LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Learned this from Fletcher Prouty about 20 years ago (he spoke of it many decades prior to that.. He was a good man and truth teller.

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they trust and are watching the media, you can only imagine WHAT they even think Q is. Basically a full 180-degree inversion of the truth. Hence, why they are flabbergasted at anybody that could follow such a thing..... gaslighting extraordinaire!

LawDoc 1 point ago +2 / -1

Parasites are opportunistic scavengers. They don't attack nor eat/destroy healthy tissue. They eat and clean out all the toxic garbage in the body. Just like rats or cockroaches.

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

E - The symptoms known as "ConVid-1984" are the result of people in RESISTANCE to life, in a multitude of ways. Our spiritual existence is being upgraded to higher quotients of life. This is happening to everyone, everywhere in the world.

As you're suggesting, it's not really about "eating/exercising" right. If you're overly busy, stressed, always distracted, always on the go, don't sleep well, don't relax and be on a regular basis, you're likely to come down with this set of symptoms, exclusively designed to SLOW YOU DOWN and force you to just be in order to take the "upgrade".

I don't recommend any chemical under any circumstance other than emergency/trauma care ---- and then only if there are no other options. For those that are infirm, unhealthy in a weakened state (thanks to pharma drugs primarily) and have multiple co-morbidities already, it may be possible that these chemical interventions extend their lives a bit longer. It's impossible to know for sure, but as mentioned, this would be further weakening their already weakened state due to the chemical intervention arresting the natural healing process by not allowing it to complete itself.

The symptoms which the mainstream medical community defines as a "dis-ease" is really a "healing" process. Any attempts to intervene with it unnaturally are hampering your own healing that always occurs naturally. No chemical "heals" you. ever. The body heals itself - always. Healing always occurs in fluid and requires extensive rest, and in many cases, a higher intake of protein in the diet.

As such, I suggest slowing down and relaxing more often, along with your generally healthy lifestyle. That's the best recipe for avoiding the bundle of symptoms wrongly attributed to a non-existent phantom virus.

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. My basic thesis is that being negative and stressed "opens the door" to the whole bad diet, lack of nutrition and exercise, overly toxic environment, etc. leading to problems. I'm suggesting that one can avoid "dis-ease", by and large, while still having a crappy, lazy, unhealthy lifestyle, by entertaining largely positive thoughts and a relaxed lifestyle in balance and accordance with nature.

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, I've read all the EMF stuff for years too. It's not ideal, helps to weaken the physical body, but still not "causal" in and of itself -- IMHO.

I believe there are 2 "layers" beyond the physical body, and as such, must first be weakened/compromised in order for any physical malady to materialize. The outer layer is the "Etheric Body", the layer nearest the physical body are the chakras. Both are knocked out of balance by wrong/mistaken (not "bad") thought.

All that being said, eventually the body does indeed perish, regardless of the strength of the outer-layers. That's a whole different discussion.

Anyway, glad to see someone else here who is aware of the medical establishment forkery and sharing your insights.

Check out the German New Medicine information for a few months. You may come to some new and updated conclusions about causation.

Anyway, keep up the great work!

LawDoc 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is a good share JustSayIt. I'm with you on most of your insight, but not on the "toxins as the primary cause" thesis. There's a modality, unknown to most, that explains the vast majority of dis-ease has a psychosomatic origin. It's fascinating, very precise and descibes both the cause and cure of virtually all diseases. I encourage you to research and learn: https://learninggnm.com

I'm not denying toxins play no role, because they do in some cases. But I believe they are a distant second to psychological conflicts.

Covid-19 is a new animal all together, explained neither by toxins, nor primarily psychological in origin.

I'm alone on an island with my theory --- that Covid is actually an "energetic upgrade" in reality. The weak, aged, infirm, unhealthy and/or highly toxic are least likely to handle to said upgrade gracefully. The second class of people that are open to the symptoms of it are those that are always busy, constantly distracted, on-the-go, etc as well as those who don't get enough sleep and rest.

It's a complicated subject, but suffice it to say, those in a space of presence, in ease and flow, relaxing, sleeping well, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. are the least likely to come down with this thing known as Covid.

Put simply, I do not think that toxins are the "cause", nor do I think it's related to a lack of certain vitamins, minerals, nutrients, etc. That being said, someone low on Vitamin D aren't getting enough sunlight, and likely not getting enough fresh air or contact with nature. Basically, sun light and nature can handle all the "detoxing" and electrical-balancing (negative/positive ions) needed to remain healthy.

The above describes my general lifestyle. Relaxed, well-rested, sunshine and contact with nature, meditation, spiritual connection, etc.

I've studied the "toxins cause disease" theory for over 10 years. I've concluded that it doesn't explain "cause" in any way, shape or fashion. We all know the guy who drank, smoked, didn't exercise and ate fast food, grease and garbage his whole life and lived a relatively healthy life (all things considered) to be 100. There are millions of these examples out there.

I've concluded, It wasn't because he "had a better immune system (which doesn't really exist), not that he had "good genes". He was in all likelihood a happy-go-lucky guy who didn't entertain fear, worry, guilt, stress, angst, judgment, blame, etc. in his mind on a regular basis. Instead, he lived life in the moment, got on with his life, came to accept the mistakes he had made in the past, and did not negatively project into an uncertain future.

