Crossed mine as well. But my default position is everything is fake until proven true. I used to be a trusting and optimistic soul...
Not to mention the 24/7 365 commitment to the land. It's not a job. It's a life. And there's nothing easy about it.
And Benjamin Franklin was never president.
Yeah, no facial hair.
Ah, yes. Calamine lotion.
I'm a late Boomer/early Gen X...I already don't give a f*@k...Welcome to the party, y'all!!😂
The name of her show "The Reid Out" became a self fulfilling prophecy..
No disrespect, but Neo was "Anderson" and the Agent was "Smith"
Yep. Before his humiliation ritual known as Al Capone's vault.
She is a data analyst that happens to be a republican. Not a politician. I've only seen a bit of her work and she appears to be quite brilliant.
You know that's the purpose 'cuz it ain't like he can't call him! Kek
"...and requesting nominations for Judge Advocates General for the Army, Navy, and AirForce". Getting ready for tribunals?
I have to respectfully disagree. I lived through the OJ Simpson trial. The evidence WAS unassailable, but the "Dream Team" of his lawyers and PR (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, et. al), always in front of the cameras, every day, poked holes in the process, witnesses, evidence (if the glove don't fit, you must acquit!). So, with that whole media circus in mind, I would like to see the arrests made public but not the trials.
Me either. I decided it means "fucked up in your own head". ?
But Q never said "WHERE" it's being kept..
I wanted begging, pleading, and crying...
Thanks for that link for employment opportunities, but you stated their benefits were cut. That's the sauce I was looking for. How US Agency for International Development (USAID) has any ties to US veteran benefits?
Sounds like he needs to come face-to-face with his own mortality...
Yeah, it sucks, man. I'm sorry to hear you have disability issues while "they" hand out our tax dollars like it's candy and say "MORE!". But this too, can be fixed. It shouldn't be too hard to cross-reference dates of issuance for SS# and passports. Another great reason to end income tax and SS.
"The Europeans and Ukrainians have nothing left in their depots". If Trump doesn't give Ukraine funding and more weapons, they would probably have to surrender...
Lost my car, lost my job, lost my house, cocaine.