I heard he was on PBD talking about the white replacement & called out the jews..... so, not surprised.
I don't care for his lifestyle at all. And I do not think he should be propped up as someone to emulate but being a sinner isn't the same as being a criminal.
Ummm..... 'keep you enemies closer' comes to mind. What a silly statement.
I consider myself purple pilled. I have hope that no matter what happens with Trump and the cabal's battling, our republican & democratic men will not back down to any authoritarian or totalitarian rule.
I wonder what they do with all the chicken carcasses? If they are so contaminated, shouldn't this be a top priority? And therefore a big deal, something they'd normally brag about? I mean, if it were true. The sickness.
Does it matter?? Blacks cause a lot of unnecessary problems. I'm fine with anyone being racist to anyone they choose. That's why they make vanilla and chocolate. We all don't like the same flavors. I personally prefer my own kind. Does that mean I wish death on everyone who doesn't look like me? Of course not. I appreciate all cultures but it doesn't mean I want them next door to me.
I don't think he won the first election.