Kelsysanse 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's more likely a discloser program to finally undo the space delusion that's been programmed into the Population.

Kelsysanse 5 points ago +5 / -0

If people continue to believe sickness is something you catch the system will eventually harvest them through one treatment or the next. Health is cultivated and is a product of discipline paired with the understanding of how the body works. If you take the flu shot it doesn't matter what's in it what matters is that you have fallen for the great dupe. If the flu shots don't get you their miriad of other treatments will. Health is earned, not simply given from others. God bless and God speed.

Kelsysanse 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can do a land purchase where you buy outright non developed land as a holding. Lots of hunters are using tips to put it into retirement properties. Self directed IRA I believe it's called. God bless and God speed.

Kelsysanse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Simply watch the terrible theatrics of the archive footage. Once you watch that, with a touch of discernment, you can no longer trust anything nasa has spewed. God bless and God speed.

Kelsysanse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spirit whirled Dylan saccocchio

Kelsysanse 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. aquacure - brown's gas. 3-15 mins without air places quality breathe practices as the most time pertinent area of focus
  2. 12 cell salts - 3-7 days without water becomes critical making mineral hydration second in the order of importance when it comes to survival
  3. sleep - 3-7 days becomes critical. 4 phases of sleep need to be achieved daily for long term health
  4. Nutrition - 3-7 weeks critical period. Having a healthy mix of fats proteins and sugars to maximize metabolism. butter eggs greens meats fruits
  5. Balanced motion exercise - 3-7 months critical period. Daily forest walks are a start.

A large problem facing modern individuals is the fact we are approaching health with a diet or exercise first approach. These are not the most important factors to consider when trying to maintain a homeostatic health balance. A clean air clean water practice then achieving a full sleep cycle are much more crucial when it comes to time related health factors. I hope this helps god bless and god speed.

Kelsysanse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Emergency preparedness month September.

Kelsysanse 1 point ago +1 / -0

If this friend is still in danger of going and getting more shots or further treatment from the medical establishment your efforts will be wasted. It's important for them to understand why the shot was dangerous. How are they going to heal if they don't understand the situation. It's not about telling you so, it's about trying to help the individual from the ground up.

Kelsysanse 1 point ago +1 / -0

First order of business is educate him in why the vaccine was bad. You will not be able to help him if he doesn't understand the true nature of the problem. Next start the long journey into researching how others are managing to clean the blood. Hydrogen gas therapy. Fermented urine colonics. Breathing exercises. Mineralization via the 12 cell salts. Sauna therapy. Light therapy. Motion therapy. A bunch of ancient disciplines might have to be applied. Zionce got him/her into this mess so try to have him understand that the current medical model is driven by profit. This means there is no incentive to heal. They are in the business of "treating" sickness not fostering healthy habits. God bless and God speed.

Kelsysanse 1 point ago +1 / -0

1 mile barefoot walk a day or 20 mins a day on one of those personal exercise trampolines barefoot. Heal through the pain. Pain is an expert teacher walk through it. Try not wearing shoes as much as possible.

Kelsysanse 2 points ago +2 / -0

The sky clock points to september 26th thru November 9th. Silver.

Kelsysanse 7 points ago +8 / -1

Love the idea of questions. As per Rudolph Steiner it can be more fruitful focusing on showing people an example of a moral life through being than attempting to orally illustrate teachings. It's very difficult to tell someone the truth and it stick or even compute. Questions , however, may be our best hope. I find it very important to work on one's own morality when using the question method. It is a powerful manipulation tool that can easily be abused. The masses have been strategically conditioned to reach when answering questions while at the same time placing them in a dependant state. Use with caution. This method is abused by judges police teachers lawyers etc. all too often.

Kelsysanse 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nice some people have had the no taste smell problem after the nasal swab. Try smelling coffee grounds or something really pungent to reactivate that channel. It is an odd symptom.

Kelsysanse 2 points ago +3 / -1

From what I've heard lung type conditions like emphasima and asthma can be remedied through a parasite cleanse. Either ivermectin or simple water fasting can help cleanse the lungs from the resulting lung inflammation. God bless and God speed. Also stay away from commercial cigarettes due to the anti flammitory agent they are sprayed with. The same toxic flame retardent used in commercial mattresses.

Kelsysanse 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm not bothered or offended sorry if I came across that way. The best guy I feel to give an outline on why iron is bad and the benefits of copper through the root cause protocol is Morley Robbins. He s a guest on mitolife radio which is Matt Blackburn's podcast. God bless and God speed.

Kelsysanse -1 points ago +1 / -2

The bio availability of ground up waste iron is different from heme iron. But what do I know keep enjoying the poison. Not my life.

Kelsysanse 2 points ago +3 / -1

I would also recommend listening to Dr. Zelenko to understand why he recommends what he does. He is very wise.

Kelsysanse 6 points ago +7 / -1

The only reason I would suggest ivermectin is if one wants to balance out the parasites. The problem is however the parasites are typically there due to the nature of the environment. Without people making long term changes such as avoiding "iron enriched" foods and vegetable oils the problem will persist. Regaining our food sovereignty via hunting/gathering and gardening/farming is the only true long term solution. God speed and God bless my friend.

Kelsysanse 2 points ago +2 / -0

The nefarious things Elon has been a part of will be realized in time. Tesla is mainstreaming rare earth mineral mining. Guess how that's done now. Second thing Tesla does is pander carbon credits through the climate change hoax narrative. Third he has everyone sold into the grand nasa narrative through SpaceX which he knows full well is a half truth at best. Also he got his start through PayPal. Everyone goes wahooo except think of the credit debt load PayPal has helped to enslaved the population with. Look deeper. Everything he is pushing will enslave your family for generations unless we wake up. Bitcoin and dodgecoin are some of his latest satanic pushes. Believe what you want but if you simply look deeply into this man you will see deep shadow. But if people need him as a saviour the road is going to be a tough one. God bless and God speed.

Kelsysanse 0 points ago +1 / -1

Possible I don't have the technology or information to make any calls. All I do know is nasa has created a model that is an illusion. I'm more in the know I don't know group.

Kelsysanse 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh yes. They know they've lost many of us long ago. This is a operation for cashing in the normies.

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