Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also in this age group... Calling bs on this "map".

Also annoyed by the rehtoric of this age group being labeled liberal fags.

Divide tactics at play perhaps?

Keke2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been thinking about this as well. What if we all started buying Gold Bucks? "Gold shall destroy the FED"

The Gold Bucks actually have GOLD in them and you can buy them with your paper dollars.

I've already grabbed some WY Gold Bucks and there are some places taking them as payment. What if we created so much interest in these Gold Bucks that more an more stores started accepting them? What if it got to the point where real patriots were only buying from real patriot businesses that accept the Gold Bucks?

If we all invested enough an just started using them anywhere we could, perhaps we could get more normies into them as well? I believe we could override the Feds fiat currency.

Keke2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Struck me as odd too, first time hearing anything about Mars...

Keke2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not trying to be disrespectful, but I can't understand why humans would do that. If God is all mighty, what does a mere sacrifice of a life he created add to him?

Ive been doing as much research as I can get my hands on, in regards to the religions in B.C. and directly after Jesus's death. I want to understand as much as I can about religion, specifically those surrounding Jesus.

I found this book called "The Kolbrin" and some people switched the name to "The Kolbrin Bible." Not sure why they did that. Anyway the book is said to have been written 3,600 years ago. It's believed their are only two originals, due to the religions that came afterward burning down libraries that taught differently, then what they were teaching.

Anyway I have a translated copy, and it talks about the times before Jesus, with the Children of God and the Children of Men. Those of men being less loving and no morals or decency towards one another. They would sacrifice and do terrible things to each other. Those of God were modest and fair. They would never sacrifice for God because they understood God as all that is and nothing they did could add to him. They're purpose for the life he gave them was to advance spiritually and following his guidance and rules of how to be a good people's.

The debate is still on the table whether it's real or a hoax. But in it's defense, their are many lessons I've learned in it that ring truer that any other book I've read, including the bible.

Time will only tell the truth of our History.

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

These are my same thoughts fren. I could never understand why an all loving god would "test" the love of his people by requesting a child sacrifice... Anything with regard to sacrificing a life, in my eyes, is evil.

Keke2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live next to an Air Force base with lots of National Guard in a very red state. There was an insane amount of C130's and military helicopters flying overhead ALL day..

Here's to hoping the military is the only way and they show up BIGLY.

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm honoured to be here with my fellow, older, more experienced pedes.

Yet to see anyone checking in at 29. 👀

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for sharing this, was actually looking for it today. Love this video it helped me during my fed reserve red-pill in college.

Keke2021 17 points ago +17 / -0

It's amazing truly. Of all the siblings and family members.. an I'm the one lone black sheep that can think for myself 🤔 I know I'll never get it from them, but I think I deserve a little pat on the back, kek!

Here's a pat on the back for you guys too.. if your like me, your probably feeling pretty alone in clown world. It makes It easier knowing all you based pede's exist out there somewhere lol.

Keke2021 7 points ago +7 / -0

Right there with you fren. Well said. It's the only way I can redpill fam. Wealth of information on there if you know who to follow and use discernment.

by Saline
Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

I use telegram to try and red Pill Fam. They won't do TS yet because they aren't awake enough yet to realize it's importance an my phone ironically only sends blurry pictures to them that they can't read or see.

Also lots of good material on there as well, depending who you follow. Lots of videos and info I see on there right before it lands here.

But for me, I mainly use TS and GAW for interacting with or learning from other awake frens.

Keke2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Curious if it's possible to move from 3D to 4D to 5D for awhile an then back to 3D? I assume this isn't like a college degree where once you reach 5D it's not yours forever more, but rather a goal to obtain over and over each day?

Keke2021 1 point ago +2 / -1

Great post fren. I wish you were a fren that was in person not just on this site. 🙏 I could talk for hours with you I bet.

I understand the meaning "the kingdom of God is within"... Or "the kingdom of heaven within" as you stated, An I took it very seriously awhile back an meditated on it for many months straight. I experienced many things that if I were to explain to most people, would make me sound crazy, even here in this open minded place.

I traveled "inter-dimensionally" as I understand it to be, a few times. Once was to speak with Jesus himself with what appeared to be back in time while he was alive... Now my question is, when we ascend to 5D, or 4D as you stated, does it occur much like travelling inter-dimensionally in the mind and soul... Or do you think it is something different?

Maybe we all collectively bring about the 4D through the power of our minds focusing on love and higher vibrational things more frequently? An thus it becomes a gradual process of heaven on Earth?

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure why we can see how the moon landing could have been faked...

Yet, when someone tries to discuss enlightenment, or higher consciousness.. it goes over so many heads as "New Age".

I see you fren, an indeed, "the more you know".

🙏 Bless you, Brother of the light.

Keke2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's brilliant. I was thinking of dressing up as Killary in a prison suit with a list of all the people who have "coincidentally" died around her attached to my back..

Still working out ideas..

Keke2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nice, been debating on buying some myself! I like that their are stores already accepting this as payment.

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Be the light 🙏

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Switch to Goldbacks, gold money...?

Seriously though, go to Goldback.com .... Several states currently involved in making new dollar notes with gold on them? Is this the future, gold destroys the Fed?

Keke2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Curious, how does one go about normal life without having the "records of immuz." for their kids for schools and daycares etc...?

Keke2021 9 points ago +9 / -0

I never got a vaccine as a kid.. in fact didn't even have a social security number or birth certificate until I was 3.... Then I joined the Navy and they jabbed me with every jab known to man.

Keke2021 7 points ago +7 / -0

Any time someone tells me, "GameStop is going down today" I reply " Yes it is, it's the dip before the rip!"

Keke2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is exactly what I tell my spouse. Inpatient he is. He goes from somewhat understanding, to being inpatient, to dooming...

All the while I sit back, comfy af.

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you fren, I will check it out 🙏

Keke2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

My apologies, I should have been more precise. Judas Ishkerioth, the actual name of the disciple of Jmmanuel. Or "Jesus Christ"

I can see that people get triggered with this topic. I'm not here to discredit the teachings of Jesus. Only to expand the thinking on this topic for myself, and others, willing.

We know we are lied to about medicine, disease, history, an everything under the sun, but the bible some how has become untouchable to the evil for the past 2000+ years?

Keke2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

I recently found and read a book called Talmund of Jmmanuel. Said to be the accurate words and actions of Jesus. It says the laws of god are above men, but the laws of creation are above god. I highly recommend it for those willing to open their mind.

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