuck that scenario. I want to know who the agent in command was during the rally. I want all communications between that person and Cheatle captured and on public display. And I want to see Bongino calling for those things as well, including calling out the signs of this being a cover up.

Bongino is in a unique situation. He's Ex-SS, he has a lot of goodwill from the patriots of this country. I DON'T want him to say foolish things that can't be supported, but I do want him to call this stuff out instead of constantly playing the "incompetence" card.

And FWIW, James O'Keefe has stated that he's talking to SS whistleblowers as well. How much do you want to bet that what we will hear from those whistleblowers will revolve exclusively around incompetence and DEI initiatives from Cheatle?

It's very easy to have people anonymously blow the whistle to cement a narrative. I hope I'm wrong, but we'll see.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's multiple voices in the drops. One of them is clearly President Trump of course (Q+) and I suspect that's who Q was referring to when they made that statement.

I doubt it's Clancy or JFK Jr., primarily due to them both being dead.

McAfee, even if he is alive (which I won't rule out), would make little sense. He's an anarchist and hedonist. All known data on the man points to him never wanting to be part of a military intelligence operation. He was a man who deeply valued individual liberty, but I never sensed he had any great love of country.

JackieDaytona74 8 points ago +8 / -0

We were told what the start of the storm would be.

I would strongly disagree that the storm has arrived.

Q drop #55: Look to Twitter: Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." God bless.

JackieDaytona74 11 points ago +11 / -0

I've looked at some higher res photos of the woman in the crowd and recent photos of Diguiseppi. I'm very skeptical that they're the same woman.

Be careful with this one, guys.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Project Looking Glass exists exclusively in the realm of rumor. More importantly, it is not the focus of my post.

Though the ability to move forward in time and observe does not necessarily mean that the future/fate is determined, it simply means that time is another dimension not unlike any other dimension.

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have always wondered if there was a technological element to "NCSWIC".

Q first told us this years ago, but we've never found out what event or series of events made winning this war a foregone conclusion. Of course, we also do not know exactly what is assuredly coming either. We have always assumed that "NCSWIC" is code for "Nothing can stop the Cabal from being exposed and defeated".

As to what "NCSWIC" really means, that's up for debate, but for this conversation let's assume it's referring to the defeat of the Cabal.

Moving on, I have always wondered what developments occurred for Q to be so sure of victory over an entrenched, shadowy, well-funded and extremely high-tech enemy. I hope someday that story will be told.

So here's a theory that's a bit more banal than the rumored "Project Looking Glass", but still in that same vein that would explain why Q is able to repeatedly claim "NCSWIC":

We have heard Q repeatedly talk about game theory being a key element in their planning against the Cabal and Q has emphasized the importance of anons understanding the principles of game theory.

I have been fortunate enough to have friends & family members with high security clearances. A few have had very high clearances. I can confidently say that quantum computing has been much, much further along at a big building in Utah than the public knows.

Now, quantum computing has a lot of limitations that aren't often discussed in the mainstream. But for certain types of problems, quantum computing is vastly superior to traditional computing if you have the resources and knowledge to build, maintain and program a quantum computer. Most importantly, Quantum computing is excellent when applied to complex systems and in supporting sophisticated AI.

So here's the theory:

Project Looking Glass is a rumored machine gifted to the U.S. government by non-human intelligences that can literally show any location in the past, present and future.

But what if the Q team / Patriots were able to get possession of the next best thing? Specifically, a cutting edge quantum computer that would allow them to implement game theory better than anyone else on the planet?

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll repost what I put in a similar thread. I am always in favor of speaking about the glory of God, and I truly believe He saved the President's life last Friday. But we should also be talking about the failure of men, specifically the men who should have been His instruments in protecting Donald John Trump.

My post from a couple days ago on a similar thread:

I must confess, I have a very, very different reaction to this post than the rest of you. This post serves only to increase my anger.

Like many of you in the comments, I do believe that His hand intervened and prevented DJT's assassination.

But God should never have had to get involved. Donald John Trump is the face of not only a political movement, but as the video correctly asserts, he is the face of a revival.

For nearly 7 years, we have read and discussed the messages from Q. We were slowly convinced of Q's legitimacy. But eventually we knew Q was legitimate and we ate up every drop. We became aware that President Trump was the face of a long-planned counterattack against the Evil that runs the planet we share.

For years and in some cases decades, many of us have understood the broad brush strokes of the evil cabal that has quietly enslaved our world. And in President Trump & Q, we saw the possibility of a golden age for our children. A world without the cabal where this could be a world of truth, liberty and peace.

So to almost lose the face of a war against evil for our planet to such a banal assassination attempt is stomach churning.

This wasn't a high tech attempt on President Trump's life by a desperate cabal. We know that has happened and we have some idea of the myriad, high-tech ways the cabal can remove an enemy.

But this was the clumsiest of attempts. A brainwashed child, a rifle, and a SS and police force that was either utterly incompetent or utterly compromised, take your pick. And we nearly lost our leader to it.

To the Q team: Do better. Justify our faith in you. You are God's instruments. Do the job He has asked you to do. He should not have needed to get involved.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I must confess NQ, I am stunned by the collective shoulder shrug around here.

"God saved President Trump, cool!".

I sincerely believe He did. But why did he have to?

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you believe I'm missing a point, then please explain how.

God did not put us on this earth to sit back and wait for him to give us what we want. He put us here to be His instruments, to do His work.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not about "hating" Vance.

It's about trying to understand the strategy behind bringing him in as the VP. There's very little publicly available information to justify this choice.

One can only assume that there are less obvious reasons for his selection.

JackieDaytona74 11 points ago +11 / -0

I must confess, I have a very, very different reaction to this post than the rest of you. This post serves only to increase my anger.

Like many of you in the comments, I do believe that His hand intervened and prevented DJT's assassination.

But God should never have had to get involved. Donald John Trump is the face of not only a political movement, but as the video correctly asserts, he is the face of a revival.

For nearly 7 years, we have read and discussed the messages from Q. We were slowly convinced of Q's legitimacy. But eventually we knew Q was legitimate and we ate up every drop. We became aware that President Trump was the face of a long-planned counterattack against the Evil that runs the planet we share.

For years and in some cases decades, many of us have understood the broad brush strokes of the evil cabal that has quietly enslaved our world. And in President Trump & Q, we saw the possibility of a golden age for our children. A world without the cabal where this could be a world of truth, liberty and peace.

So to almost lose the face of a war against evil for our planet to such a banal assassination attempt is stomach churning.

This wasn't a high tech attempt on President Trump's life by a desperate cabal. We know that has happened and we have some idea of the myriad, high-tech ways the cabal can remove an enemy.

But this was the clumsiest of attempts. A brainwashed child, a rifle, and a SS and police force that was either utterly incompetent or utterly compromised, take your pick. And we nearly lost our leader to it.

To the Q team: Do better. Justify our faith in you. You are God's instruments. Do the job He has asked you to do. He should not have needed to get involved.

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