Should the new FBI building be constructed in Alaska above the arctic circle? And require work from the office. Hey maybe time to move all the headquarter buildings for the alphabet agencies out into RED States to spread the wealth and to keep our enemies from a decapitation move with a single large nuclear weapon over DC.
Any State Dept staff who need therapy should be released, Elon, do you agree?
Oh NOES! First abortion back to the states and now education, don't look children! Great plan. Some money back to the states one would presume?
When your soy milk was not warmed.
They made the list!
US meet Briar Patch!
Gloves are off, life insurance policies in Iran are being canceled. If it is true, but may be a psyops to provoke Trump given the source of the story.
I hear Hillary Clinton is sponsoring a "Learn To Code Class For Former Three Letter Agency Heads!"
Should we propose to move all these Blues to Puerto Rico and the Puerto Ricans to America. Of course their properties would have to be confiscated to pay off the debt.
The team keeps getting better and better!
Not constititional.
The process is the punishment.
It is all coming together according to my plan! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa! Not George Soros.
War is always about stealing other peoples stuff. Someone has their eyes on Russia. Trump wants to buy Greenland from Denmark. We could probably invade Denmark and steal it. The Danes should sell while the offer is there. China or Russia could take it.
Thanks for the poignant heads up, Sink!
Big Cheat and it was not really worth ruining the party over. Trust in democrats is lost for a generation or more?
His income stream just dried up! Give him a break. (S)
When she chose Tim Walz as VP I knew they were not going to win. Neither KH or TW were serious candidates and the American voters knew it.
Those numbers are about 19 mil short of the 2020 totals. Wonder what happened to those votes?
NDA don't mean $h__! Right Stormy?
Google is wrong again Joe did not drop out he was pushed out!
Bret Baier with square hair! Looking to call Arizona for ???
"We are from The DOGE and we are here to help!" Elon and Vivek