Assuming ivermectin is passed through the milk, this medicine is a “recognized as safe” wonder drug! There is much evidence of safe use for several unique disorders. Your d-i-l would be protecting her baby, as well as, treating herself!
Worked Early Voting for several days, so far. My word to the voter is to carefully pick your preferences, verify selections before printing and then read the printed ballot when it comes out. It can be “spoiled” at this point, if not exactly what the voter intends, or means to vote. They get 3 chances, if needed, to get it right, but once the ballot is cast, in a scanner, it can’t be changed. Voters, please slow down and be careful!
I was able to read to read this two minute article to my husband. We carefully discussed it and agreed that we have been deceived our entire lives regarding this “vaccine everyone needs every ten years, just in case you step on a rusty nail”. Thank you!
Raw milk from the farm is the way to go! Your ability to buy raw milk varies state to state. Check the guide available on The Weston A. Price Foundation is worldwide and has a long history of good service and education. People who can’t tolerate A1 milk, often can consume A2 milk with none of the allergy or dairy intolerance issues. Milk is an amazing food! Just don’t buy the standard stuff sold in cheap plastic bottles.
Schlechta, your faithfulness is evident! May our lives lived in love and the many ways we sacrifice for one another, even those we never meet, be a praise to Our Loving Father! We lift up this family in our prayers tonight.
Yes, thank you for asking us to unite our prayers for the intentions of this extended family. O, Lord your praise is ever on our lips, so tonight we request a powerful sign in the lives of these grieving individuals. We thank you, trust and love how you will bring good out of such hard circumstances. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine!
Society had a wrong idea in the late sixties that mental facilities should be closed. We have more than enough evidence, in 50+ years, that this did not solve mental health problems. We increased the damage done to vulnerable people, as well as, created dangerous messes in cities across this country. Surely, we can do better than this and finally someone is willing to address it!
Time changes always seemed outlandish to me as a little girl. And I could not figure out why the grownups acted like it was a good thing! Farmers get up early and work as long as they can. They don’t work by the clock. They often don’t come in from the fields for meals. “Make hay while the sun shines.”
Now that I’m an old lady, I still wish time changes didn’t happen!
This is more fruit from the 2024 election! Praise God, as we have didn’t have the numbers to overturn her previous vetoes. Let’s get one day paper voting, as our standard, going forward!