And why could he not provide any evidence? Why take a video and not show Ukraine in the background, something Ukrainian, a picture or anything. Why film in a manner that could be reproduced anywhere in the world by anyone that speaks English without an accent?
No one should be worried about nuclear holocaust because, NUCLEAR BOMBS ARE FAKE, and if you haven't researched the true fire bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or watched people eat and play with nuclear material, or seen countless advertisements for the HEALING benefits of then your federally mandated in-doctor-ination under your black cube level 1 degree masonic satanic spelling may have hold of your emotions learning this truth.
Yes and if you dig deeper you will find the Kazarian Mafia was forced to claim a religion, and they chose Jewish. They never stopped child sacrifice before or after this. Some are noticing the color of sheep skin on the wolf, or blaming the dead sheep that the wolf wears. "Fall of the Cabal" recommended viewing.
Federal Reserve is a privately owned Jekyll island creation from cabal bankers. It is unconstitutional and Jesus would overturn their tables. They also killed anyone apposing with the titanic sinking. Here is what I would ask "how are taxes not theft"?