Lord. How distressing
Yes I suspect you are exactly right
Leave the UN and NATO
Exactly. It is like a malignancy.
I wish to separate Gaga, in my mind, from that voice. Have to. Every damn shred of commercial film or music I have enjoyed has become tainted, and it makes me mad! Can I not have one song undespoiled? As for Abramovic, the whole mentality that needs a guru is nauseating.
What fresh bullshit is this? All religious vaxx exemptions are gone??
That's how much the tards want to fund child trafficking via Ukraine.
Stop all childhood vaccinations for five years and watch the health miracle happen
watch it on youtube, Greer podcast #2.
The Real Putin. Trump and Putin could fix the mess humanity is in. If we just acknowledge who our true enemies are and what they do in darkness.
You don't need to go to archive or listen to AJ etc. Just go listen to this Steven Greer podcast #2. All fully explained plus informs that whistleblowers are talking to Trump team https://www.youtube.com/live/a_cwFcxjIWU?si=njJzJ2UzKzfXXMc_
Deep State wants us to worship the fake aliens and AI. The hate and fear what Jesus brought, and taught
Trump's addressing of this will be in bits and pieces, more subtle. Don't expect a "My fellow Americans" drama presser. Fear is the Deep State's goal for us. Trump won't play.
We need more of humanity to understand that we do indeed have that power. Some folks just feel ordinary and do not believe, because they have never in their lives had a spiritual or awakened experience. Sleepy pineals!
He said a few months agi that a few whistle-blowers were going to do their thing, that Trump and some of his people are well aware of the deep state plans about fake ET craft and incidences
I'm dating myself, but this reminds me of Shelley Berman's " two-place pee-suit with a zipper".
This has been talked about for a long time. Coming to a head. Greer podcast #2. And listen to the Shawn Ryan show too. About the witnesses to a massive craft ("ship") in South America that was being loaded full of alive humans in containers, by military garb people speaking English, and the craft then departed, as in, flew away.
The down vote is for having no ense of humor.... methinks
Yes they do, do it for jollies. Harm children.
They installed someone they knew they could use this way.
Getting whiplash from all the fake outs
Huh duh... der....
Either they deserve each other or SBF is getting abused in every way imaginable
Someone have a saved lengthy discussion about how to use the chlorine dioxide? And if taking NAD, what size dose, and for how long?