JessWithTheMess 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not only was there nothing he said that contradicted or denied Q, but several Q posts say the same thing about RINOs! What is your tiff, that he’s venting about his observations? Would you like “unpopular” opinions silenced like MSM? You sure you thought this was a Q board?

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agnosticism isn't the enemy, and it is only one step away from turning to God.

Meanwhile, Muslims and Jews believe in God already, yet I’m not suggesting following them. Agnosticism isn’t the enemy to you, but we are in a spiritual warfare, a biblical event.

He has been attacking the uniparty at every fucking turn for the last couple years, what more the fuck do you want?

Attacking? Or vocalizing his opinions not specific to the uniparty - as we’ve seen him “attack” (complain about) Trump, support Desantis, support Schumer, I haven’t seen anything come out about globalists like WEF, considering he has one running X and still censoring conservatives - yet another thing, that gets disregarded. I want to see an actual outcome, if all these millions of people are exposed and impacted by his tweets, what has come of it? Even Twitter files….

You acknowledged the posts he's made that are connected to focusing on white hats, but you don't acknowledge how integral the millions of eyes seeing things like the censorship of Google searches against Trump is.

I never said his posts are focusing on white hats, I said his posts just reinforce conservative values. Again millions of eyes means what, if nothing materializes out of it, Q had millions of followers while being censored on all platforms! Just because a tweet gets millions of views, doesn’t mean it changes how people feel or changes how things are - it’s sad because I explain this to young women fixated on social media and going “viral”.

Where Neuralink will go, no one knows. It's new technology.

I’m sorry what? Not only will it go the direction that the founder and company has already established - not only in their daily operations but also amongst investors. Not to mention the billions spent on testing and human trials are starting in September, they already have selected the subjects. It will be on market in the next 3 years, so unless Elon is dying in 3 years time, it will definitely be in his lifetime. The chip is designed by function, it’s not like they can just wake up and decide to use the same chip completely differently. The chip is manufactured and made to connect the brain waves with waves admitted from your mobile device. They can’t take that same chip and use it to restore bodily function - it quite literally can’t.

And none of them have even a 20th of the reach that Elon does. So rather than attack him at every single turn, in every single thread, roll with the fucking punches,

What does reach matter with no reaction? No results? Every single thread, every turn? If you want to take the time to count how many posts I commented about Elon on, be my guest, you’ll see it’s not even 25%. We don’t have to roll with Elon, nobody knows what role he plays (if any), as nothings resulted out of ANYTHING he’s done. It’s the assertion that he must be a white hat and even condemning and name-calling other anons, because we don’t agree on something that was never specified by Q - it’s borderline insane and definitely seems agenda-driven.

Wearing a fucking Halloween costume isn't idolatry, because definitively idolatry is WORSHIP.

Idolatry is the extreme admiration, love, or reverence for someone (or thing). If idolatry was worship - that would mean atheists could not idolize, because they don’t believe in anything to worship.. which obviously is not true, as we could both name several examples. It’s his depiction of a very well-known demon, that he has kept as his profile, his image for over 2 years.

Maybe - just maybe, if there was another figure, that anons gave ALL this grace and overlooked soooo many things on, I could see your point on dismissing it all. Can you name one?

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one "dismisses" things, but you'd have to be retarded to think you have to hammer it in on every single thread about Elon as if you want to alienate him and cause him to throw his lot in with the other side.

We’re literally in a spiritual war - so yes it matters that he’s agnostic. The way you guys have convinced yourself that he is even cognizant of this group, is just wild. To act like he’s on any side is retarded, in of itself. He’s one of the world’s richest billionaires, who galavants with Hollywoods elites and impregnates literal swamp monsters, has always been about himself. To act like there’s “more eyes” on the issues at hand, when nothing has materialized from anything he’s brought attention to, including the Twitter Files flop - in fact the SC recently ruled in favor of the government for cooperating with social media to remove content, etc.. Your comment regarding science is so vague and subjective, idk how it even applied. But Elon has declared his trans humanist agenda with chips to make people’s brains connect directly with their devices, not repair or heal limbs or damaged parts as some anons here have made it out to seem, there’s so many things that some anons have looked past. There’s not a single other figure, that has done even half the shit Elon is still doing, that is followed and revered as a white hat or part of the plan - and there’s a very obvious reason why. I do not agree with transhumanism, I do not agree with devil/demon idolatry, I would hope all anons do not agree with his “philosophies”.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +2 / -1

It’s really tiresome watching you guys dismiss and ignore everything Elon says that doesn’t fit the “white hat” narrative, could you imagine if Lin Wood wore a demon/Baphomet costume on his profile or if Flynn had a bedazzled white “New World Order” jacket while prancing around with Hollywood Elites at the Met Gala, which I would bet my last paycheck he’s going to attend this year. That’s not even mentioning the robot fleets or the brain chips, which surprise, has nothing to do with being used as medical devices- but is focused on connecting your literal brain with your phone and other mobile devices - hence the name ‘Telepathy’ Just last week, he called MAGA a cult of personality, but how in the world could anyone have doubt.

JessWithTheMess 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s a hard sell considering she went to an HBCU and pledged AKA. Not saying it wasn’t set up that way, but it’s easily deniable because of that fact.

JessWithTheMess 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s ironic because Maduro is the one that has talked about the deep state and is for BRICS and wanted Venezuela to join.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, there’s plenty of evidence showing the contrary as well. Both could be done intentionally/out of manipulation.

JessWithTheMess 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here’s the context:

He said that he isn’t part of MAGA—or Make America Great Again, Trump’s campaign slogan—but rather, his principles are aligned with “MAG”: Make America Greater.

“I don’t prescribe to [a] cult of personality,” Musk said. But, he added that Trump demonstrated “great courage” after being shot by an attempted assassin on July 13, and that strength helps intimidate America’s enemies.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or that Joe loses again and the Dems cheat again. I think the assassination attempt was a litmus test.

JessWithTheMess 8 points ago +8 / -0

This. I hate when other anons try to force their own prediction and observations down other anons throats, some even resort to name-calling if you don’t accept their theory as truth.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +3 / -2

I’m sorry but I don’t believe in that anon-made theory. We had a democratic republic with fair elections at some point in time.

That theory has no proof to it and is pure speculation, that we couldn’t possibly have the slightest insight into, especially pre-1800!

JessWithTheMess 13 points ago +15 / -2

Or just stop the cheat and bring back fair elections. Playing games like this will just be used by both parties as a normalcy in lawfare.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +2 / -1

It’s pretty clear why many anons are skeptical. I mean look at yourself defending the worlds richest man making brain chips, robots, walks around wearing coats that say NWO or has Baphomet on his chest.

But he repeats some good things, and lets some anons stay on Twitter.

He’s the only person some anons give so much grace and worship too, and completely ignore anything he says that doesn’t agree or even goes against what’s talked about here - but I do believe there is definitely a reason behind it, there really are no coincidences.

JessWithTheMess 3 points ago +3 / -0

sounds like a great book deal

JessWithTheMess 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh sorry, I misunderstood - thought you were saying you couldn’t find it on the internet.

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