Very good advice. Thank you! I’ve vetted the area and situation, but had no idea there was such a thing as inventory tax (of course there is…especially in CA!). I’ll be looking into that.
Event though some players are patriots, the league as a whole should pay the price for forcing the vax on its players. If the NFL goes broke, then a new league will rise up and the patriot players will still have a job...maybe they’ll be at the helm (the “patriot football league” -- wouldn’t that be awesome?). Nothing bad can come of making corporations pay for forcing something on humanity.
People on this thread are touting this as a great thing that needs to happen for the conservative movement, but couldn’t this give more clout to the liberals, granting more representation than they currently have as a single state?
Well said. Thank you for sticking up for the spectrum kids who are damaged by the vaccine cocktails in the first place.
Why would ANY anons knowingly support or use ANYTHING that is considered AI? AI is the direction of the evil one, IMO. Real knowledge only comes from God, or beings (inspired by God). Anything else is evil.
Where’s the sauce on the JFK/CIA connection that was released this weekend? I need this to convince normies
Maybe I’ve been living under a rock…where can I find this “basically confirmed”? I saw Tucker’s report on JFK, but normies won’t listen to Tucker. Any other sources?
I’m not gonna say that I mind that yoga pants are a ‘thing’ though. Just sayin’
Isn’t the “anti-christ” supposed to deceive many Christians? Not saying it’s Musk, but always question. Always, even though what he’s involved in seems to be a white hat operation.
Hollyweird released a movie making Snowden look like a hero…that tells me all I need to know about whether or not to trust him. Where’s the movie about Assange? It won’t happen (putting him in a positive light at least), but it should…
Soulless, mindless droids in the making…
Your efforts had success, even if they didn’t reap the results you hoped for. You planted seeds and you altered the course of history in ways you will never know. Kudos to you for your passion and hard work. Way to use an awful event to fuel you for good.
This ^^
If God = unconditional love, then evil wants the complete opposite. Everything the evil media will spew (all forms of it, right/left, traditional or non-traditional) will be the opposite of unconditional love. Division, judgement (labeling), slandering.
My thoughts exactly. Kanye is speaking some higher-level stuff here. Hands down.
He’s preaching unconditional love. That’s it.
Does God hate Hitler? Of course not. How could a perfect being have hatred? He’s incapable of it. He knows how hitler was born an innocent baby like any other. The evil within him ultimately took over, like it has potential to do in any one of us.
I just had a fantasy, thinking of encountering him in those circumstances in public. I go up behind him, strangle him with my belt, and while he slowly dies, I whisper in his ear and explain to him “guess what, Klaus? You’re about to own nothing, because you will be dead, but unfortunately, you will NOT be happy because you will be in hell”.
Elon should start his own VPN service and hand it out at no cost
He can bluff in both directions. I’m grateful for his “white hat moves”, but always carry a healthy level of skepticism. I do that even for Trump and others. No human being deserves your 100% trust, because every one of us is imperfect.
Email and phone number for Ron Gould: [email protected] 928-758-0739
When he became a public servant, he swore an oath, and he’s apparently more afraid of the system than the people. No threats please, but do express your disappointment if you are an Arizona resident (especially if you are in Mojave County).
But honestly…who compiled the books of the Bible? Is it possible they left things out intentionally for our ignorance? Evil has had it’s tentacles all over anything of God since the beginning of time.
Is it possible that there are some elements of truth behind some of the new agey stuff? What if there are bits of truth found in all walks of life, and part of “ascending” is to identify those bits, like all humanity needs to start pickin’ cherries from all over the place?
What if wisdoms and knowledge from all cultures, religions, and backgrounds could be compared to the bumpers on the bowling alley? They keep your ball going down the lane to the ultimate goal (being salvation through Christ).
Just something I speculate about often, and true story: I found God through a profound psychedelic experience, because they (mushrooms) helped me break down my layers of skepticism. Not that I would advocate their use, but I definitely believe that they have their place (and can also be misused), but why would God create them if they didn’t have purpose?
What if humanity is ascending and we have to embrace and acknowledge their bits of truth in order to show each individual the ultimate truth (by first establishing trust)?
Jesus showed us the way. Love, don’t judge, and speak truth. This is the only way.
The pineal gland? Vibration? What if the cabal knows certain things that they horde for themselves, and when we recognize them as being of God, we can take the next steps toward ascension?
Nothing changes until people stand up and speak their truth. There will be difficult conversations with family and friends, but the chips will fall, everything will settle, and everybody will be better for it in the end. I know from experience…I used to be Mormon.
Speak the TRUTH. Jesus showed us the way. He knew by speaking the truth, he would be executed.
My son changed in matter of days when he was 6 months old (after his vaccine cocktail). I have no evidence that this is the case, just a loving father’s observations and intuition. Fortunately, God has helped him rise above it and turn his autism into his strength. He’s a 20-year-old based, and honorable man who doesn’t succumb to conventions. Thank you, God! 🙏
Great points. I plan to be online as well, but providing a physical space for those who want to avoid Amazon is ultimately my goal. Toys, etc.(for all ages) is my focus. Are they necessary? No. But always sought after, even through most difficult times.