Can we say VACCINE loud & clear? My 50th will be next year & we have lost classmates since 2021 at a faster rate than before but also, strokes, heart attacks, cancer. I worked as a nurse for 40 yrs & we never saw a population decline like this before, even during the AIDS crisis. Very sad. I’m sorry for you.
Thank you for this beautiful reminder. President Trump is under so much pressure & now the pressure is on Pam & Kash, as well. We all need to keep remembering this is much, much bigger than we know. POTUS is managing a lot of irons in the fire. Stop complaining about it not happening fast enough and PRAY!
They seemed happy tonight, too. President Trump was holding her hand & she stayed close to him. I noticed she even laughed when he started dancing when they were leaving the stage. It’s so important for them to show America that they, as a couple, are strong. They’ve been through so much & to come out of this together is a miracle. Another blessing from God. He is in control!!
What a fabulous rabbit hole!! I’ve just spent the past 2 hours reading the Law of War Manual, chapter 11 & more. So fascinating to see it unfolding before our eyes.
Maybe someone here can help me with something: 4 yrs ago I read somewhere that if a current president had proof of a fraudulent election that it was his duty to inform the military or he could be prosecuted. I would love to know where I read it. If anyone knows, please respond, even if it’s a guess, I’ll look it up.
Thank you Hammer_of_Leftists for this post!!I can’t wait to listen to Trumps rally tonight -Friday- after his day with Joe Rogan & now Israel bombing Iran. Fascinating! WWG1WGA
Great post party1981. I’ve thought these exact things for the past 4 yrs. I think my family thought I’d lost my mind but as of today, I have 4 Republican children, compared to only 2 from 4 yrs ago so they are listening. I read somewhere that in order for the 2020 election to be overturned it had to happen before the next presidential election. I can’t find where I read it, of course, but if someone else has heard this, please let us know. All I know for sure, no date fagging necessary, is the next 2 weeks will be a wild ride. The Q team sure taught us a lot, didn’t they? God bless you. WWG1WGA
Way too logical for a dumb libtard to grasp! Thanks, and I have agreed with you for weeks.