JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, there’s plenty of evidence showing the contrary as well. Both could be done intentionally/out of manipulation.

JessWithTheMess 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here’s the context:

He said that he isn’t part of MAGA—or Make America Great Again, Trump’s campaign slogan—but rather, his principles are aligned with “MAG”: Make America Greater.

“I don’t prescribe to [a] cult of personality,” Musk said. But, he added that Trump demonstrated “great courage” after being shot by an attempted assassin on July 13, and that strength helps intimidate America’s enemies.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or that Joe loses again and the Dems cheat again. I think the assassination attempt was a litmus test.

JessWithTheMess 8 points ago +8 / -0

This. I hate when other anons try to force their own prediction and observations down other anons throats, some even resort to name-calling if you don’t accept their theory as truth.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +3 / -2

I’m sorry but I don’t believe in that anon-made theory. We had a democratic republic with fair elections at some point in time.

That theory has no proof to it and is pure speculation, that we couldn’t possibly have the slightest insight into, especially pre-1800!

JessWithTheMess 13 points ago +15 / -2

Or just stop the cheat and bring back fair elections. Playing games like this will just be used by both parties as a normalcy in lawfare.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +2 / -1

It’s pretty clear why many anons are skeptical. I mean look at yourself defending the worlds richest man making brain chips, robots, walks around wearing coats that say NWO or has Baphomet on his chest.

But he repeats some good things, and lets some anons stay on Twitter.

He’s the only person some anons give so much grace and worship too, and completely ignore anything he says that doesn’t agree or even goes against what’s talked about here - but I do believe there is definitely a reason behind it, there really are no coincidences.

JessWithTheMess 3 points ago +3 / -0

sounds like a great book deal

JessWithTheMess 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh sorry, I misunderstood - thought you were saying you couldn’t find it on the internet.

JessWithTheMess 8 points ago +8 / -0

I’m surprised there aren’t a few posts talking about when Vance called Trump Hitler or a rapist… Or the fact that he said he’d vote for Hillary over Trump.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can tell you watching death, murder and gore online, has absolutely no effect when you encounter it in real life. As someone who could probably name gore/shock sites than you would ever know and as someone has seen someone get killed right in front of me… Not even remotely close to the same experience, especially for your mental in the moment.

JessWithTheMess 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like the vaccine? I think this is why so many of us will never understand the WH plan until it concludes, because so many of us just want to fight fire with fire.

JessWithTheMess 3 points ago +3 / -0

We are watching a movie, scare event. None of us actually knows what happened behind the scenes, as we were assured Trump is safe. Maybe you forgot this is a Q board in all the emotions and drama, but maybe review the sidebar rules and not try to shame people for having a difference in perspective, which again, NONE of us have actual insight in.

JessWithTheMess 2 points ago +2 / -0

This. Some of these comments read like libs going through a manic episode.

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