I’m 72 next month— never watched cnn or any network news in my life but — a lot of old “ hippies “ do — they predate the liberals and the Karens and find themselves so self righteous as they trust the networks and cable now because— “ why would they lie?” Same morons that spit on returning Vietnam soldiers ( mostly drafted) — I never fit in with most of my peers…
We are never all the same as a chihuahua raised with kids and cats are not the same as a chihuahua raised by a 60 year old widower— but we share as do they certain traits that are transferable into different situations that they/ we easily adapt to -that being said Great Danes and Chihuahuas are both breeds of the same ilk — humans are the same— we produce no hybrids like donkey/horse— we are essentially ( race/breed) like humans/dogs — point being we all make great designer hybrids as well as great mutts and purebreds too!
Yeah it’s really p;:sing me off - think I’ll get Guineas or peacocks— both loud and proud— my neighbors across the street have duck and chickens - neighborhood Cooper’s hawk torments them daily by hearing the squawking 😁
Thank God some people have integrity for their beliefs and God and will endure the consequences of witnessing these values in the public sphere— not a whole lot of men left but I think they’re making a strong comeback shortly!
Yep ! But it’s funny cause I was a med tech in the early 70’s and caught every virus ( mostly intestinal cause I was the newbie assigned to “stools”) - was sick for a few weeks never since - immunity is real - never got sick when my kiddos started school and they were rarely ill( of course they did not go to daycare)
Had a weird “flu” type illness in mid December of -2019- weakness of muscles/loss of smell and taste - slight fever for 3-4 days - had just returned from Houston back to Hill country—/ haven’t had anything since ( except a little sneezing from seasonal allergies)
Maybe about next Pope?