Come on “let that sink in” is not Q related, it’s just a normal meme that predates the internet, the chance of Elon Musk associating that phrase and his resulting pun with a random Q post is a whopping 0%.
Pretty wild if both true and correlated, is it because people are just paranoid or are they really using abortion this much as friggin birth control?
This is kinda dumb, other freedom loving individuals want to get to their destination on time. They should just stop bringing food into deep blue cities.
I am trying to find this video of a guy talking really fast going through different facts about 9/11 back to back anyone know of it have a link?
they made the vaccine so the variants would be worthy of tropical storm naming schema and so yeah they can just keep updating the vaccine, it's a cold virus anyone knows it will just keep coming back, this is all a scam to bring vaccine passports to life so they can use them for other purposes later because they will never go away
Same with Biden when they can say he was just too old, or can't be held accountable because died of old age. He is an empty headed bone puppet.
Probably to help him walk without some kind of wobble or maybe he strays to one direction so it’s a counter weight. Heck maybe it’s to remind him that he’s President, just remember Joe if you get confused think of the briefcase.
nah if you’re putting all your weight on your good leg and the crutch as if they are your two main supports then your bad leg is off to the side getting the least amount of weight if you put the bad leg in the center you’re going to be fighting to not put weight on it, go try it yourself if you have a golf club or something lying around flip it over like a cane
After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only…
Visit the FDA website for a list of authorized COVID-19 diagnostic methods…
In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses…
That’s what all this delta variant nonsense is about, the audit results are coming out and they need to have everyone shut up in their house communicating over lefty controlled media to prevent the truth from getting out.
I thought you can request covid samples from the CDC.
Well yeah it’s time to manipulate more elections.
Now nothing, I don’t understand the question.
Nothing, like Rudy said over and over, the state legislature can send whatever electors they want according to the Constitution.
Arrest 46
There was a possible active shooter at my house today but it turns out I just had gas.
Time to activate the asset.
I love a few grams of snark on mixed into my hit of hopium.
I think really it’s just using the general term of quickly and physically taking control, regardless of the merits.
This is epic can somebody just make this a clickable thumbnail at the top of the page like the circle at the top of Patriots?
Yo this video makes me need to take a Xanax tell ya what, thinking about being cargo. Also it’s bullshit, your mom is a body of water though!
yeah but what I mean is they happen regardless of the President because there is already a chain of command and promotion process in place handled by the other superior officers
Yep, surprise! The Constitution never said the votes have to be counted fairly, just that the states decide and the legislators send electors. As far as I can tell they could decide however they wanted.
Maybe they were just social distancing the cannon blasts?
“Let that sink in” is a very widely used phrase, nobody thinks it originated in a Q post.