Likewise, we all know somebody who is/was a "health freak" in every respect, eating organic, avoiding all the "no-nos", supplementing vitamins and minerals supposedly missing from their diet, performing all varieties of exercise, doing detox regimens, etc. And BANG - Cancer, heart attacks, auto-immune diseases, etc. in their 30s,40s,50s. The only alternative health explanation for these scenarios is that it was someone with "bad genes".

I don't buy it. Toxins, immune systems and genes are not "Causes" for dis-eases in the vast majority of cases. There are exceptions of course.

I believe the primary "cause" of most dis-eases is what we think and the way we think - routinely and incessantly. This "opens the door" to dis-ease for someone who is overly-toxic, unhealthy, overly busy, lacking good sleep, etc.

I know I'm "out there" alone with this theory. But I'd love to hear what you think as you've clearly done a great deal of research into germ theory and realize it's a complete farce. There aren't many of us out there ----- yet!


LawDoc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because contagious germs don't exist - never have, never will. Great meme!

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fauci hasn't known what he's talking about since day one. Sadly this is just more disinfo from him yet again. sigh

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very good. I understand all this well. Microzyma (Bechamp) - Protits (Enderlein) - Bions (Reich) - Somatids (Nassans). They were all talking about the same thing - the building block of life --- the "God particle" if you will. Immutable and Indestructible. Not only does this particle transform into all the various "bacteria", it's the basis of life - the creator and destroyer of all cells.

I like to keep it simple here but appreciate that you've done your research and are spreading the wisdom.

Keep up the great work!

LawDoc 4 points ago +4 / -0

Great share OP. Dr. Cowan and Kaufman did a great interview just the other day explaining it all at a high level pretty well in an hour (half hour if you can tolerate listening at 2x). Highly worth the watch ->


Not only have they both clearly destroyed the virus narrative, but they also point out that bacteria are not contagious either. Instead, like parasites, they are opportunistic scavengers that remove toxic materials as well as dead and decaying tissue. But I suppose just learning about the non-existence of viruses is enough of a red pill for starters...

Thanks for the article!

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try telling them viruses don't exist, contagion is a myth and germ theory is a fraud. That's the simple truth that can snap a lifetime of programming in one sentence.

By agreeing that parts of the mainstream narrative are true, you're in a never-ending battle with downstream concepts and ideas, which is what the argument is about - concepts and ideas - zero facts based in reality.

Don't believe me? Invest an hour of your time and listen to two of the doctors telling it like it is -> https://www.bitchute.com/video/Zez4gdpUfHEK/

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bring your fight to the wellspring, the fount origin. Everybody's spinning wheels hundreds of miles downstream.

  • Viruses don't exist
  • Contagion is a myth
  • Germ theory is a fraud

There isn't a single example of anything known as an "isolated" virus in the history of medicine/science.

There isn't a single scientific study demonstrating human to human transmission of disease via an alleged isolated virus or even a bacteria.

Louis Pasteur was a fraudster, shyster, plagiarist that contributed nothing to humanity. The idea that "germs" cause disease is complete nonsense. Viruses don't exist and bacteria, fungi and parasites are opportunistic scavengers that help to eliminate toxic, decaying and dead tissue from our bodies.

Here's a succinct one-hour video interview with Dr Tom Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman that have been on the leading edge of this nonsense since the beginning. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Zez4gdpUfHEK/

Please learn and share the wisdom. The truth is simple.

LawDoc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, his Bitchute channel posted several videos YESTERDAY. If true, it happened within the last 18 hours --- or ---- somebody else is posting videos for him.

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fantastic, loved the "Dick Owner" meme...lol.

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bitchute is forced to do this as there are 17 countries where it is a crime which can incur prison sentences for sharing such information. Most of those countries are in western Europe (UK, Germany, Austria, France, Spain, etc.).

Ironically, Bitchute is a UK corporation. If they didn't do this, the platform would be shutdown. I give them credit for allowing what they do allow in order to stay up and running.

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Each person has to scale what I call "The ladder of disbelief". You started in '94 so you have 27 years of climbing the rungs.

The litmus test is how much someone trusts the media and government. Anybody that says they're at or above 50% trust in the MSM or gubmint is somewhere on the lower third of the ladder.

Most people on this board fall in the middle third of the ladder. They still have a lot of mistaken beliefs and a lot to learn and let go of but are more receptive to certain topics than the bottom third that are still in the early awakening stages.

In order to move someone up the ladder, I find it highly effective to build a framework around topics they know/think are sketchy, say for example election fraud or clot shot mandates in today's environment. If they're on board with these ideas, I like to use the Socratic method essentially asking, "well if you know they're lying about Topics X & Y, what makes you think they'd be honest about Topic Z? You don't always win them over then and there, but you've planted a seed that should be harvestable at some point in the future.

Anyway, I share your frustration as I have many friends and family that see and believe in some corruption, but can't yet reconcile that it's everywhere and existed their entire lives.

Good luck to you and keep planting those seeds of doubt!

LawDoc 4 points ago +4 / -0


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