LCFarm 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mrs LCFarm and I are just happy that you and the GF are safe and healthy. We were worried when we couldn't get hold of you for days!!

Was this manmade or God's punishment? The town of Lismore, that was wiped out, was a den of vax worshipping, climate change pushing leftists. If this was indeed manmade to push the agenda they would be pumping this up in the news, but there is nothing. Are the "dead" from the flood, in which case they would be promoting the horrible climate catastrophe, or are they from the vax? Which would explain the silence. So much to unpack with this, but it certainly is on the nose.

Looking forward to you guys coming up for a weekend. Take a break and recharge your batteries before going back to clean up the mess. Love youse!!

LCFarm 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was it man-made or was it God? Lismore, the town that was destroyed, is a den of leftist, socialist, vax pushing, mask nazi, LGBTards. I used to live in the Border Ranges to the north, this is not their first rodeo. Back in 2017 it was flooded badly, but this time it was 2m higher. I feel for the normies there, but the place is in a flood bowl and it floods every farking time.

LCFarm 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Australian Broadcasting Corp, ABC, is such a piece of shit leftard channel. They are all onboard with everything the NWO wants to promote. It pisses me off that we Aussies are paying for this shit show of a broadcaster.

LCFarm 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fucking Stan Grant, weak arsed pussy, ABC lapdog. Fuck me, the ABC is just a one sided piece of shit broadcaster now. I can't watch or listen to them as they make my blood boil.

LCFarm 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think that he will be welcomed back anytime soon. He is not going by the neocon warmongerers playbook of "Russia, Russia, Russia".

LCFarm 1 point ago +1 / -0

And if you believe any of the numbers that the countries are saying about vax rates then I have a bridge to sell you.....

LCFarm 11 points ago +11 / -0

Your British example is actually an Aussie digger in his slouch hat.

LCFarm 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why? Because some rando shows a hole in a tree?

I live in Australia, Queensland, in fact. I am not vaxd, never been harassed. I don't wear a mask anywhere, never been harassed. I don't login with the QR codes or show a vax passport, never been harassed. I go to the shops, cafes, restaurants, etc without any problems. How about you?

I went down to the Canberra Freedom Rally and saw over 200K people peacefully demonstrate against the mandates. There was no police harassment, nothing.

The media is changing their tune. Questions are now being asked why we had to do what we were told. The tide is turning. We are winning. Do not comply.

LCFarm 2 points ago +2 / -0

No worries. When you think of Rugby Union think of those Maoris running at each, other without pads, at full speed trying to take the ball off the other team and put it in their end zone. Getting hit and then doing it again and again for 90mins.

You are right that the spirit and sense of community is nothing like the Left's destruction. The Left can create, they only take what is already there, declare it their own and then destroy it by going woke. As we know, that wise old man once said, "Everything woke turns to shit".

LCFarm 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mate, the Maori don't play soccer. Their football is Rugby Union. The All Blacks are the best team in the world. They do this before each game whilst staring down the other side. They win the game before it has even started. They have a few different versions that they use to intimidate the opposition. As an Aussie I have seen them do this to our team many times. It is fierce and fucking awesome. I worked with many NZ soldiers over my time in the Aus Army, they are still warriors. https://youtu.be/VTwbKryrhks

by BQnita
LCFarm 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was there and will post up some video and pictures later, once I have time to sort them out. There was easily 200K+ people, the protest line marched across the bridge to Parliament House and my friends and wife filmed it for over an hour before coming up to the stage.

LCFarm 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bloody oath, I am going down. Unfortunately for OP he is in Perth, so on the other side of the country.

LCFarm 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mate, I am over here in Qld. The covid bs is coming to an end. The rest of the world is dropping the mandates and vax and passport requirements. We will follow, it is just unfortunate that we have a bunch of Labor party dickheads in at the moment that are all beholden to WEF and China. But they will be forced to fall in line, it will change, this will expose them and the populace will lose faith in these evil fuckers. The truth is coming out and they can spin it all they want, but we are winning.

Much like a two stroke engine before it runs out of fuel they are trashing about faster and harder than ever, but it will end. Remember, a wise man once said, ‘One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear’.

LCFarm 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I have heard of him and watched a number of his videos and interviews. I want to like him, but there is something about him that I am not sure of. I can't put my finger on it, but something just doesn't feel right about him.

I have class mates from Duntroon who live and work in Canberra in and amongst the government depts. They don't seem to think that anything like this is going on and they are on our side. I wish it was true, but I just get this feeling that Bossi is a bit full of him self.

I would like to see him come out and give some support to the United Aust Party, but Bossi is too busy pushing his own Australia One Party. I don't see his party being able to have any impact other than to dilute votes, whereas the UAP could actually make some real impact and is running candidates in all seats.

However, if the whole system is fucking rigged, as we seem to think it is, then what difference does any of this make?

LCFarm 76 points ago +76 / -0

Ex aussie army veteran here. This time frame is totally out of the ordinary. Normally these type of activities would be run for a few weeks to a month max. To have it run for 11 months is like WTF? SASR is based in Perth, Swanbourne, so the exercises over there make some sense as they are the chicken stranglers we would normally use for this sort of thing. The Commando regt is based in Sydney so that could be the reason for the Sydney exercises, that and it is a nice big fat target with lots of high profile sites.

LCFarm -1 points ago +1 / -2


So what the fuck were St Fauci and his mates doing gain of function research on in Wuhan?

LCFarm 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you are thirsty throw out the "I'm dry as a dead dingo's donger".

If she wants to go somewhere you can ask her "Isn't that out back of woop woop?"

Or next time you go to the beach or to a pool ask her "Do you think I should get some budgie smugglers?"

Good luck with your Aussie shiela. I hope she bangs like a dunny door! ;-p

LCFarm 23 points ago +23 / -0

....and there was the lady who stuck her finger in a cage thinking it was a cat. She has been told to let them know if she starts to feel ill. FFS. This whole thing is a movie.

LCFarm 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't know anyone who has died from the 'rona. I know two people who have died after taking the vax, however.

People are not dying from the 'rona, they are dying with the 'rona.

LCFarm 5 points ago +5 / -0

Happy Birthday, from Down Under. It was mine last Mon. Capricorns unite!!

The madness is coming to end. The masses are awakening, slowly, but surely. The mass formation will start to break.

LCFarm 10 points ago +10 / -0

Not the Australians..... The Australian govt. Big difference.

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