Keke2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

They didn't poke him from what I'm aware of...

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0


We tecently had our son, rejected all shots / tests except potassium k because they guilt tripped the hubby... They seemed less anal about the shots / tests this time around with our last child... I assume that means we didn't do this pku? Or did I miss something?

This was four months ago so perhaps they no longer require this?

I always thought they did this tbh because I was born at home, didn't get a "birth certificate" until three years later, and when I went to deploy in the military they almost denied me deploying due to this "delayed" birth certificate. Not sure if they're connected but I always suspected it could have been because of not having my DNA from when I was a baby... Not sure, couldn't make sense of it otherwise.

Keke2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

We moved to a new area, ultra hard working conservative area. We've seen chemtrails almost everyday. We've been feeling incredibly tired since living here and we're thinking it has something to do with the chemtrails. We also got sick our first week here, sore throat, runny and stuffy nose, always exhausted.

Definitely sensing this shit fren.

Keke2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dear Lord, please protect these unborn babies who will be affected by what their mothers don't yet know. 🙏

We had a baby boy just three months ago. Healthy and in the 97th percentile for weight and height.

Nurses and doctors told us that babies just aren't born that big anymore...

Keke2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Christmas would work as well. Then I can wear my Trump Christmas sweater that says, 🎶"It's beginning to look a lot like I told you so" 🎶😎

Keke2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like the way you articulated that. I completely resonate with what you are saying.

I was able to be present in most moments for a period of time in my life. Daily meditation helped a lot. Life seemed so blissful and like the universe was moving in concert with me. Truly something magical to witness, and on an almost daily basis.

Thank you for your reminder of living in the present, and the knowledge you shared surrounding it. Looks like I need to get back to being present and meditating. 🙏

Keke2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

Curious if TGWB is the same as The Brotherhood of the White Temple. They seem to point towards the same teachings.

So, if I'm understanding this correctly they are to maintain this balance of negative and positive? Which without the negative their wouldn't be growth in the positive?

Also, how does one "discharge karma"?

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do the healthy keto, within 14 days you will have reduced your fatty liver by 50%.

How to tell if you have fatty liver: if you have a stomach that protrudes, even if you're skinny, you have a fatty liver.

Keke2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well crap, I should have known. I was drinking oj like it was going out of style because it was the only thing keeping me from vomiting my whole first trimester of pregnancy... About a month ago I switched to keto an haven't touched this or sugar since...

So I gave my unborn baby "forever chemicals?"

Keke2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Telegram channels can be overrun by these fake videos and posts for the trb. I had the same question about trb awhile back until I noticed the constant spam.

Keke2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don't know the name but whatever product they put in the truck to prevent it from jelling up they must not have put enough for how cold it got. He said he was driving it down the interstate and it just locked up.

He works for UPS, and the center here is cheap with everything so could be that as well. Luckily no frost bite. Don't envy you guys at all, but thanks for all you do fren. Trucks drivers don't get enough credit.

Keke2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kek, that's some strong Eggnog.

Keke2021 13 points ago +13 / -0

Snows not the issue fren. It's the wind chill. Where I'm at they had my family member out (cdl driver) working his night shift in below than -20° Weather with 50-60mph winds. The trucks gelled up an stopped working because it was so cold, yet company made him go out... An he almost got stranded on the interstate, so...

They still make kids walk in many inches of snow here, so nothing's changed were I'm at.

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't really see it as tough, but more of an experience that peaked my curiosity early on.

Honestly, I'm quite blessed to have gone through that all to lead me where I am today. It's helped me be curious enough to learn the truth about anything I can.

Keke2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Father was killed when I was 3. Vague memories of living in secrecy with shades always covering the windows, getting in trouble for wanting to look outside, or seeing things we weren't supposed to.

Had strange blacked out vehicles watching our house as I'd walk home from school, like something you'd see out of a movie.

Finally started learning a little bit about the mafia (father's involvement) and their connections to fbi, police, etc.

Curiosity, constant searching for answers, and pulling pieces together. Finding Q, and all you pedes many years later was absolute relief. Glad to be here with you all in these exciting times.

Keke2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

The amount of cheating I've been seeing lately being done to friends and family is astounding... I know the things above are much worse, but I'm just curious, where have all the people of class an morals gone?

Keke2021 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not sure why you got downvoted but I upvoted you fren.

Beautiful awakening story. Oddly similar to mine as well with the heavy depression I faced for many of my younger years. It wasn't until I started actually seeking the answers to my questions and found the science of vibration and Nikola Tesla as well as Dr. Emoto and the like that I started to put the pieces together. Ultimately it was when I started meditation and on a consistent bases of doing it everyday I really started feeling my awakening. The synchronicity with the Universe/God is almost indescribable. Also the few times I've been able to travel inter-dimensionally, as it's been explained to me, is something you never forget.

Love and light fren.

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

My own mother, wearing "Hocus Pocus" movie shirt... I let it go for most the night and try to ignore it. She casually mentions it's a funny movie and I should watch it.

*Breath in, breath out...

I casually mention back that it's pretty messed up considering they talk about drinking children's blood for immortality. As my blood begins to boil, she says it's just a joke and that they are actually good people that got cursed... I have never saw the movies nor do I care too.. I've seen the preview enough to know it's sick. However, if I'm wrong about that, feel free to correct me.

At this point I may have lost my cool, not sure tbh. I just started saying how it's not a joke when that stuff happens in real life all the time and it's messed up to even make a joke of a movie out of it. As I'm full blown explaining how this stuff happens in real life, no filter... The rest of my family starts moving outside, away from our conversation, very quickly...

An pretty quickly after she switches to, "oh get over there so we can take some pictures."

I'm still pretty tense about it, not sure how I should of handled it better.

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

In all fairness fren. I'm in this demographic, and ALL my family is older and sheep. I try to redpill them all the time an they look at me like I'm too young to know more then thou...

Division tactics at play I think.

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