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Nailed it!
Preatty sure that’s a horey marmot not a beaver! I know a thing or two about beavers after all I am Canadian.
What a absolute shocker! Who would have thought?
Flush it!
I think I had it December 26, 2019 was at my 82 year old mothers. All family was coughing, then me on the 26th wicked fever lasted four days. Normal after that but could hardly talk for two months!
No comment! 😕
Shaking angry right now!
Um does it really matter? losing faith fast all the cops are on other team!
Any chance it will get rid of commies?
Wtf why is stickied?
Fuck Biden!
Holy Chit!
Let’s hope my intellect brothers an sisters!
That link broke my ears!
That’s a tough one
Great collection
Ted Cruz was born in Calgary but his parents were Americans working here!
Omfg! Ty OP post for timeline 8 hrs
Heart breaking!
Mind blowing how brazen these commies are and get away with it!
Sorry for sideways
He’s groping a ten year old, disgusting pos!
Nailed it!