The closer they are together, the easier it is to take them out with one reentry vehicle. Two miles. Just one of our nukes could vaporize all matter in a 5-mile radius. There’s a good reason to disperse them or have them mobile like Russia does.
Why would Trump claim the vaccine as one of his great accomplishments? Do you think he can be trusted? If not, Q and the whole Great Awakening is suspect. Do what you want, but I believe Trump would alert us if there was to be some kind of harm to a great number of Americans.
Besides that, when I was in the military, they vaccinate me for all kinds of things. I have five healthy adult children and thirteen healthy grandchildren. You can do what you want, but all I had from the Pfizer jabs was a sore arm. My wife is a nurse. She got the Moderna shots. She felt a little sick from it, like a mild flu for a couple of days. I’m in my 60s and she is in her 50s. One of her co-workers died from Covid-related complications a few weeks before the shot was available.
It’s funny that you tell me to look at the research that supports your side, but there is a ton of science that shows the benefits of the vaccine. Conspiracy-believing patriots could end up doing more harm than good. With the vaccine, people can go back to work and save the economy. Schools can open. We are able to go back to church again without masks and sing hymns. Vacations, travel, business, all comes back. Do what you want, but I’m not afraid. If Trump says it’s ok, you can take it to the bank.
I think the whole anti-vaccine mania is bogus. Trump pushed it through and I trust him. How can patriots be so devoted to Trump if they think he was trying to kill them with the vaccine? I’m a teacher in a charter school. All of us got vaccinated so we could re-open and go back to class. Only one teacher refused and resigned in protest—and she was a liberal lesbian Democrat.
I liken it to the smallpox epidemic of 1777. George Washington had to decide to inoculate his army at Valley Forge or risk losing the war. It was risky. Some would die from it. It was a calculated risk. I think Trump took a similar risk to save the country from the “ To me, getting the jab was the patriotic thing to do. We talk of being willing to lay down our lives for our country. I, for one, was willing to risk it, believing in our Commander in Chief.
During all the BLM/Antifa mayhem last summer, my wife and I were doing our fitness walk in the mall. There was a short, little white lady walking in front of us. Our pace was such that we would be overtaking her in about 50 feet or so. Approaching us from ahead was a really fit, 20-something black guy with dreads. He appeared to be looking at his phone while walking, but he kept drifting toward and intercept course with the small lady. I told my wife to hang back while I moved forward. I timed it so that I would arrive by the lady just a moment before he did. I’m over 60, but I’m a big guy and I still teach Judo at martial arts club. I’m also CCW permit holder.
Right before the guy was about to intercept, he glanced up from his phone and saw me. He veered to the left suddenly and walked to the other side of the mall. I bent down, pretending to tie my shoe casually as my wife caught up. As we passed the lady a few minutes later and she thanked me. Apparently she was aware of the guy’s approach and was afraid, but she didn’t know what to do. I don’t know if the guy had bad intentions, but by being a little more “present,” I was able to deter what could have been a bad situation. That’s what we need to do, guys.
“Private prep school.” No big deal. If they have money to send their kids to a private school, they can pay to go elsewhere. It’s the poor, lower-middle class kids that are stuck in public schools. That’s where the battle is. That’s where the union teachers are.
By the way, we need to be organizing more private “patriot academies” with parent boards controlling the policies, hiring of staff, selection of textbooks.
It shows that this is more than a political war. It’s a spiritual war. Good against evil. Most of us want freedom so we can live, work, earn, and play in peace. Others want to abuse their freedom to do evil. The elites and their brainwashed minions want to destroy freedom so that doing good can be limited.
I do a special lesson on the “Star Spangled Banner” in my 8th grade US history class when we study the War of 1812. About 3/4 of my students are Mexican (legal and illegal) and the remainder are a variety of nationalities and races including Vietnamese, Turks, Indian Indians and American Indians, African Africans and African Americans. It is always a difficult lesson to teach for me because I find it very emotional. I often get choked up when I’m teaching it, but I don’t try to hide it. I want them to feel it, too. I want those kids to know that the flag MEANS something. When we say the pledge, they better stand for it. They are often more respectful of it after that lesson.
Wishing you all Happy Independence Day, patriots!
We face a daunting task. To bring about lasting change, there has to be a personal renewal at the most fundamental levels. We have to change the culture. It must come separate from politics. It will take serious repentance in some cases—a literal “come to Jesus” movement.
Too many Christians believe that, because they are “saved” because of a profession of belief, they can lie a little, cheat a little, engage in bribery, or immorality and still make it into heaven. They aren’t truly regenerated by the Spirit and they don’t become the “new man” in Christ. If they are prone to seek power and wealth, they will ultimately be compromised by the Cabal.
So the solution doesn’t have anything to do with political parties; it is personal repentance. God is going to separate the wheat from the rates, regardless of political affiliations.
Projection. They always accuse their targets of doing what have done/are doing. If They call us racists, it is to hide their own racism. If they call us liars, it is to hide their lies. If they call us violent. It is to hide their violence. Always think: mirror.
The same thing is happening in other languages due to computers and cell phone use. The letters of the Latin alphabet make it easy to use these devices compared to languages that use ideograms, like Japanese, Korean,and Chinese. It not only keeps all of us from reading documents like the Declaratiom, but it also impacts the ability with us to connect to our individual past.
For example, in genealogy, you might find a document, like an immigration form, census, or even a letter written in cursive. This younger generation might be cut off from the connections to their ancestors. I have done genealogy indexing,where you are making digital indexes for scans of records. Reading old German script or French orthography is hard!
One of the things this reminds me of is a passage in the Bible where it says the,wicked will be left without root or branch. To me, it means they lose the connections to their family in the past and the future. Reading and writing cursive has been cut out of our schools in the name of STEM. Humanities have been relegated to the back seat because they don’t make the Cabal money.
Sorry, I’m not one to trust billionaires. I was wary of Trump until I was sure he was truly working to take down the Cabal. Byrne talks up a bunch of stuff, but nothing he says ever happens. Same thing with Juan O Savin. The My Pillow guy, Mike Lindell is legit. He put his fortune on the line.
Shay’s Rebellion ought to on our minds right now. We should be organizing ourselves to obstruct the banisters, the authoritarian mayors and governors, and—while not being overtly violent—establishing the awareness in the minds of our foes that we are ready to use force if necessary.
It is strange to watch the left destroy everything that is truly irrelevant in our culture. God is calling us to repent by using the scourge of liberalism to destroy every illusion or distraction. In the last five years, we have seen entertainment, movies, sports, music, and art become almost farcical due to wokeness. Money is losing value through inflation. The stock market ran sky-high, but it is losing momentum under Biden. Even our infrastructure that we count on is suspect. Extreme cold and snow this winter nearly collapsed the power grid. Hackers disrupted fuel supplies in the East. Food prices are rising and drought threatens the West.
The most basic purpose for which God created us is for us to seek him out and work out our salvation while living in a family unit. Everything else is ultimately extraneous. Little by little, until mankind repents and seeks God, all of these distractions from the basic purpose of life are going to disappear.