Jettylee 6 points ago +6 / -0

Add to that, where are all the people that ‘voted’ for Biden? Why don’t we hear from any of them? All the corporations that endorsed him? Where are the celebrities defending and pushing his agendas? Where’s DeNiro, Michael Moore, Beyoncé and Jay Z? It’s awfully quiet in Hollywood.

Jettylee 34 points ago +34 / -0

We’ve seen this before. Many times. But I will still fall for the hopium every time.

Jettylee 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is only so far you can take a society/country before it becomes irretrievable. America must still be recognizable as America in the end or we still lose. We see behind the curtain because we were redpilled early on or ‘chosen’ to see in order to help facilitate the Awakening. It’s completely evident this is a controlled burn. This is a movie for those that don’t ‘know’. When ‘enough’ are on or feel they are on the precipice then the Plan will proceed to the reveal and our new reality.

Jettylee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Their like little birds poking their heads out of the matrix nest. It’s time to rise and shine sleepy heads.

by 369Q
Jettylee 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is on another level. It requires a completely different mind set to understand how hopeless our situation actually was/is. Why are some of us able to see when others are living life as usual accepting everything they see and hear? Some in the same family! The end won’t be for everyone.

Jettylee 2 points ago +3 / -1

I agree with Brent 75 for the most part. We can not know the machinations behind the optics Trump is employing. The only rebuttal I have is: why say anything at all? It’s one thing to endorse and another to just take a neutral stance and not comment. But I do understand this is war and wars unfortunately can deadly.

Jettylee 2 points ago +2 / -0

We that advice would have served me well five years ago. I’ve been at this since 2016 even before Q’s first post.

Jettylee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Geraldo has been grifting his whole career. He is a fully owned and operated asset of the Deep State.

Jettylee 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fine. Great. But the average normie has no idea there is a difference. Just like with the shots. Trump says their fine and we just look crazier and crazier to those we’ve been trying to red pill for years.

Jettylee 4 points ago +4 / -0

I feel the same way about Flynn disavowing Q as I do Trump promoting the shot…Why say anything? Just don’t comment. Why put everyone thru this? Why make your supporters look like idiots? If this is war they both have left their men behind.

Jettylee 3 points ago +5 / -2

This statement is short sided. The elites are all possessed by Satan’s demonic spirit. They embody him in the flesh and are here to do his bidding just as Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit of God himself and are here to fulfill God’s will on earth. Don’t tell me my beef is not with literal demons in skin suits. Flynn is working my last nerve lately.

Jettylee 2 points ago +2 / -0

My contention has always been that stupidity was the problem. Cowardice really is the issue. I see it everyday. Some are Trumpers but only behind closed doors. Too afraid to even ‘like’ a post much less share it or contribute. Sad.

Jettylee 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dear Timmy, We got you a myocardial infarction for your Birthday. If you survive you can now spend Christmas with the rest of your family. Love, Mom and Dad.

Jettylee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving POS company.

Jettylee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Played professional sports ball ✔️

ESPN talking head ✔️

Crossover to pseudo celebrity ✔️

Gets reality show (unwatchable) ✔️

Talking head pushing Deep State agenda ✔️

Adds nail to coffin of professional football ✔️

Jettylee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Such a calm, reassuring, intelligent observation. Was following Martin for awhile until I lost my Twitter account. I believe he posts occasionally on Gab.

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