LawDoc 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good point - I've sensed it many times here, more and more lately.

LawDoc 8 points ago +8 / -0

September 1st (9/11) is the first day of the new year in the Coptic (Babylonian/ Egyptian/Sumerian times) calendar, which long predates the Julian and today's Gregorian calendar systems. It had 13 months with 28 days each having only "one day out of time" each year in July.

9/11/01 was the first day of the new millennium akin to our current Gregorian system's 1/1/2000.

LawDoc 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Tough love" is still love in the end.

You'll be thanked one day. Keep your chin up!

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

That looks like a solid list of questions. I'm sure you've seen many posts here that talk about putting the liability back on the employer/doctor if one were to get injured. Lots of forms available that nobody will ever sign. I'm not sure how effective this approach has been however.

You could obviously offer many questions around the validity of the scamdemic. There's an endless list that you could ask to further complicate their efforts.

I think the group resistance is the best play, putting the least amount of pressure on you and your husband asking as rogue, isolated "trouble-makers'.

Good luck!

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a clever strategy. It doesn't sound like they're breaking any legal codes/statutes here. This isn't wage garnishment, nor breaking HIPAA in any way. It's basically "legal extortion" however.

If you're in a right-to-work state, they can terminate without cause nor explanation.

If there are enough co-workers unwilling to get the experimental poison, you all could band together openly and vocally. There is great strength in numbers. Especially if you/they are vital employees, not easily replaced.

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rock solid vetting right here. I sniffed out this guy right off the bat as somebody less than trustworthy. Thanks for the dig!

LawDoc 4 points ago +4 / -0

But it's new that Newsmax didn't edit/censor it out....

LawDoc 9 points ago +9 / -0

SomeRandomGuy77 has it right. The birth certificate is a negotiable instrument, as all "certificates" are. When you "Register" anything, you are signing it over to the "Regis" ....which is latin for: "of the King/Queen/Crown".

The certificate makes the child a "ward of the state", which translates in LAWFUL meaning ->>> Property of the King/Queen/Crown <<<< because our "state" is currently being operated by the crown as our "de jure" government.

Everybody is gonna come running when it finally hits in their backyard, by which time, it will be too late as LAWFUL re-conveyance of a parent's PROPERTY (aka "child/children") away from the state takes a few weeks, sometimes several months at this moment.

A cavalcade of thousands/millions of attempts to lawfully reconvey one's property a week or two before an event such as this in Australia could never be handled in time.

But nobody seems to listen, nobody seems to care. This is just all just abunch of conspiracy theory nonsense.......sigh. I won't bother explaining anything further as such.

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

It happens when enough us BELIEVE it will happen. Not a moment sooner.

That's how this reality works...

LawDoc 5 points ago +5 / -0

You got it. Steer clear and never look back.

Find a naturopath/homeopath in your area if you ever feel sick and don't think your body will naturally heal (which it eventually will).

All healing is done by the body without any outside elements other than food, water, rest which are the only necessities.

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

It takes 10 seconds to defeat anybody supporting socialism. Simply ask; "Do you like it when somebody else forces you to do something you don't want to do?".

Mic drop!

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Video from today is a good start -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olDBc9IGv5k


Good article/pdf here: https://virusesarenotcontagious.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Amandha-Vollmer-Jeff-Green-QA.pdf

You can search (not google) for "Dr. Stefan Lanka - the misconception called virus" for additional details.

And loads of great information on Jeff's Bitchute channel -> https://www.bitchute.com/channel/IfkoQ5D4O47G/

by BQnita
LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

"The Great Unwinding" must happens first, then we get to "The Great Awakening".

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Except there's no such thing as deadly viruses. Period.

LawDoc 4 points ago +6 / -2

No they can't. No "virus" has ever been "isolated". Not flu, polio, small pox, ebola, HIV, SARS, MERS, zika, coronavirus, etc. etc. etc.

Establishment medicine is a massive deception since the 1920s when the Rockefeller medical machine ran off all the alternative modalities and took over the universities.

Germ theory is an easily proven fraud from beginning to end. Louis Pasteur is perhaps the biggest scientific shyster of all time.

LawDoc 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd be willing to bet, absent the massive election fraud, this "unscientific" poll roughly represents an accurate tally of the 2020 election. My hunch is it was 75%/25% where the "Someone Else" block reluctantly voted for Xiden.

LawDoc 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are unchallengable as long as they have a printing press --- obviously.

LawDoc 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly. We're living in an inverted reality. Establishment medicine is at peak inversion now. None of these so-called "diseases" are harmful in any way. There are several studies proving that children who get them are far healthier adults across the board.

The "reason" for all these vaccines is to cause long-term health issues and lifelong customers of the pharma industry - plain and simple.

Mainstream medicine labels everything a "disease", when in fact, these symptoms (aka bumps/pox) are signs of healing in every regard.

Your mom was intuitively wise. Hopefully you[ll pass this wisdom on to all you know.

Flus are detoxification events. When the body detoxes, it recruits all energies to perform the detox as quickly as possible. So rather than 10-days, 2/3/4 weeks of "detoxing", while still maintaining a relatively normal lifestyle, the body saps all your energy which forces you to rest.

Unfortunately, this thing labeled "ConVid-1984" is a bit more complex. Nobody likes the explanation I believe is most accurate but I'll share it anyway. This "disease" is actually a re-balancing and alignment event. Those that are weak, in poor health, breathe too shallowly, lack proper sleep and/or live a life of non-stop activity are the most likely to "get sick". In short, they need more oxygen, relaxation and presence in their lives. If you evaluate the symptoms carefully, you'll see that this "illness" forces them to get exactly this.

If you're interested in reading a good book on the topic, you can find Dr. Tom Cowan's "The Contagion Myth" on alternative book platforms. Everything is explained in great detail.

Cheers to your mom!

LawDoc 5 points ago +5 / -0

The situation you question is due to "bio-resonance" between people that co-exist within similar toxic environments, similar air, food, water, etc. This situation is exacerbated in the winter months when people don't get outdoors, fresh air, etc. nearly as often. Greater alcohol consumption during colder months is also a major contributor.

If you step back and think it though, you'll note that the vast majority of the time, this did NOT happen, where only one person in a family, office, school, etc. was ill.

Germ theory is complete hoax beginning to end. Contagion is a myth. Viruses don't exist (as defined by mainstream medicine) and have never been "isolated". Bacteria are scavengers, clean-up crews. There have been over 70 studies, primarily undertaken from 1900-1950, that have attempted to prove contagion by "alleged viruses" or bacteria. All of them failed miserably. This is why you can't find any studies after 1950 even attempting to prove "human to human transmission".

You can waste your time reading modern studies where scientists inject various toxic cocktails into rats, guinea pigs, mice, etc. and buy it if you like. But the simple truth is, when you inject ANYTHING into the bloodstream and sterile environment of the body, it causes problems. That's why they vax us.

But you'll never find any studies with "sick people" infecting "healthy people" via sneezing on each other, coughing on each other, ingesting a sick person's saliva/mucous, sharing silverware, drinking/eating from same glasses/plates, etc. It never works, never has, and they don't even try anymore. Precisely because, contagion is a myth and germ theory is a hoax.

Chicken pox and measles are a different story entirely. These are childhood upgrade events that are POSITIVE in nature and BENEFIT the child through their entire lifetime. This is a classic example of bio-resonance. One hundred years ago, women were wise to host "chicken pox parties". Establishment medicine destroyed this motherly wisdom, as with everything else.

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